you're talking about 2 different markets. Comic book readers and casual movie goers. 2 different markets, 2 different market strategies. They realized the potential of the movie market but by the time they realized what they had it was too late as they sold the rights to some of their characters.
no, nigfa marvel still owned marvel when the first xmen and spidey came out.
they ruined the quality of the comics and put themselves on the slippery slope to eventually selling to Disney after.
as a matter of fact, they ruined themselves.
with poor book quality in xmen and spidey after blade saves their asses, before that as well.
they never learned from their own past mistakes, on two occsssions.
which is you don't fukk up the source material.
people like you are why we have l'trimm meets ya mama on crackrock level rappers as the mainstays in rap.
it is the same in comics and film.
degrade a quality of product till it is no longer a draw.
then, try to move on to sumfin else.
till, eventually there is nuffin else to move along to.
Art Barr