Tozawa the MVP 

This underboss is a fukk up. Poor choice by the Oyaban.
Yeah, dude is just irritating.This underboss is a fukk up. Poor choice by the Oyaban.
part of it too is I think they let him win over the brother too easy, like you said show him to be a real charmer when he wants to beThe issue with the Hayama character is he lacks tension. A better script would have had a likable charming/smart character who slowly starts causing chaos, because of a resentments, or entitlement or whatever it is. This script has him essentially to serve as the bad guy to contrast Sato's relative "goodness". He doesn't seem sharp or even competent.
rightpart of it too is I think they let him win over the brother too easy, like you said show him to be a real charmer when he wants to be
The show still feels kind of uneven, and tonally/quality inconsistent, maybe this is only my perception/bias, but I feel like I can tell different writers/different directors, different directions in the scenes.
Of course some of this is just my preferences, but there will be a scene like the Backstreet karaoke one, the way that was shot, the lack of focus on dialouge, the visuals and colors, and just exploring a world that is unknown, as in a crew of Yakuza gangsters listening to American pop in a club at 3:00 in the morning. That's dope. That's a funny, foreboding, authentic scene. Even all the scenes where they eat are dope lol
And then there will be kind of cheesy scenes, kind of really cheesy scenes, like the raid on the Yakuza tower. The lines seem out of action movies. The violence seems out of C list network TV dramas. When the guy points the gun at him. That was bad. Not worthy of the show or it's better moments.
And then the kind of semi overplotted parts, I understand that any or most gangster shows are going to traffic heavy in cliches. The Hayama character for one. There's no real tension there, because we can all see right away, he's a "bad bad guy". He's not funny or charming, or even an intelligent gangster. He's just there to be the bad guy. Sam's club is interesting and a good source of drama and tension, for many reasons, but some of the elements they are going with, just less than believable, even being generous
1: That Sam would blatantly defy the Yakuza orders from Sato, because she's a badass businesswoman.
2: That Sato would not further explain his/Yakuza position, when he asks her to not fire the girl, just says ok and walks out
3: That it would NOT be easier and more efficient to threaten/intimidate the guy directly instead of all the spy stuff
and yes, the entire subplot with Jake and the gangster's girlfriend is absurd, self serving, vanity nonsense. The whole scene where he asks her to come to Missouri with him? Meet his family? What? Horrible scene. Where she storms out of the party. Genre fiction like a show called Tokyo Vice has to perform those cliches and conventions at a very very high level to overcome them, and this doesn't always do that.
He already had that though from the first season with Yoshirio. So why not introduce a merchant of pure chaos?right
Have him be someone that Sato even LIKES and respects. And maybe even vice versa. but that's more complicated both writing and acting wise, and for an audience to interpret.
that was kind of how the Sopranos Season5 played it.
Same. I'm not super into Jake's "Biker Storyline" but overall definitely like what's going on in Season 2. Wish HBO would give it some more pub, and actually put it on the channel. I think it's got legs.Haven't seen the 4th episode yet, but I'm definitely enjoying this 2nd season more than the first.