“ TLR hates black women”

Jun 15, 2022
“why didn’t the man step up and take care of his responsibilities?” “Why do y’all accept men being irresponsible and praise them for it?”
at the same time, women shouldn't be having sex with men like this. There was a thread about a breh making six figures but also lamenting on how he can't get a date and the women that commented just hit him with ad hominem attacks even though he said nothing offensive. In that same month a thread got made about some black woman on tiktok that left her caring family to be with a guy that abuses and growls at her and they have kids.

I'm not absolving deadbeat dads. I'm saying a lot of women out there get seeded up by the wrong men.

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
You say “it’s not appropriate to twerk at a restaurant” and these nikkas act like we calling for their extermination.
:mjlol: This is the biggest strawman I've seen here.

You types get called woman haters for saying women should be forced to bear children against their will, that they need to be controlled through arranged marriage, and for saying nice things about how places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Myanmar treat women.
Apr 30, 2012
We love Black women.

If you don’t love your children you’d never try to guide them to do better.

Ironically it’s the Queen mother simp nikkas like @Won Won @Family Lives Matter @Neo The Resurrected ONE @Knuckles Red @Negro Caesar to name a few that don’t actually love them.

They just can’t understand that our criticisms come from a place of love.

You say “it’s not appropriate to twerk at a restaurant” and these nikkas act like we calling for their extermination.
You claim you love Black women, can you point to some examples of speaking about Black women in a light where you love them, that isn't sexual in nature. It shouldn't be hard to do considering women is the primary topic you post about on here. Even go back and search on your old username. I'll wait.

I gotta say after doing a quick search of your post history, it makes for ugly reading.


Take this for example:
Black women are incredibly violent, are we all pretending they aren’t in order to not look like c00ns or something :mjlol:

Product of living in America.
Modern Black women with these corporate jobs are a separate race from Black men, and are all one promotion away from being full fledged divestors.
This era of whoredom got women with the sex appeal of a drainpipe selling nudes to incels.

I’m glad we are the last generation of humans.
We really gotta have a discussion one day about how Black women in America regardless of what part of the diaspora they’re from have become the most hateful group of women in history towards their own men.

Queen Mother g-ddess simps please stay out my notifs I said what I said.
Microcosm of what’s happening to our women.

In the other thread about cornball nikkas they was saying not all Black women like ratchet hood culture, and here we got the queen of the fake neo soul hairy armpit hoes twerking like just another hoodrat on stage.

I love being right on the internet

Modern Black women born after 85 are incapable of raising well rounded sons.

Your friend sounds smart OP.
By the time these simps wake up Black women will be considered an entirely separate race of people with a protected class status like native Americans
Disclaimer: don’t care if you neg me this is facts

Black women under 35 gonna be the number #1 females with monkeypox from sucking and fukking these non Harlem residents.

They love homos more than any one and openly be fukking gay men.

These new age Gen Z Black women are all about being as degenerate as possible through means of sex so they’ll definitely be spreading greyscale across the country by Christmas time.

Homophobic bytches about to make a comeback :banderas:

And this barely scratches the surface.

This muh'fukka is gonna be the Black Elliot Rodger if he doesn't get help.

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All Star
Mar 11, 2022
The reason why cats believe y'all hate women is because y'all NEVER have anything nice to say about them other than what they look like.

I realized months ago that any thread highlighting a woman doing anything positive or great either was made purely because she was attractive
or would be pretty much ignored because she wasn't. shyt it isn't even just this subforum. Look at the shyt The Booth likes and has stickied. There are numerous women who are lyrical, great conceptually, don't rap about sex, twerk, whatever, and still, they get hate merely for being.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
nikka you literally suck dikk for pleasure. You scared of black people. You fat.

Look at the things you think up in your mind to insult others, it always comes down to men having sex. It's time to come out of all the judgement you've been pushing down and covering up with angry posts. Just be yourself.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I realized months ago that any thread highlighting a woman doing anything positive or great either was made purely because she was attractive
or would be pretty much ignored because she wasn't. shyt it isn't even just this subforum. Look at the shyt The Booth likes and has stickied. There are numerous women who are lyrical, great conceptually, don't rap about sex, twerk, whatever, and still, they get hate merely for being.

There's a mega thread titled "reasons we love Black women" and it's nothing but pictures



May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Well, here's the thing. I think we talked about this before. Coli keeps saying bm are the most involved fathers. If true, both bm and bw share equal blame. If false, we have to ask why bm are so uninvolved. So we still share equal blame.

Eta: we're making the same point, we just got there a different way
Black men are the most involved, that does not change that too many women are having babies by Black men who by their very actions can't be that involved. The ones who have multiple babies by multiple women are the same ones going in and out of the prison system. There is a positive coloration between the two. Also, for men that phenomena is 15% or 1 in 7. For women that phenomena is 28% or 1 in 5.

New Study Examines Men Who Father Children With More Than One Woman​

"WASHINGTON, DC— A new Child Trends study estimates that 15 percent of men, or more than one in seven, will father children with more than one woman by the age of 40."

"The study found that
61 percent of men who fathered children with multiple women had served some time in jail, compared with 28 percent of men who fathered children with only one woman."

1 in 5 US moms have kids with multiple dads, study says​

"One in five of all American moms have kids who have different birth fathers, a new study shows. And when researchers look only at moms with two or more kids, that figure is even higher: 28 percent have kids with at least two different men."

So when we speak on that issue, it is women leading the charge on the problem, not men. Also, 15% of men have multiple children by multiple women, so that problem is not a man overall problem since most Black men are actually childless in younger age ranges.

So again I state, both are causing the problems. Neither side is innocent, and I have no problem with people pointing that fact out. What I have a problem with is too many of our sisters acting like Black women have not contributed to the condition we found too many of our communities in. Yes, Black women are at fault just like Black men.


Jan 22, 2017
at the same time, women shouldn't be having sex with men like this. There was a thread about a breh making six figures but also lamenting on how he can't get a date and the women that commented just hit him with ad hominem attacks even though he said nothing offensive. In that same month a thread got made about some black woman on tiktok that left her caring family to be with a guy that abuses and growls at her and they have kids.

I'm not absolving deadbeat dads. I'm saying a lot of women out there get seeded up by the wrong men.
No offense breh but you need to stop. You are a virgin and don't even know the dynamics of casual sex nor know how to even socialize with women to even have sex with them. Stop talking about shyt you have no idea a out. Then you got the nerve to say what a women should do or not.

You seem to be somewhat intellectual but you are only doing this as some intellectual exercise. Get some experience first. Stop talking about women.