Clapsteel O'Neal
put a red dot on your head like a hindu
the first two episodes have been
but THIS episode had me like 

(the machete scene caught me waaaay off guard lol)
that raff/raif/rafe character has been the best side character since kamale. Tbh just off the strength of this episode that rafe character is top 3 in the whole series.
Bad thing about why I like him so much is cos he reminds me of two of my cousins
Can't wait for the finale next week

that raff/raif/rafe character has been the best side character since kamale. Tbh just off the strength of this episode that rafe character is top 3 in the whole series.
Bad thing about why I like him so much is cos he reminds me of two of my cousins

Can't wait for the finale next week