“ TLR hates black women”


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
And men who don’t want to be fathers or have children, shouldn’t be having raw sex with women. Both groups are acting recklessly, but only one exercises responsibility for the baby that both helped make. Then that person is blamed because she is unable to fulfill a role that was intended for the man who seeded her up.

The truth is by focusing solely on the woman’s role in preventing the child and not saying much about the man’s you are in fact absolving him of any responsibility in the matter. You all treat these deadbeat men as if they’re children incapable of putting a condom on.

Every man I know who didn’t want to have children without marriage, did not. How? Ask them. They’ll tell you they always wrapped it up because they didn’t want to have children. It’s easy for men who don’t want to be fathers to avoid pregnancy by using condoms.

Some Brehs tend to blame these women or focus more on the women than men because of sexual politics. As in the men are really feeling some kind of way because women are sleeping with men that arent them. Even in your post your focus was on a “good guy” she could have been with.
What you wrote is true. Both are being reckless, while one is raising the child. The woman though has complete before, during, and after birth autonomy on this issue. This means she can use 12 different birth control devices before pregnancy, Plan B or Abortion during the pregnancy, and give the child away for adoption or drop the child off at certain government buildings no questions asked after birth.

In all of those instances, a man's only option is birth control. So that is the direction I try to steer young brothers down if they are not mentally and financially ready for parenthood. For rich brothers, I would suggest they do all of that plus freeze sperm and get a vasectomy to protect their assets from vulture women.

Still, there is something to be said about sisters knowingly having children by men who are definitely not father material. A lot of them know exactly whom they are having a child with, and so we can't act like they are going into the pregnancy blind about the deficiencies of the father. Just like many of those guys running around complaining about child support payments already knew the woman they were messing with was not a woman they would marry and create a family with. So essentially, both sides could easily avoid these pitfalls but choose to allow their Lust to over-ride any good sense they may have. Both sexes are the source of the problem and both sexes seem to want to place the bulk of the blame on the other.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Looks like the ladies are holding it down.

I just wanna add that its completely hypocritical for a community of men who do not marry in mass to shame BW for not being married and having children oow.

If BW stopped having child oow the AA population would drop by over 80% in 60 years. And as a reward for keeping the ethnicity going we're told were worthless by the same men we give life to. We are literally the only women who have to deal with this.
I take it that her and @Rawtid have me on “ignore” because ummmm :laff:

@Wild self
that stripper expiration plan :coffee: tell her to get a job at Amazon delivering packages or Uber driving, and eBay hustling like that other stripper barn bytch who aged out the game, claims to be an owner but can’t even
Make monthly rent with a roommate. Mad quiet in here lately. Bbbuutt Dancing at mixed clubs i.e.hospitality management ain’t paying well enough to retire??:unsure:
Last edited:
Jun 15, 2022
And men who don’t want to be fathers or have children, shouldn’t be having raw sex with women. Both groups are acting recklessly, but only one exercises responsibility for the baby that both helped make. Then that person is blamed because she is unable to fulfill a role that was intended for the man who seeded her up.

The truth is by focusing solely on the woman’s role in preventing the child and not saying much about the man’s you are in fact absolving him of any responsibility in the matter. You all treat these deadbeat men as if they’re children incapable of putting a condom on.

Every man I know who didn’t want to have children without marriage, did not. How? Ask them. They’ll tell you they always wrapped it up because they didn’t want to have children. It’s easy for men who don’t want to be fathers to avoid pregnancy by using condoms.

Some Brehs tend to blame these women or focus more on the women than men because of sexual politics. As in the men are really feeling some kind of way because women are sleeping with men that arent them. Even in your post your focus was on a “good guy” she could have been with, not even recognizing that she herself may be just as scummy as the men she sleeps with.
They shouldn’t! But they get to. I’m sure a lot of guys that seemed nice at first soured at some point, but It’s not like there’s a switch being flipped off and well adjusted men are turning into deadbeats and crooks. A lot of these guys have red flags that should be going off before a woman even gets to that stage in their relationship

They may not be children, but a good bit of them act like children and should be treated as such, especially by the women they hook up with.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Your speaking to a virgin
I know. But trust me when I say that mindset applies to a lot more Brehs—even the Brehs who have had sex—in another thread, a breh was going off about abortions and said that bw wouldn’t need abortions if they would close their legs and stop having sex with bad guys.
So there is certainly a focus on who woman are having sex with and the fact that woman are having sex at all. It grinds some men’s gears that women are sexually active, if it’s not with them, especially if that man thinks he’s a catch yet is struggling to get the type of woman he wants for himself.


Let me paint a scenario though. We all know 1+1=2 right? Say 1 stands for each parent fulfilling their role and 2 is the best outcome because both people fulfilled their role. So then let’s look at the next equation of a single mother. It’s 1+0. We know that doesn’t equal 2.

Now if 1 parent did their part, but the other didn’t, how can you expect the outcome to still be 2? And why is the only “1” who did their part expected to produce a “2” outcome? Further why is she only at fault, when clearly she is in the equation, he isn’t.

Its beyond me how Brehs place so much more focus on the parent who actually sticks around, but barely focuses on the one who did not, in spite of the fact that it is his failure to be part of the equation like she was, that leads to the poor outcome.

Some Brehs expect more from women than men themselves, then wonder why our community is being women led. But if Brehs only have high expectations for one group to exercise responsibility, but little expectation for the other to do the same…


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
They shouldn’t! But they get to. I’m sure a lot of guys that seemed nice at first soured at some point, but It’s not like there’s a switch being flipped off and well adjusted men are turning into deadbeats and crooks. A lot of these guys have red flags that should be going off before a woman even gets to that stage in their relationship

They may not be children, but a good bit of them act like children and should be treated as such, especially by the women they hook up with.
You completely missed my point. I never even talked about the bolded. and your still focusing on the bad guy argument. Regardless if a man is bad or good, he is still responsible for the choices he makes. And he is still capable of putting a condom on. Especially since y’all certainly don’t believe that a woman being bad should absolve her of poor decision making.

Some of these woman be just as scummy as the men they get pregnant by and yet y’all still expect the women to rise above it and make better decisions. So if y’all can hold women to it regardless of what kind of woman she is, you can certainly do the same for men.

there’s nothing you can say to get around the fact that it’s not just women that need to exercise discernment and responsibility over their sex lives. It’s men too. If these men don’t want children, they need to put a condom on.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Lol @Rawtid trying to be righteous in this thread - she was the same chick licking a racist white nationalist’s lips who referred to black men as n-er on Twitter and still does. That chick even went against other black women who support black men to cosign the coli’s resident whites racists. Oh she thought this was forgot about?? So yeah- FUK THAT BYTCH. And this is coming from a black woman.


I see that I go off the coli grid for a few weeks to handle my own offline ish and these wenches have all hell breaking loose with their bullshyt again. Fuk is this 2019 again??

Who resent them and have them this emboldened again??
She should be banned caping for a racist yt bytch, if she wanna mess with pasty saltines then just say that. :camby:

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
I know. But trust me when I say that mindset applies to a lot more Brehs—even the Brehs who have had sex—in another thread, a breh was going off about abortions and said that bw wouldn’t need abortions if they would close their legs and stop having sex with bad guys.
So there is certainly a focus on who woman are having sex with and the fact that woman are having sex at all. It grinds some men’s gears that women are sexually active, if it’s not with them, especially if that man thinks he’s a catch yet is struggling to get the type of woman he wants for himself.


Let me paint a scenario though. We all know 1+1=2 right? Say 1 stands for each parent fulfilling their role and 2 is the best outcome because both people fulfilled their role. So then let’s look at the next equation of a single mother. It’s 1+0. We know that doesn’t equal 2.

Now if 1 parent did their part, but the other didn’t, how can you expect the outcome to still be 2? And why is the only “1” who did their part expected to produce a “2” outcome? Further why is she only at fault, when clearly she is in the equation, he isn’t.

Its beyond me how Brehs place so much more focus on the parent who actually sticks around, but barely focuses on the one who did not, in spite of the fact that it is his failure to be part of the equation like she was, that leads to the poor outcome.

Some Brehs expect more from women than men themselves, then wonder why our community is being women led. But if Brehs only have high expectations for one group to exercise responsibility, but little expectation for the other to do the same…
Because 9 times out of 10 the dude they got pregnant by ain’t shyt and it was obvious from the jump he wasn’t shyt.

You guys act like square, college educated, 9-5 brehs are the ones creating these single mothers, and it’s disingenuous as fukk.

Meanwhile you have educated black women getting pregnant by the degenerates of our community.

This is what dudes are pointing out with the “black women like thugs” shyt, even though to some degree I think it’s overstated.

At the end of the day, we can sit here and attack these bum ass nikkas all day but the bum ass nikkas in question obviously don’t care about community building.

So the question at that point becomes, why do the women keep getting pregnant by men who could give a fukk about the community?


May 3, 2012
Because 9 times out of 10 the dude they got pregnant by ain’t shyt and it was obvious from the jump he wasn’t shyt.

You guys act like square, college educated, 9-5 brehs are the ones creating these single mothers, and it’s disingenuous as fukk.

Meanwhile you have educated black women getting pregnant by the degenerates of our community.

This is what dudes are pointing out with the “black women like thugs” shyt, even though to some degree I think it’s overstated.

At the end of the day, we can sit here and attack these bum ass nikkas all day but the bum ass nikkas in question obviously don’t care about community building.

So the question at that point becomes, why do the women keep getting pregnant by men who could give a fukk about the community?
They're blaming a educated lame for p*ssy he aint getting and babies he's not creating :dead:

Hell, you can even extend that to crime. This same breh is the one doing all sorts of gang shyt and whatever else.

Like make it make sense.
Jun 15, 2022
You completely missed my point. I never even talked about the bolded. and your still focusing on the bad guy argument. Regardless if a man is bad or good, he is still responsible for the choices he makes. And he is still capable of putting a condom on. Especially since y’all certainly don’t believe that a woman being bad should absolve her of poor decision making.

Some of these woman be just as scummy as the men they get pregnant by and yet y’all still expect the women to rise above it and make better decisions. So if y’all can hold women to it regardless of what kind of woman she is, you can certainly do the same for men.

there’s nothing you can say to get around the fact that it’s not just women that need to exercise discernment and responsibility over their sex lives. It’s men too. If these men don’t want children, they need to put a condom on.
Of course they should be held accountable. My point is that they’re not. You have guys with a harem of single mothers out there, guys with criminal records, known abusers and womanizers, and guys that are all of the above and more still running around and making babies with women. Guys with a bad track record should be instantly ignored but they’re not. It’s a problem. I’m not saying women are the only ones at fault here, I’m saying when there’s a red flag you should bolt -

I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but there was a thread about a breh that made a single mom out of not one but two women and got caught cheating with this third lady who did not know about the other two. When she found out she broke things off for them and that was good decision making unlike the women in that thread about a rapper with like 22 different children by different mothers.

I’m not saying men don’t make bad decisions either. If a guy gets cheated on and I could see the cues before he could or shacks up with someone that clearly isn’t dating material and it blows up in his face I’m gonna think he’s a fool.


High Value Poster
Jul 18, 2018
Because 9 times out of 10 the dude they got pregnant by ain’t shyt and it was obvious from the jump he wasn’t shyt.

You guys act like square, college educated, 9-5 brehs are the ones creating these single mothers, and it’s disingenuous as fukk.

Meanwhile you have educated black women getting pregnant by the degenerates of our community.

This is what dudes are pointing out with the “black women like thugs” shyt, even though to some degree I think it’s overstated.

At the end of the day, we can sit here and attack these bum ass nikkas all day but the bum ass nikkas in question obviously don’t care about community building.

So the question at that point becomes, why do the women keep getting pregnant by men who could give a fukk about the community?

They know that already. And soon they won’t be able to deflect and blame men because more and more women are coming out and saying they purposely want to be single mothers.