What does that have to do with Sowell's point of "We were poorer and more oppressed back then, but our communities weren't nearly as broken and fragmented back then."
If anything doesn't that support his point that blacks were literally living under Jim Crow but things were much safer and decent?
Safer and decent during jim crow? Whats next, are you going to make an argument that blacks were better off during chattel slavery and as property because they had a much higher employment rate then versus now?
Try these statistics on for size...Black families had much higher rates of wedlock back then versus now, and yet the black poverty rate (before great society initiatives) was about double what it is now. So even with two parents in the household, black people were far poorer then, which shows how dire the black family was and how a two parent household aint shyt if you have an economic system that undermines and robs them of opportunity and prosperity.
Talking about crime in comparison with that time period versus today obviously ignores the post-60s developments of an increase in population, crack epidemic, the prison industrial complex, blacks quarantined in densely urban centers communities of decay, proliferation of guns readily available, etc...variables not present during the early-to-mid 20th century. Plus the out-of-wedlock rate has moved upwards cross-racially...the devaluation of marriage is an American cultural issue, and know that the out-of-wedlock rate for blacks was always abnormally high even during the latter stages of the jim crow era when these metrics were measured.
Stop with the racist argument that blacks were better under jim crow terrorism. The crime rates in black communities have been in a free fall since the 90s....how do you address this?