Super Cheech
I Feel So Westcoast
This episode was great.
He felt too cartoony with how chaotic he was written. Versus how other characters are presentedThis Hayama ending was done so poorly. What a shame
How they dealt with his demise was even cornier imo. Was no real build up for everyone to turn on him collectively like that. Sato’s brother just saying “he killed someone in the mountains” and sato agree was all it took? Even if he was being problematic I would’ve liked an episode of him alienating the gang a little more, before their decision to murder himHe felt too cartoony with how chaotic he was written. Versus how other characters are presented
Everything about the elevation of Sato's brother bothered me. He's bumped completely over a bunch of the "young boys". His dialogue in the bath house was also cringe. The way the entire clan shifted immediately on Sato the previous episode didn't make sense. But, I guess how they immediately reverted and did it again this episode is equally shameful. Guess that just serves to show how bad ass Ishida was to have them fools completely in lockstep.How they dealt with his demise was even cornier imo. Was no real build up for everyone to turn on him collectively like that. Sato’s brother just saying “he killed someone in the mountains” and sato agree was all it took? Even if he was being problematic I would’ve liked an episode of him alienating the gang a little more, before their decision to murder him
They already wasn't fukking with him before that.How they dealt with his demise was even cornier imo. Was no real build up for everyone to turn on him collectively like that. Sato’s brother just saying “he killed someone in the mountains” and sato agree was all it took? Even if he was being problematic I would’ve liked an episode of him alienating the gang a little more, before their decision to murder him
Oh yeah..I forgot to mention his wife.........I got a thing for women that have power like that.....Tozawa's wife had me onI think his wife will lead to his downfall, if she doesn’t outright kill him herself.
That scene with Sam and the fake rich cat was the worst scene in the whole show's run...good lawd
Hayama from start to finish felt out of place and added nothing except speeding up ol boy to takeover
I also highly doubt Tozawa is bribing that fed...he most likely an informant cause if not...that's a jump the shark moment
yeah, I keep returning to the shows portrayal of violence, it just seems so soft. So Netflix esque. That kind of sanded off algorthmic content. The director has a great sense of visual style, colors, but whenever he does a shooting, or a beating, it just feels so soft. I'll have some more thoughts later.
the writing got really obvious and sloppy in some parts. There was a scene a few episodes back when Ishdia was like take this money and go buy guns and pulls out a little black weekend bag. It just didn't have the feel of authenticity to it. which was what really anchored the shows first 5 or so episodes in Season 1.
How they dealt with his demise was even cornier imo. Was no real build up for everyone to turn on him collectively like that. Sato’s brother just saying “he killed someone in the mountains” and sato agree was all it took? Even if he was being problematic I would’ve liked an episode of him alienating the gang a little more, before their decision to murder him
As @FreedMind said above, once I saw the Hayama scene I somewhat feel that this show is wrapping up after this season. Banished for half of the previous episode then halfway into this one you're back to administer payback?....Really should've been a multi-episode power struggle because that in itself is a whole storyline. Shoot look how long Tozawa's power struggle has been simmering.....The series did have a good setup to be a nice 4-5 season show with a slow buildup, but something went awry...Hollywood politics and shyt I suppose. Cause they ruined it. I think the directors are trying to salvage it, but their vision is getting ruined.Also, the writing and direction was so poorly done, that it really seemed to be, in both scenes, when he "banished him", and when he returned, that the entire crew was more with Sato. And so, his brother speaking up, just felt odd. It seemed like Sato had the upper hand in each scene. The Hayama character was very badly done. There was enough screen time for him to be better developed or personified a little better.
As @FreedMind said above, once I saw the Hayama scene I somewhat feel that this show is wrapping up after this season. Banished for half of the previous episode then halfway into this one you're back to administer payback?....Really should've been a multi-episode power struggle because that in itself is a whole storyline. Shoot look how long Tozawa's power struggle has been simmering.....The series did have a good setup to be a nice 4-5 season show with a slow buildup, but something went awry...Hollywood politics and shyt I suppose. Cause they ruined it. I think the directors are trying to salvage it, but their vision is getting ruined.
Show feels made by someone whose only experience with violence comes from what they've seen in movies. Not saying you have to be a gangster to make gangster shows/movies or violent flicks, but I do think being around it (different than being in it) helps with the portrayals especially if you're going for a grounded & realistic approach with the other subjects in the show.
If the violence is gonna be campy, then the whole show needs to be so scenes like the bathhouse scene don't stick out so badly. Eastern Promises does the same bathhouse scene but it's handled far more superiorly and manages not to stray away from the overall vibe of the film.