Tom Joyner offers Rachel Jeantel a FULL SCHOLARSHIP to any HBCU - (Trayvon Martin)

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
My dude all I will say is that you are sheltered as hell.

Do you think an Ivy League school like Harvard is the real world? fukk no, but you will only come down on HBCUs for such.

If you ever stepped foot on an HBCU campus and seriously communicated with the people instead of just thinking black = substandard, you'd realize how many prolific minds come from these institutions.

I'd go as far as to say that most of your old money in the black community comes from those educated at HBCUs. I know plenty of people who go to HBCUs who could have went to any school they wanted to in this country whether by merit or their parent's pockets and conncetions. I had Ivy League schools gettin' at me just based of my PSAT scores, I could give a fukk about an ivy league tho and thats the story for a lot of people at HBCUs. The network of an HBCU for black people, is dead real, which is why when you go to cities like Atlanta and DC and NYC and Chicago, your biggest movers and shakers are black people from HBCUs. Pretty much every big person in Atlanta I know went to an HBCU or only has a real network because of HBCU alum that they associate with.

At a PWI, a black person will always be second choice. You will not have the strongness of the network as your white counterparts, point blank period. A girl like Rachel would be socially outcasted. She never has a chance at their good ole boy club, even without the drama of this case. Why should she be so thirsty for their ice?

I don't need a white man's connections. I have my own. I understand if you don't though. You probably think that black guy who joined the white frat and was made to dress up like a pimp was doing something positive or some shyt. Lol.

Ace Money

All Star
May 28, 2012
I'm 30, :flabbynsick:, and got 59 certs. You think those 19 year old hoes will fukk with me :lupe:

:dead: From what I can remember everybody ate well that weekend.:ahh: Seeing as how it's homecoming, your bound to bump into some older female


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
I don't know what to think about this. I guess it's a nice offer since we all know she is dumb as rocks to begin with but, I just conflicted on this shyt. Why the fukk is she getting rewarded in the first place? What the fukk did she do what was so deserving of this gift. Did he do it out of pity because she went on the stand and convinced the world that Trayvon associated himself with her fukking ass? You know that's why they found Zimmerman innocent. They figured birds of a feather flock together and her ghetto ass made those white folks afraid. I don't care if English is 2nd language. Tom Joyner doesn't need to give her shyt. Stop rewarding this bullshyt.


May 20, 2012
I don't know what to think about this. I guess it's a nice offer since we all know she is dumb as rocks to begin with but, I just conflicted on this shyt. Why the fukk is she getting rewarded in the first place? What the fukk did she do what was so deserving of this gift. Did he do it out of pity because she went on the stand and convinced the world that Trayvon associated himself with her fukking ass? You know that's why they found Zimmerman innocent. They figured birds of a feather flock together and her ghetto ass made those white folks afraid. I don't care if English is 2nd language. Tom Joyner doesn't need to give her shyt. Stop rewarding this bullshyt.

Its a celebration of ignorance. And lets be clear, Rachael is about as ignorant as they come. And there is never an excuse for ignorance. Being poor isnt an excuse neither is being an immigrant or growing up in the "hood". Even if through no fault of her own sometimes how you were taught and how you were raised can be wrong. Ask paula deen. That bull$hit excuse of thats just where she comes from and how she was raised in southern culture doesnt excuse her ignorance so why use that argument to defend ratcheal ignorance.

Claiming she is just a product of her environment is an insult to all the hard working literate and educated blacks and black immigrants who came from the same circumstances. Theie are kids in nigeria right now with no running water and eletricity but will read and educate themselves by candlelight if hey have too. English is not their primary language but they speak proper and coherent unlike rachael. No excuse for ignorance...


May 17, 2012
the internet
My dude all I will say is that you are sheltered as hell.

Do you think an Ivy League school like Harvard is the real world? fukk no, but you will only come down on HBCUs for such.

If you ever stepped foot on an HBCU campus and seriously communicated with the people instead of just thinking black = substandard, you'd realize how many prolific minds come from these institutions.

I'd go as far as to say that most of your old money in the black community comes from those educated at HBCUs. I know plenty of people who go to HBCUs who could have went to any school they wanted to in this country whether by merit or their parent's pockets and conncetions. I had Ivy League schools gettin' at me just based of my PSAT scores, I could give a fukk about an ivy league tho and thats the story for a lot of people at HBCUs. The network of an HBCU for black people, is dead real, which is why when you go to cities like Atlanta and DC and NYC and Chicago, your biggest movers and shakers are black people from HBCUs. Pretty much every big person in Atlanta I know went to an HBCU or only has a real network because of HBCU alum that they associate with.

At a PWI, a black person will always be second choice. You will not have the strongness of the network as your white counterparts, point blank period. A girl like Rachel would be socially outcasted. She never has a chance at their good ole boy club, even without the drama of this case. Why should she be so thirsty for their ice?

I don't need a white man's connections. I have my own. I understand if you don't though. You probably think that black guy who joined the white frat and was made to dress up like a pimp was doing something positive or some shyt. Lol.
haha....bruh, im probably one of the least sheltered people on this site.

I had an long term girlfriend that went to TSU, and Morgan State. I spent a lot of time at Morgan well has Howard.
and I also spent a good amount of time on the campus of Princeton.

Unlike most of you ive actually been around different types of people.

Black people need to stop being so scared, and fukking compete! nikkas are scared to even play the game cuz "cuz its mastas game". fukk out here. We need our brightest on the biggest stages. Always so concerned w/ being comfortable and safe.


Jun 23, 2012
I don't know what to think about this. I guess it's a nice offer since we all know she is dumb as rocks to begin with but, I just conflicted on this shyt. Why the fukk is she getting rewarded in the first place? What the fukk did she do what was so deserving of this gift. Did he do it out of pity because she went on the stand and convinced the world that Trayvon associated himself with her fukking ass? You know that's why they found Zimmerman innocent. They figured birds of a feather flock together and her ghetto ass made those white folks afraid. I don't care if English is 2nd language. Tom Joyner doesn't need to give her shyt. Stop rewarding this bullshyt.

Not being able to string together a complete sentence is "doing enough" to be rewarded an education. She clearly needs better guidance as what she's had thus far is SEVERELY lacking. So maybe Tom Joyner, like others, myself included, found it painful to see a person of color be on the witness stand and not be able to properly communicate. That's a huge problem in all aspects of her life, unless she just opts not to talk to anyone. Those are people that deserve help the most. WHAT THE fukk IS WRONG WITH YALL!?!?!?


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Unlike most of you ive actually been around different types of people.
:ld: You don't know what I've/or anyone else has been around though. I actually went to one of the most diverse charter schools in the Atlanta metro area from 4th grade and up and before then, I was enrolled in nothing but religious private schools with blacks and cacs as well.

I'm not the one treating white people as some sort of glass cased, prized novelty to show off (ie. this whole "Look how diverse I am!" shtick you're rolling with). You are. White people are simply nothing but people to me.

We need our brightest on the biggest stages.

And according to you, the best and the biggest is a white man's stage in your opinion. I'm only repeating what you've said yourself.

Frankly breh, you're just simply becoming a race troll. Outside of your post from +5 years ago about you getting punked for iPod, outside of your recent racial shtick you've decided to undertake for attention, you really don't deserve any of my time.

Your whole steeze is just some bigging up white people and on some "black people are just mad cause they haven't achieved enough to connect with white people" ish. So here's your ignore breh breh. :yeshrug:

MR. Conclusion

All Star
May 30, 2012
This is a tough one. A scholarship is supposed to be a reward for hard work and educational excellence, two things we have no evidence of her accomplishing. Add to that the fact that she didn't even try to present herself in a favorable capacity in an effort to ensure that Trayvon's killer goes to jail, I have to ask the question:

What the hell are we rewarding her for?

*edit* He's rewarding her not "we", so he's entitled to do whatever he wants with his money.

My issue comes down to the perception that I have of her "effort" she gave during her testimony. She came off as someone who did not give a shyt about making sure he was convicted. I feel like he's rewarding a person who dropped the ball, a person who isn't exactly college scholarship material to start with. I don't know why. Maybe it's because he was embarrassed for her.

I can't shake that image of her tweeting #courtnails out of my head. Hopefully if she does accept (which would be crazy if she didn't), the school environment can give her the chance to get her mind right.

Jun 11, 2012
I saw Richelle Carey tweet this

The Savvy Sista: Tom Joyner offers Rachel Jeantel a FULL SCHOLARSHIP to any HBCU

Rachel Jeantel, the witness that was the last one to speak to Trayvon Martin, was offered a wonder surprise by the 'Hardest working Man in Radio' Mr. Tom Joyner.

Tom Joyner offered Jeantel help with acquiring her GED as well as preparatory assistance with the SAT. His offer didn't stop there. He then proceeded to offer her a full scholarship to any HBCU she wishes to attend.




May 17, 2012
the internet
:ld: You don't know what I've/or anyone else has been around though. I actually went to one of the most diverse charter schools in the Atlanta metro area from 4th grade and up and before then, I was enrolled in nothing but religious private schools with blacks and cacs as well.

I'm not the one treating white people as some sort of glass cased, prized novelty to show off (ie. this whole "Look how diverse I am!" shtick you're rolling with). You are. White people are simply nothing but people to me.

And according to you, the best and the biggest is a white man's stage in your opinion. I'm only repeating what you've said yourself.

Frankly breh, you're just simply becoming a race troll. Outside of your post from +5 years ago about you getting punked for iPod, outside of your recent racial shtick you've decided to undertake for attention, you really don't deserve any of my time.

Your whole steeze is just some bigging up white people and on some "black people are just mad cause they haven't achieved enough to connect with white people" ish. So here's your ignore breh breh. :yeshrug:
smh....nobody is talking about "the white mans stage".
Breh non HBCUs are just regular ass schools. Im talking about people from every type of race and all over the world.

Im not bigging up the white just stating facts that the brightest people are going to these other schools...thats a fact. Stop taking everything so personal, and everything that isnt "pro black" isnt anti black.

There is no argument when it comes to the fact that the best programs are in non HBCU schools. Why do you want black people to be secluded? Its not real life...real life has people w/ other views and beliefs.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
haha....bruh, im probably one of the least sheltered people on this site.

I had an long term girlfriend that went to TSU, and Morgan State. I spent a lot of time at Morgan well has Howard.
and I also spent a good amount of time on the campus of Princeton.

Unlike most of you ive actually been around different types of people.

Black people need to stop being so scared, and fukking compete! nikkas are scared to even play the game cuz "cuz its mastas game". fukk out here. We need our brightest on the biggest stages. Always so concerned w/ being comfortable and safe.

Most of who ?

Who the fukk are you talking to in my thread when you say 'unlike most of you I've been around different types of people'. Do you know who the people behind the screen are for you to say that type of fukking bullshyt.

You do realize that many of us in thread (including me) don't even live in the USA so miss me with that fukking 'most of you' bull shyt. I'm pretty sure that in my time living in London, Paris and now Berlin. I have been around people you would not even fathom.

But you come into my thread on your Uncle Tom bullshyt speaking about 'most of you' do you know @DaChampIsHere or any of us in the forum to pull the 'most of you' line.

Because you're on a black men's forum you've come with that generalizing bullshyt not knowing who fukk is behind the screen speaking about the fact you have been around non blacks in the USA you think you're more advanced.

Get you and your uncle Tom thinking the fukk out of my thread and miss me with that 'most of you' shyt.

If you're going to get on your fake high horse in my thread get the fukk out OR I'll have a mod ban you from it.

I ain't got time after this case for the bullshyt ass people on this board with their 'most of you' nonsense. fukking Uncle Tom dikk heads.
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