Nah, you're right. They need to establish Storm's character more before doing Lifedeath. That story worked because we saw her with her powers, shining and being a key player. The movies treat Storm like such an afterthought that there would be zero emotional impact from her getting de-powered there. I could see a loose adaptation of that story involving Forge working out, if they maybe had her get her powers back in the end after finding herself, forgiving Forge, working out a solution together.
But this is why I've been saying for the longest that X-men would work better as a big-budget TV series. That way they could delve into representing the classic stories more accurately, fleshing out more of the characters, and having a revolving door system with their roster. IMO Bishop and Gambit don't have enough going for them in terms of substance (or classic stories of their own) to warrant their own movies--but they could definitely be dope as a part of an ensemble. They could do the occasional spotlight episode on certain characters (Storm, Cyclops, Havok, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke, etc). They could send the whole team to the Savage Land or the Mojoverse for an episode if they wanted to. They could bring in the Starjammers if they wanted to. The possibilities would be endless
I don't know if it's gonna happen that early or not, but you're right that this bubble's getting ready to burst soon. I'm just holding onto the hope of a good F4/X-men reboot before the market crashes and burns.
Semi-related: the 80's were lowkey the GOAT decade for American comics (or at least the big 2). Frank Miller Daredevil, John Byrne F4, Kraven's Last Hunt, Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, God Loves Man Kills.