What about the bloodbath that will come should we not intervene?![]()
We already intervene by the U.S. siding with Wahhabists to take down a Secular State for Israel's expansion.
What about the bloodbath that will come should we not intervene?![]()
Agent Orange is a deforesting agent to disperse flora.
Fallujah WP was used on non human targets in scope of its applicable use under international law same as it was in Operation Cast Lead.
Assad has gassed his people numerous times and is using WP on civilians.
Why don't you care about the Syrian people?
Bring your proof he "gassed" his people...you didn't bring proof forward in the last 3 threads....doubt you will in this one.
What happened, I'm on my cell phone
Why aren't they?? I know we don't plan othese situations aren't even remotely similar
One similarity is all that matters, and that similarity is that shouldn't have/should not get involved. We never should have invaded Iraq and we should not intervene in Syria in any way. If we sat back and watched Rwanda, Darfur, and the Congo, why can't we sit back and watch Syria. Oh yeah...Israel and Iran.these situations aren't even remotely similar
Yeah, we call it a PX. That was a damn good PX, the one where I'm at now is a tent. I used to buy them movies, I remember they were like 3 or 4 for $10. I even remember that there was one dude selling porn. You'd have to point at the cover that had a lady in a short dress, then dude would look around and ask you how many if people weren't around. shyts were like $5 each. Young and dumb back then, lol.One of my pics:
That PX(do you Army cats call it a PX? I forgot)
Them Turks and Iraqis selling bootleg movies
You Army dudes had it good on that base. Our unit was stationed on the outskirts. I can post more pics later if you wish.
whatever I give you is a conspiracy/false flag you're completely delusional
actually, that sets him apart. as a former POW, he knows firsthand one of the costs of war that most soldiers never face, and he was in bondage longer than several tours of duty. his experience is not any less than any other veteran statesmanHe was a POW, I can respect that. But he was a damn fighter pilot, he's not seeing shyt up close and personal. Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel on the other hand are a different story. That's why it bothers me so much that Colin Powell, a childhood idol of mine (I was a military brat), went along with President Bush before the Iraq invasion, even though he backtracked later. I am also disappointed in SecDef Hagel for doing the same with President Obama.
Read the next post I made after that.
One of my pics:
That PX(do you Army cats call it a PX? I forgot)
Them Turks and Iraqis selling bootleg movies
You Army dudes had it good on that base. Our unit was stationed on the outskirts. I can post more pics later if you wish.
People who went to fight in Afg and Iraq aren't heros, anybody who dies resisting oppression is a hero. The Insurgents you guys were fighting were heroic, the Afghans are heroic, and now the FSA are heroic. It's hilarious how we can have a hug kumbaya thread and still approach the thread from American bias, venerating soldiers of fortune![]()
thekingsidiot's original source has some relevant information if anyone is up for a read. They put down hard facts that some of you may be interested in. It wouldn't surprise me if it's an arm of a military apparatus. Just to keep in mind as you're reading.
@Broke Wave @Type Username Here