TLR, in the immortal words of Genocide Joe Biden "YOU AINT BLACK"...

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
That’s reality. Gaza/Israel, as heartbreaking and frustrating as the issue is, is a sidebar to our own problems.
Any other election, I'd agree. It's just been abundantly clear that our democratic process has been compromised. I won't be part of it.

There is no fukking way our country is set to spend more on debt interest than defense spending and think that trump or biden can fix that in 4 years.
We have sent 100 billion+ to other countries instead of spending it here; how many more billions of SLD could be canceled with that money? Why didnt Joe bypass congress for that instead of sending money to Ukraine and Israel?
We're killing competition for EVs while also sending subsidies to manufacturers here for stock buybacks.
Women are losing reproductive rights NOW; under the Biden administration.
Trump is openly calling for deportation of students. He's calling for more police support. But we already know what he is.

Four years ago, I was ready for Biden to be president. I wanted Bernie, like most people my age, but we got Biden and that was better than Trump.
Now it's fukk both of em. And I'm not alone, there are millions who will sit out. I won't; I'm voting Cornell West. I'd rather participate and voice my discontent than sit out and blame myself for not even trying.

man shut the fukk up, why didn't trump? wasn't that part of the whole drain the swamp bullshyt?

obama was fighting the republicans with both hands tied behind his back and blindfolded. dems were soft as charmin, too.

what did you think the nikka was going to do as the first black president? let the nina sing on some executive orders?

cacs were wilding cause this man dapped up is wife. :dahell:
there was a media frenzy cause he wore a tan suit :what:

he said trayvon wouldve looked like his son, if he had one. people were going crazy calling him a racist. :dwillhuh:

what the fukk do you think would happen if he actually went savage mode like trump? :stopitslime:

you trump fakkits and agents really are remedial.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
What if all black people said "we are voting for Cornell,if you dont want Trump to win,you will also vote Cornell:ufdup:"

The left always preaches lesser of two evils right? Its time the white left backed our pick of the lesser of two evils.

Seems like a fair comprimise to me. Yall want us to vote so bad,fine lets all vote Cornell#CornellOrNothing:wow:

Now go,take your asses to reddit and go preach and berate those white boys like you do us. If they dont want Trump to win,they would vote Cornell. But I think deep down yall know that would expose the white liberal ,who yall protect tooth and nail like sambos:respect:

Your Welcome

Hear Too Help
May 24, 2012
Grand opening. Grand closing. If only black people weren't so eager to impress cacs and show we can be agreeable to them so we can get this right wing propaganda the fukk off this board. But we can't cus we don't want to give white folks the impression that we are a united, threatening "monolith" of a people to be respected. So we have to entertain pro-Trump c00ns running obvious agendas and pretend these are cerebral thinkers.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Grand opening. Grand closing. If only black people weren't so eager to impress cacs and show we can be agreeable to them so we can get this right wing propaganda the fukk off this board. But we can't cus we don't want to give white folks the impression that we are a united, threatening "monolith" of a people to be respected. So we have to entertain pro-Trump c00ns running obvious agendas and pretend these are cerebral thinkers.
There are real Black Americans who have legit economic, societal and foreign policy grievances like @ORDER_66 and then there are African trolls like OP who are upset their parents ran away from the homeland and assuage their generational shame by playing online revolutionary and hoping for the downfall of Americans. They also despise Black Americans and Black American culture. Go through OPs post history and you will see how he hates Bkack Americans.
That ban bet is still on, CAC.

You're out here caping for jews and have the gall to call anyone else an agent :mjlol:

Post your passport. You should have one since you claim to not live in America.


May 8, 2012
Cobb County
...If you don't vote for Dr. Cornel West

Why? Cause these are the alternatives

People's pockets are hurting, border is mess, student loan debts are crippling people, mass homelessness

But THIS is what BOTH dems and reps are focused on. Hosting a war criminal and cracking down on antisemitism on campuses. Threatening kids and international law

VOTE WEST 2024 and sleep at night knowing you did your part to change things


Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
If you aren't motivated to upset these white supremacists and sabotage their dreams this upcoming November by voting against their new white savior trump then you ain't black.:pacspit:
I'm motivated to stop spending my tax money on bullshyt and for reparations

Dr. West has given me that motivation :yeshrug:

If you want to vote for Biden, go ahead. But I urge ALL black people to vote for Dr. West

What if all black people said "we are voting for Cornell,if you dont want Trump to win,you will also vote Cornell:ufdup:"

The left always preaches lesser of two evils right? Its time the white left backed our pick of the lesser of two evils.

Seems like a fair comprimise to me. Yall want us to vote so bad,fine lets all vote Cornell#CornellOrNothing:wow:

Now go,take your asses to reddit and go preach and berate those white boys like you do us. If they dont want Trump to win,they would vote Cornell. But I think deep down yall know that would expose the white liberal ,who yall protect tooth and nail like sambos:respect:

We are the most important voting bloc and we get crumbs and pandering every 4 years. Where are the lectures for White Women who bushed Clinton in 2016? How about white men who consistently vote Trump?

Look at the exit polls from last election. Black people basically held this country together. What was our reward for voting overwhelmingly blue? Pandering at black churches? Biden giving a speech at Morehouse because "they don't care about Gaza"?


Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
There are real Black Americans who have legit economic, societal and foreign policy grievances like @ORDER_66 and then there are African trolls like OP who are upset their parents ran away from the homeland and assuage their generational shame by playing online revolutionary and hoping for the downfall of Americans. They also despise Black Americans and Black American culture. Go through OPs post history and you will see how he hates Bkack Americans.

Post your passport. You should have one since you claim to not live in America.

Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s @Nkrumah Was Right alt account.

I had a different poster in mind when I made this post but it could also be applied to OP

When you pull back the cover you'll notice some of the "free Palestine no vote" crowd on here don't really seem to care about domestic issues that effect black people in America.

Go ahead and pick one and see how many posts they have talking about affirmative action or voting rights. You'll also never really know what state they live in or perhaps if they live in the states at all

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
@Seoul Gleou and @Toussaint ya'll should have a a ban bet .

These clowns always want to sneak diss. But when you pull up, they cop pleas and juelz.

@Toussaint, I'll post my passport, with my hand on it, and proof of date in this thread. TODAY. But I want you to tag 3 mods and ask for a ban.
If I'm not black, you win and I ask for a ban.

This is a Ban Bet challenge. I'll even show my face and everything to @Neuromancer; he can be the intermediary

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I'm motivated to stop spending my tax money on bullshyt and for reparations

Dr. West has given me that motivation :yeshrug:

If you want to vote for Biden, go ahead. But I urge ALL black people to vote for Dr. West


We are the most important voting bloc and we get crumbs and pandering every 4 years. Where are the lectures for White Women who bushed Clinton in 2016? How about white men who consistently vote Trump?

Look at the exit polls from last election. Black people basically held this country together. What was our reward for voting overwhelmingly blue? Pandering at black churches? Biden giving a speech at Morehouse because "they don't care about Gaza"?


Said he had our back,then soon as he got in the white house told his black ambassadors "Yall need to start focusing on latinos:ufdup:". In a very rude tone as well I might add:picard:.

Low and behold 4 years later,we see who has actually been given alot of focus and who hasnt. So he was telling you about the transition years ago. So i have zero respect for people who heard what he said,saw how its playing out. Yet still dikk eating and pretending they couldnt have an agenda focusing on black people. Just like they clearly created an agenda to focus on latinos and we see it playing out in real time. As they even have taken precedent over black people in certain locations. Congrats latino americans and illegal americans,you got the juice now. Hopefully you vote for them at a clip better than 66% in the future. Its on you to be there most loyal voter base and supporters now:respect:


SOHH Vet since 2002
May 2, 2013
If seeing Donald Trump, his white nationalist supporters, and his white nationalist agenda lose this November don't bring you nothing but joy, then yeah, I have to agree. I question if you're black or at the very least if you give a shyt about black people, which yall obviously don't when you're pushing anything possible to get a white nationalist icon back into the white house.

Some of us arent fake-militant, overcompensating, bandwagon jumping cowards who cave to silly, immature peer pressure. I am not wasting my vote on a 3rd party candidate. I'm voting Democrat up and down that motherfukker. Im filling in that bubble for Joe Biden instead of Trump, just as most Americans plan to do, and I'm gonna love watching you right wing MAGA c00ns, #FBA, and your Proud Boy, redneck conservative buddies cry all night.

And no, youre not gonna shame me into thinking Im somehow betraying black people or.sucking up to white supremacy by doing so. That might work on some impressionable idiots that cant think for themselves, but not me.

Eat shyt, MAGA c00n. Can't wait for your white power hero to get thrown in jail.

I agree with everything you said, I would vote for Cornel West if he actually had a chance to win but it would be a useless gesture, so I'm voting for Biden because I believe he is the lesser of two evils compared to Trump.

Unfortunately I think Trump is going to win this election

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
I agree with everything you said, I would vote for Cornel West if he actually had a chance to win but it would be a useless gesture, so I'm voting for Biden because I believe he is the lesser of two evils compared to Trump.

Unfortunately I think Trump is going to win this election
If you think Trump will win, isn't voting Biden a useless gesture, too?

I'm genuinely asking. What difference will it make if you yourself think they'll both lose? And if there are 2 evils, why not vote for a third good?