Talk shyt about Pool Guy and think your shyt gonna pop.

I hope Spawn pops but dont go sneak dissin Deadpool.
Dont do that!

I hope Spawn pops but dont go sneak dissin Deadpool.
Dont do that!
Hell nah Spawn legitimately needs a decent 50+mill for HIS armor and cape alone with it being sentient10 mil budget, no way can this movie be made properly on that budget
"Now I made him scream and scream and scream..This would work much better as a Netflix series....make season 1 follow the subplot with that pedophile/serial killer ice cream guy. shyt wasthe first time I read it.
it was better than the movie, but im extremely geeked for thisHope it turns out great.
I absolutely love the HBO animated show. That was the peak of spawn
I still have that comic somewhere in a box."Now I made him scream and scream and scream.."
I read on Wikipedia that the budget for the first Spawn film was $40 million so I am not sure what he plans to do with $10 million.soon as i read "10 million dollar budget" i immediately lost hope. There's no way they can properly even show spawn with 10 million. acting will be trash as well cuz u cant afford anyone good