“ TLR hates black women”


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
The aftershocks caused by a certain female poster has these young men a little shell shocked and rattled:mjcry:. I hate to see them like this. But thecoli needed that g-check. I sense the landscape changing. The women usually let us rock. But I think the women have had enough. Enough of your slander of black women disguised as "jokes". Watching the women of thecoli uniting to form Trina kicking in the bathroom door on Trick Daddy:wow:

This is long overdue.

Pot meet kettle - still benefiting off that name change from being the pedo coli rapist baiter, I see

How hypocritically fitting that your faggit ass posted a YouTube song from a cac chester while trying to talk your shyt against black men- it fits your brand
What’s next? Are you posting a YouTube song from Elvis? Talking about “the site needs a reckoning” headass

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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Come on man. Everyone holds Black men accountable, from our women, to our brothers, to other races. Everyone one holds Black men accountable for the ignorant shyt some of us get into.

Oh of course. Theres no shortage of people waiting to blame us and to hold us accountable. Theres also a shortage of black men willing to take any accountability. Black men should be able to filter through the truth. Take ownership of what we need to take ownership for. And most importantly come up with a solution. But mostly I see pointing the finger back at others,and especially our women.

Im telling you the truth,at the rate we are going I predict black men in this country will be mulatto and supple within the next 50 years. Keep being jealous of what women can do and can get away with. This is epigenetics,adaption 101.

Real black men have already taken accountability. We are busy building,and not pointing the finger. Practically anything black women do that you dont like is our fault on some level. Thats just the way I see it#TheChildOfMan


plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012
People claim the TLR hates bw but all the things posters complain about are things that are unacceptable and punished by law in some cultures.
Twerking at inappropriate times in public, obesity, single motherhood, getting excessive tattoos, bedwenching, being vulgar around kids, etc.
Somehow in our community speaking out against negative or degenerative things means you’re an incel or you hate black women.:skip:
If people here hated black women then you’d see hate even when they’re doing something positive. When have you seen someone say something negative about Savannah James?:sas2:
TLR hates women in general bruh

PAWGS get bail every now and then tho lol


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Oh of course. Theres no shortage of people waiting to blame us and to hold us accountable. Theres also a shortage of black men willing to take any accountability. Black men should be able to filter through the truth. Take ownership of what we need to take ownership for. And most importantly come up with a solution. But mostly I see pointing the finger back at others,and especially our women.

Im telling you the truth,at the rate we are going I predict black men in this country will be mulatto and supple within the next 50 years. Keep being jealous of what women can do and can get away with. This is epigenetics,adaption 101.

Real black men have already taken accountability. We are busy building,and not pointing the finger. Practically anything black women do that you dont like is our fault on some level. Thats just the way I see it#TheChildOfMan
1. Part of the solution is that both sides need to recognize what part they play in the problem. Black men can't unilaterally solve this issue, because Black men do not unilaterally have the power. So yes, sisters and brothers need to be called out on our BS. This idea that only one side should be held accountable is partially what has lead to this mess in the first place.

2. What in the world are you talking about in this passage. If Black men do end up that way, it is because a lot of sisters had babies with White men and raised their sons that way. So again, the problem is bilateral.

3. What have you actually built besides talking about you being righteously attached. I am of the opinion you have no clue what that really entails. Righteously attached means you are protecting your woman physically, mentally, financially, and legally. If you are not married to her, you are derelict in your duties. You are just playing house, and not really building any sort of legacy at all. I've been married for over 26 years, I have raised 2 women into adulthood. One has 2 Masters Degrees and is getting married, the other is finishing up her undergrad years. I maintain a home and investments, have health and life insurance to cover my family incase of my death, and made enough that I was able to retire when my health went south. What exactly have you done to build anything sustainable for your Black family?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Pot meet kettle - still benefiting off that name change from being the pedo coli rapist baiter, I see

How hypocritically fitting that your faggit ass posted a YouTube song from a cac chester while trying to talk your shyt against black men- it fits your brand
What’s next? Are you posting a YouTube song from Elvis? Talking about “the site needs a reckoning” headass


Nicole,use more intellect and less anger. Im sure you have valid things to say.

You could be more of an assett around here. Instead of tearing down,berating,stressing out black men. How about uplifting black men in your feminity? We can take care of ourselves,we dont need a guard dog.

You literally create files of random out of context quotes to ruin black men. Your psyche is actually apart of the problem. But please stick around,Im sure you learned that behavior from us#WeWillBeBetter:respect:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
1. Part of the solution is that both sides need to recognize what part they play in the problem. Black men can't unilaterally solve this issue, because Black men do not unilaterally have the power. So yes, sisters and brothers need to be called out on our BS. This idea that only one side should be held accountable is partially what has lead to this mess in the first place.

2. What in the world are you talking about in this passage. If Black men do end up that way, it is because a lot of sisters had babies with White men and raised their sons that way. So again, the problem is bilateral.

3. What have you actually built besides talking about you being righteously attached. I am of the opinion you have no clue what that really entails. Righteously attached means you are protecting your woman physically, mentally, financially, and legally. If you are not married to her, you are derelict in your duties. You are just playing house, and not really building any sort of legacy at all. I've been married for over 26 years, I have raised 2 women into adulthood. One has 2 Masters Degrees and is getting married, the other is finishing up her undergrad years. I maintain a home and investments, have health and life insurance to cover my family incase of my death, and made enough that I was able to retire when my health went south. What exactly have you done to build anything sustainable for your Black family?

1. This is where we disagree. There is no "there are good people on both sides" here. My line of thinking is there is only one side. By a womans nature,black women will follow whatever example black men lead by. So all black men need to do is take accountability,have discipline,set a standard and dont deviate. Will all black women follow?no,but you weed out that those women belong to white supremacy. Render unto Ceasar what is his.

2. I'll stick to the facts,this is just a prediction Im hopefully wrong about,I digress.

3. I invented the phrase,and what your describing definitely isnt righteous attachment:mjlol:. Your definition is the reason black men are in a polygamous relationship with us,our women and the European. With there being a good chance the European gets the big piece of chicken. The European can do all those things for your wife,and can actually protect her from you,and take your money to give to her legally. And sadly you couldnt do a damn thing about it.

I have built nothing,but my thoughts and my money. So essentially Im an archichetect whos drawing up the blueprints. As a black man,you have built nothing if you built it in the middle of white supremacy. Well you did,but its the equivelant to building where Tornadoes,Hurricanes and flooding is rampant. You need to take all of that wealth that you have and leave the country. All your doing is raising kids to be cogs in white supremacy. And Im humbly warning you,if not them,their descendants will be assimilated. If your fine with that,fine with me. We just have different goals. My righteous attachee and my daughter will be protected from white supremacy,and white supremacy programming when we leave the country.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
1. This is where we disagree. There is no "there are good people on both sides" here. My line of thinking is there is only one side. By a womans nature,black women will follow whatever example black men lead by. So all black men need to do is take accountability,have discipline,set a standard and dont deviate. Will all black women follow?no,but you weed out that those women belong to white supremacy. Render unto Ceasar what is his.

2. I'll stick to the facts,this is just a prediction Im hopefully wrong about,I digress.

3. I invented the phrase,and what your describing definitely isnt righteous attachment:mjlol:. Your definition is the reason black men are in a polygamous relationship with us,our women and the European. With there being a good chance the European gets the big piece of chicken. The European can do all those things for your wife,and can actually protect her from you,and take your money to give to her legally. And sadly you couldnt do a damn thing about it.

I have built nothing,but my thoughts and my money. So essentially Im an archichetect whos drawing up the blueprints. As a black man,you have built nothing if you built it in the middle of white supremacy. Well you did,but its the equivelant to building where Tornadoes,Hurricanes and flooding is rampant. You need to take all of that wealth that you have and leave the country. All your doing is raising kids to be cogs in white supremacy. And Im humbly warning you,if not them,their descendants will be assimilated. If your fine with that,fine with me. We just have different goals. My righteous attachee and my daughter will be protected from white supremacy,and white supremacy programming when we leave the country.
All of what you said is a copout. What you have just admitted is that you have done nothing but talk. You call yourself an architect, but you have built nothing but a bunch of nonsense that will do no one, not even your own family, any good. You have accomplished nothing at all, and you are so deluded that you think what you are doing is helpful for anyone but your own fragile ego.

What does your woman have if you pass away, nothing. You made up the term, but righteous is still a word that was around before you were born as well as attached. So you putting two words together does not make it some great mental feat on your part. And, like I said I am pretty sure you have no clue what being righteously attached would actually entail, since you are most definitely not righteously attached by any measurable standard but your own deluded one.

You need to actually get out in the world and build something tangible for your family no matter the environment you find yourself in. That is what a real man does for his family. Not pontificate about how he is not going to do anything because he lives in a White Supremacist society. Well you want to know a little secret? No matter where you go there will be hindrances placed in your path. Will you find excuses for not accomplishing anything of worth then, because you are not a member of the right tribe, not related to the right people, not being accepted with open arms? So while you set there and build a useless empire of nothingness, we men who understand how the world actually works will be out here doing what we need to do not only for our families' survival but also so our families can thrive.

You can continue to architect your excuses for your failures, or you can become a real darn architect and actually build something useful and livable.
Apr 30, 2012
@Gil Scott-Heroin -5 rep points calling me a coward. The same idiot that wants me to answer for another man's (@Dre God) posts.
Cognitive meet dissonance.
I don't think you know what cognitive dissonance means.

All you're doing in here is repeating the same damn buzzwords, most probably because you lack the ability to debate anything worthwhile. You're a weed carrier in this discourse; you try to remain in the background, humming the chorus, but have no 16 of your own. Hence why instead of replying to me after I debunked your whole shyt, you ignored it and then tagged me with the same damn braindead nothingness to beg for my attention, and for what?

How many times have you said "performative pro Blacks" now, cracka? How many times have you said 'shills/shilling and liberals' now, cracka?

This is all over the last few days:
The performative pro blacks are mad that black men are check their 'angelic goddess queens'. Their really mad that they have no backbone and nobody is buying into their liberal shilling.
I wonder what the performative pro-black 'we must protect our black angelic, goddess, queens' simps gonna say to deflect this!?
No women are loyal to their race, ethnic group, nationality, etc. Only a fool thinks otherwise.

And only these foolish 'we must protect all of our black angelic, goddess, queens' performative pro-black simps believe that black women are loyal.
Criticism of BW = Hate to the performative pro-black 'protect our angelic, goddess queens', 'always vote democrat', 'white liberal's pet', shills.

The socio-political paradigm pendulum has swung the other way. The performative pro-black 'protect our angelic, goddess queens', 'always vote democrat', 'white liberal's pet', shills of thecoli are looking very outdated and have no way to counter the trend.

In other words to the hyenas, chameleons, the scraggles... It's over for you. The boys are back in town.
Coming from a stupid, democrat party shill that doesn't or never had an original thought in their life, I take that as a compliment.

Keep thinking that being a typical performative liberal is working for you. many people are waking and seeing right through it.
Most of the performative 'we must protect and believe all our black angelic, goddess queens' pro-black simps will never have or want to have the conversation.
Breadtube are a bunch of middle class white people that have no clue how most of the working class (regardless of race, ethnicity, meta-ethnicity, etc) live their daily lives. They epitomise the term performative.
The quoted are typical performative pro-black simp responses:
1. "Everything I don't agree with is simply right-wing dog-whistling propaganda."
2. "You're not really black."

Truly pathetic.
The performative pro-black simp is stuck in a feedback loop.
You literally copied and pasted the same damn thought in vague fashion in multiple threads over a few days. You're a cracka bot.

Jul 24, 2018
I don't think you know what cognitive dissonance means.

All you're doing in here is repeating the same damn buzzwords, most probably because you lack the ability to debate anything worthwhile. You're a weed carrier in this discourse; you try to remain in the background, humming the chorus, but have no 16 of your own. Hence why instead of replying to me after I debunked your whole shyt, you ignored it and then tagged me with the same damn braindead nothingness to beg for my attention, and for what?

How many times have you said "performative pro Blacks" now, cracka? How many times have you said 'shills/shilling and liberals' now, cracka?

This is all over the last few days:

You literally copied and pasted the same damn thought in vague fashion in multiple threads over a few days. You're a cracka bot.

Hahahahahahahahahaha. He's still doing it. Hilarious.
Jul 24, 2018
There's that word again. The cracka bot only has one function.

Yet other posters have used the word 'performative' in the same context. They must be cracka bots too, huh!?

@Nicole0416_718_929_646212 exposing your posts says all that I need to know about you. Petty and pathetic. Grow up.