I really hate comic nerds. You all need to just die already.
you wouldn't have any movies that were actually worth viewing in a movie theatre.
if not for comic fans providing the draw and amplifying the franchises for the movies you view.
the disrespect we as comic fans get is appalling from people in the film industry, and general fan.
as they would not have one iota of the draw if not for us, period.
plus, they don't read the source material to even know to critique the comic book or the film, or the fans accurrately anyway.
as it is obvious of their reviews and bullshyt back talk.
after the superhero movies they say should have no reference to the comix.
are met with poor review after poor review.
while, a film franchise like ender's game.
to the likes of the hobbit has a run of five straight damn near best of all time movies ever.
by staying as true to the book and source material as possible.
outside of a few action sequence either cut down, or added for film.
without cutting out vital content from the source material that made it, the quality book franchise.
that ushered it into a film franchise.
art barr