“ TLR hates black women”

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
That’s my problem here. It’s not like a lot of young black men are participating in passportbros or SYSBM. I’m 20 and both groups disgust me because it’s a bunch of old men with issues bringing their insecurity to other races of women.

I can go on YouTube or Twitter or r/blackladies, or maybe even LSA and see black women my age or younger posting like a divestor. Tiktok is the worse offense, we get threads about young :mjpls: black women on tiktok every month.

Not saying young black guys are perfect angels on TikTok, but I actually have to actively search for them being a$$holes and when I do they get checked hard by other races of women, other races of men, BLACK MEN, and black women. Black women don’t.

It's funny the simps, mama's boy, performative pro blacks, p*ssyless simps will be quick to brand any critique of a bedwench as "hating black women" but will INTENTIONALLY IGNORE and have no problem with "nikkas aint shyt" culture, mainstream divestors and bedwenches on this site making anti black male comments.

Remember that therapist that was shytting on black men about a month ago?, they were in their defending her :russ:

Hell Nicole has ever posted receipts IN THIS THREAD and the mama's boys suddenly don't know how to read things anymore :mjlol:

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
See y’all expect so little of men who ain’t shyt, but a lot more is expected of women who aren’t shyt. In nothing you said was there any mention of the kind of women they are, outside of some of them being educated. Educated doesn’t mean they aren’t scummy women, poor decision makers or good candidates to seed up. Y’all refuse to believe that a lot of these women end up with those men for a reason—they usually got their scummy ways too.

I don’t care if a man is bad, good, square or a motherfukking circle. He is just as responsible for his role in creating his seed, as the women. And if y’all expect her to rise above how scummy she is and make better decisions, then it stands that these ain’t shyt men can do the same.

And let me throw something back at you: if after all this time, these women still are not choosing who y’all think they should and aren’t doing a good job raising boys, then it’s beyond me on why y’all still keep expecting as much from them as y’all do while not seeming to expect much from the men. :francis: At some point, it’s okay to acknowledge both messed up and are equally at fault.

And I didn’t say the bolded….
We don’t expect anything from the men who ain’t shyt because we know they ain’t shyt and aren't the men who are going to propel our community forward.

Other communities generally don’t give a fukk about their bottom feeders.

I didn’t mention the “type” of women getting pregnant by these guys because we already know it’s a significant portion of black women, so it’s obvious it’s more than just “one type”.

You have street nikkas getting hoodrats and college educated women in our community pregnant and leaving them unwed single mothers. This is a fact.

I brought up the fact that it happens with educated women because I’m trying to make the point that, many black women act as if they can’t find an educated black man.

But you have black women who are on campus around black men seeking to better themselves so they provide for a family, and by proxy a community, but somehow these broads still end up having the thug nikka’s baby.

Hmmm. :jbhmm:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
This chick was “close to 40” in 2016. She’s damn near 50 years old now and still complaining about men online

  1. Dating people with kids

    Over 30 and under 40. Closer to 40.Wtf???!! Bytch, why the f do you still post here - go read a book or go volunteer somewhere, how do you not leveL up mentally to be projecting your personal dating angst at 45+ 😭☠️ This chick needs to set an example and she’s out here stilllll being a part of the problem. Fukked up priorities - ugly bytch issues.
Apr 30, 2012
Criticism of BW = Hate to the performative pro-black 'protect our angelic, goddess queens', 'always vote democrat', 'white liberal's pet', shills.

The socio-political paradigm pendulum has swung the other way. The performative pro-black 'protect our angelic, goddess queens', 'always vote democrat', 'white liberal's pet', shills of thecoli are looking very outdated and have no way to counter the trend.

In other words to the hyenas, chameleons, the scraggles... It's over for you. The boys are back in town.
This is some damn dog-whistling, right-wing, propagandizing bullshyt if I've ever seen it.

If I'm not mistaken, "the boys are back in town" is actually a phrase used by white [male] nationalists for their cause, and even if I were to give you the benefit of the doubt that you simply thought this was illustrative of your point, and a good way to end it on, it's corny and no Black man (that's worth their weight in Gold) would ever utter this shyt. The boys are back in town, really, nxgga, on an anonymous msgboard?


Since the poster in question (@Dre God) is too much of a coward to defend his tomfoolery, can you entertain me on the below quotes and tell me exactly how they're constructive criticism and not coming from a heart that's black full of hate:

Black women are incredibly violent, are we all pretending they aren’t in order to not look like c00ns or something :mjlol:

Product of living in America.
Modern Black women with these corporate jobs are a separate race from Black men, and are all one promotion away from being full fledged divestors.
This era of whoredom got women with the sex appeal of a drainpipe selling nudes to incels.

I’m glad we are the last generation of humans.
We really gotta have a discussion one day about how Black women in America regardless of what part of the diaspora they’re from have become the most hateful group of women in history towards their own men.

Queen Mother g-ddess simps please stay out my notifs I said what I said.
Microcosm of what’s happening to our women.

In the other thread about cornball nikkas they was saying not all Black women like ratchet hood culture, and here we got the queen of the fake neo soul hairy armpit hoes twerking like just another hoodrat on stage.

I love being right on the internet

Modern Black women born after 85 are incapable of raising well rounded sons.

Your friend sounds smart OP.
By the time these simps wake up Black women will be considered an entirely separate race of people with a protected class status like native Americans
Disclaimer: don’t care if you neg me this is facts

Black women under 35 gonna be the number #1 females with monkeypox from sucking and fukking these non Harlem residents.

They love homos more than any one and openly be fukking gay men.

These new age Gen Z Black women are all about being as degenerate as possible through means of sex so they’ll definitely be spreading greyscale across the country by Christmas time.

Homophobic bytches about to make a comeback :banderas:

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
And these women in this video are square?

I got a bridge to sell you.

You know damn well. These women look to be on the same level as men they pick. Some of y’all just want to fukk them, but they don’t want to fukk you. Still doesn’t negate the fact that there are men in our community who are just like those females. If we did the same shyt and start posting up videos of gang Brehs and wanna be gang Brehs saying and doing stupid shyt, being irresponsible… then y’all deflect to: it’s not all of us.

Well no duh. But since y’all have no issue saying that we are the only group who had women doing xyz, while ignoring that we are also the only group that has Brehs doing xyz too… well then I’m just going to call that shyt out because you know damn well that there are Brehs in our community shooting each other up, joining gangs, merking women, supporting all the wrong shyt… and statistically the percentage rate of that within our community is higher than others.

Now y’all can act as if the majority of brehettes are one way, but y’all sure do hate when the same is applied to y’all.

Also men complain and act like victims when they make fukked up choices too. That’s just a part of nature.
You’re being disingenuous as fukk.

One of those videos is literally on a University campus, which proves the point that a lot of brehs are making.

Even when presented with the obviously better option (college educated black men) many black women will STILL choose a thug.

The rest of what you’re saying is a bunch of shaming language that isn’t going to work.

You’re trying to make it out like I’m just bitter or some shyt cause none of the hoes in that video would fukk me (not true) and we’re not going for that “oh you’re just an incel” shyt anymore around here. :camby:
Apr 30, 2012
To add on , you have bible thumping isolated fakkits on this site with ZERO LIFE SKILLS.

They feel woman should show no type of confidence but these be the same ones that are addicted to porn and know every white porn star but got the nerve to talk about women, specifically black women like they are garbage.

If you was to show this site from this past week to regular women in real life, it would embarrassing to even associate with this site.

I don't even want to say the whole site but TLR , there is something really wrong with some people on here.

Everyone has issues and go through bullshyt but there is some other shyt lingering in these folks hearts that is unsettling
Quoted, enlarged and put in bold for emphasis. They'll continue to ignore this. I guess it's much easier to deflect and point fingers at the bedwench/degenerate behavior from across the way to stop folks from digging up your backyard where all your bodies lay.

Jul 24, 2018
This is some damn dog-whistling, right-wing, propagandizing bullshyt if I've ever seen it.

If I'm not mistaken, "the boys are back in town" is actually a phrase used by white [male] nationalists for their cause, and even if I were to give you the benefit of the doubt that you simply thought this was illustrative of your point, and a good way to end it on, it's corny and no Black man (that's worth their weight in Gold) would ever utter this shyt. The boys are back in town, really, nxgga, on an anonymous msgboard?


Since the poster in question (@Dre God) is too much of a coward to defend his tomfoolery, can you entertain me on the below quotes and tell me exactly how they're constructive criticism and not coming from a heart that's black full of hate:
The quoted are typical performative pro-black simp responses:
1. "Everything I don't agree with is simply right-wing dog-whistling propaganda."
2. "You're not really black."

Truly pathetic.
Apr 30, 2012
The quoted are typical performative pro-black simp responses:
1. "Everything I don't agree with is simply right-wing dog-whistling propaganda."
You used these words, and I quote:

"Criticism of BW = Hate to the performative pro-black 'protect our angelic, goddess queens', 'always vote democrat', 'white liberal's pet', shills."

If not right-wing, dog-whistling nonsense, than what is it?

"The boys are back in town"

Again, another phrase used by neo-fascist crackas, so if not right-wing, dog-whistling nonsense, than what is it?

You know, even your weak ass attempt at deflection from addressing my critiques of your verbiage is right-wing in nature too.
2. "You're not really black."

Truly pathetic.
When you use white buzzwords and phrases, and attempt to wage a war with BW with your words, than yes, you do come under immediate question, particularly since you've been a member since 2018 and only had a few hundred posts. Anyone would think with they way you're speaking you've been through many a battle on this board fighting for survival to be heard.

I noticed how you didn't even attempt to address the posts I quoted, which tells me all I need to know about you.

Jul 24, 2018
You used these words, and I quote:

"Criticism of BW = Hate to the performative pro-black 'protect our angelic, goddess queens', 'always vote democrat', 'white liberal's pet', shills."

If not right-wing, dog-whistling nonsense, than what is it?

"The boys are back in town"

Again, another phrase used by neo-fascist crackas, so if not right-wing, dog-whistling nonsense, than what is it?

You know, even your weak ass attempt at deflection from addressing my critiques of your verbiage is right-wing in nature too.

When you use white buzzwords and phrases, and attempt to wage a war with BW with your words, than yes, you do come under immediate question, particularly since you've been a member since 2018 and only had a few hundred posts. Anyone would think with they way you're speaking you've been through many a battle on this board fighting for survival to be heard.

I noticed how you didn't even attempt to address the posts I quoted, which tells me all I need to know about you.

The performative pro-black simp is stuck in a feedback loop. His simpleton brain can't process that differing opinions don't make a person right-wing. And now he uses shytty psychology in a vain and arrogant attempt to psychoanalyse me. Then they wonder why nobody with half a brain wants to deal with them. The quoted post says it all. I will restate, You fools are so out of touch with ordinary black men that you truly think that anybody gives a shyt about your pathetic shaming tactics.

As for me not addressing the quotes from DreGod, that's between you and him. Think what you will about me, I don't care. My suggestion to you guys: Grow up and walk among everyday black men. It will help you convert us back to your side... But I doubt that you will.

Lay Z

May 24, 2022
If i can be a voice of reason for a sec here, i see it like this.

Like any community we have our issues, on both sides of the fence, male or female, and everything in between.

These issues need to be addressed and the internet could be a great place for these discussions.

In an ideal world.

But in an ideal world we wouldnt have these issues to begin with, so its probably best we live in the real world and move as such.

And in the real world any time we try to have a meaningful conversation, on a public platform that is not exclusively accessable to us, there are always going to be others with various agendas interjecting themselves and derailing the discussion, just to bash us(under the guise of "constructive criticism i.e. "concern trolling") at best, and more nefariously using the discussion to provoke us to bash each other, and drive the wedge between us even further apart. This is a very common and powerful war tactic we all familiar with called Divide and Conquer". Its nearly as old as war itself, and can be extremely devasting when executed effectively. Most recent example being what we are discussing right now.

Because anyone who believes the majority of these LSA/Coli/twitter incel/femcel/divestors etc are authentic black men and women are either willfully ignorant or dangerously stupid. And there in lies the problem. The reason this is such an effective strategy. The majority of society is, to put it bluntly....fukking retarded. Sad to say. But its the truth. And the only known pitfall of democracy. :francis:

And this is why some things are best discussed behind closed doors by genuinely well intentioned participants. Even if someone does make this thread with genuine good intentions, its never going to be discussed in good faith by the entirety or even the majority.
Apr 30, 2012
His simpleton brain can't process that differing opinions don't make a person right-wing

We are not going to play this game.

No amount of vague dead-ends and juking around your bullshyt by trying to throw this argument into a fire of minutiae is gonna save you.

This isn't about differing opinions, and the only man who cries foul on some bu-bu-but we've just got different opinions is one not to be trusted because he can't stand on his own two when being stepped to. Notice how not ONCE have you attempted to elaborate or clarify your position, but continually choose to take the path of least resistance - that speaks volumes. It's a telltale sign of someone who knows they're talking bullshyt, but knows if they open themselves up more, they'll be completely exposed.

Always vote democrat shills
White Liberal's pet shills
The boys are back in town

All are phrases in which are soaked in red, so again, why use them if you're not doing the legwork of the right-wing? Or are you too stupid to know you're doing such?
As for me not addressing the quotes from DreGod, that's between you and him. Think what you will about me, I don't care. My suggestion to you guys: Grow up and walk among everyday black men. It will help you convert us back to your side... But I doubt that you will.
Except it's not really just between me and him.

I'm highlighting to you the criticism that you speak of that goes on around here about BW, yet you turning a blind eye to the real nature of it all, is the more proof I need to know how you're approaching this topic with complete dishonesty. The actual constructive criticism about BW on this board makes up about 1% of the discourse, and the other 99% is a half-baked mixture of objectification and hate, with a teaspoon of fetishism (as it seems of those men in question treat BW purely as a vessel for their own gratification).


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I forget a lot of y’all are hypersexual.

The irony
Imagine a stripper who got bent over on backpage talking about having dating stock and investments when all she has to offer is diminished value. That’s like comparing JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs to a sperm bank.
Looks like the ladies are holding it down.

I just wanna add that its completely hypocritical for a community of men who do not marry in mass to shame BW for not being married and having children oow.

If BW stopped having child oow the AA population would drop by over 80% in 60 years. And as a reward for keeping the ethnicity going we're told were worthless by the same men we give life to. We are literally the only women who have to deal with this.
This is the same chick ^^ who posted her escort friends IG pages thinking she was trying to prove something until that backfired 😱🤭the dumbass literally exposed her own friend on a yacht full of men in Dubai- fast forward to 2022 has her making pop out appearances in thread trying to rebrand from her old post perspective . Tf, did she think we forgot??
Trips to Dubai with her man's man and them... ok:coffee: Happy wife, Happy life .. I guess.

I wonder if they all use the same butt doctor.... shyt looks wildly fake. @BlackPearl The Empress since your ass (no lesbo) is fake and surgically enhanced as well. Do yall all use the same doctor and do you consider that an investment or an asset??

@Wild self Remember this from Back in 2019


Ambitious family women she said. High key advertising services for her “friends”. Further research showed that The “family woman”with 2 kids and a husband was being passed around as a plaything on a Dubai yacht
These ladies use to dance and successfully linked up and started their own clothing store. The one on the white skirt is also a real estate agent.

There is one girls family. I believe she has her own hair salon too




The rings

There you go. Good night

Beautiful ambitious family women :hula:lonely bitter single mom

We know who most women would choose to be don't we. :funny:

And just in case you don't think they use to dance


No bytch - some of these dudes don’t hate women, they hate YOU because of what YOU do. Trying to reboot with new updates off her old software package 🤨 trying to make her 3rd edited username difficult to tag, so she can’t get called out
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