Movie was decent, "turn your brain off" all-around entertainment. Cruise is still the best leading man in Hollywood when it comes to blockbuster fare like this, shytting on all these uncharismatic new guys with that old school swag. But I'm ashamed to see this thread is four pages deep with no mention of Bill Paxton having perhaps the most Bill Paxton-y performance since Aliens. Dude was friggin' hilarious in this. Ending was weak-sauce but I expected it to happen very early on giving that the studio repeatedly reshot and recut the movie a shytload of times and Tom Cruise likes to play it safe as well, so it didn't bother me as much as it should bother me, but it did bother me more that half of J-squad was pretty much written out of the final battle without any elaboration on what happened to them. Oh right, they died off-screen in the laziest storytelling way possible.