My comment about 154 was specifically to address your contention that Floyd could compete at 154, he can't and he never really has been able to compete at the top level of 154. So if you paid attention you would see I talked about 154 and 147.
My point isn't about him calling them out, its simply about him never fighting the top fighters at 154. Simple as that.
He can't compete with the best at 154, and he would have difficulty competting with the best at 147 due to youth and the skill level and his faded atheleticism and physicality.
If you are arguing with me you are arguing against what Floyd said himself, so either accept the truth or move on, no need crying to me about it.
I don't base anything off the fight last night, simply the age and time factor, he was declining in the Maidana fights and he was slower than I ever seen in the Berto fight, he hasn't gotten better since then and the division has improved talent wise.