as an aside, I don't think this is the case. There have been and are many types of slavery in the world, the transatlantic slave trade and southern plantation slavery was extra cruel in some respects starting from the very shipping to the nature of fieldwork, the fact that all the kids were to be slaves as well, and the stark racial aspect that meant free blacks suffered too
this is some islamic revisionist history, there is no reason to think the islamic slave trade involved less suffering than the trans atlantic slave trade, a large part of the isalmic slave trade involved castration of males and sex slavery for females, that is why the black population that was enslaved never survived as a group in the middle east the way they did in the americas, to say the european slave trade was worse is muslim lie
the other muslim lie is this notion that islam was some how revolutionary in treating slaves in world history, that is a bold face lie, islamic laws concerning slaves were not anymore enlightened that the romans and the greeks who also had laws to protect slaves
and tangentially its also a historical lie, that some mulsim stated in this thread, to say that in the ancient world blacks were looked down upon by everybody in the world and islam came and rescued them and made them equal. That is a lie, the roman and the greeks looked down at everybody, there is no particular history of romans and greeks looking down at blacks anymore than they looked down at everybody else, and the greeks for sure did not look down at blacks in particular since they admired and learned from a black civilization
the other lie that was told in this thread is that it wasnt race based, as far as africa was concerned it was race based, this whole thing of conflating the mamuluks slave armies with the african slave trade is a distraction, once you take away the use of slave armies, the islamic slave trade in africa was pretty much identical to the european slave trade, except muslims castrated males
muslims were just as devilish in their own way and to top it off, it was europeans that forced muslims to end slavery in the late 19th century and till this day there is slavery going on in the muslim would, thats real slavery not this figurative slavery people talk about nowadays
so the bottom lie is that the islamic world is not standing on a higher moral ground than europeans when it comes to slavery