Tia Mowry says dating since divorce has been "exhausting." Men don’t court women anymore. Update: she’s being defensive on Twitter


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
How can you possibly argue this, definitively. Being successful and having some money doesn't guarantee you find exactly what you want, as a man or woman. Even less so for an older person with children, which means your options are limited unless you're uber rich (see: Tom Brady, Kim Kardashian, Michael Jordan before his second marriage, etc). She's a moderately successful celebrity and I'd imagine she is looking for either a successful professional (lawyer, doctor, etc) or a celebrity at or above her level. But those dudes also have more options than she does, and when weighing those options I'm gonna assume "45 year old reality tv star with children" isn't gonna be ranked high.
See that’s the fukking problem, go date some normal ass nikkas, her idea of “successful” requires earning millions and more than likely having no time for her or much interest in her. Like I said before, she can find a man ANYWHERE, if she wants successful, go to a tech conference in Miami or Orlando, or go to a convention for doctors being hosted in dc or something. At this point I really don’t care for the excuses people who live comfortable lives have for romance. She could easily find guys that make 100k plus in areas where that actually goes far and have an enjoyable life with them but that stupid ass grecco-Roman/Anglo-Saxon standard of pride and expectation holds her back