Things you didn't notice on The Wire until multiple watches


Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
Right around the corner from Baltimore in the counties they have a huge pcp/meth issue and yes the teens are doing it.

Teenagers do hard drugs bruh. You must live in a great space.
Are you for real lol?? A lot of kids get introduced to drugs at an early age. By the time they're teenagers it's low key normalized for some.

Wow brehs, I grew up in Brooklyn and it was far from a great space. I mean I done saw gang jumpings, heard gun shots while I was in the park and all kinda crazy wild shyt in my youth. I even knew kids who would drink heavy liquor or smoke weed as early as middle school but actually tie their arm and shoot dope in their vein is fukking insane and I never heard of or seen that. Now that I think about it I did hear stories about kids on meth and drugs like that so it's not impossible but cmon.

Lol bg, Turk and like Derrick openly rapped about being on herion when they was 13-17
Now that you mention it I have heard about that but how do we know they weren't just talking about it on record and they were actually shooting dope. Like imagine seeing or hearing about some shyt like that as an adult around them and not stopping it. shyt is crazy but I know the NO is wild like that too.


May 1, 2012
Wow brehs, I grew up in Brooklyn and it was far from a great space. I mean I done saw gang jumpings, heard gun shots while I was in the park and all kinda crazy wild shyt in my youth. I even knew kids who would drink heavy liquor or smoke weed as early as middle school but actually tie their arm and shoot dope in their vein is fukking insane and I never heard of or seen that. Now that I think about it I did hear stories about kids on meth and drugs like that so it's not impossible but cmon.

Now that you mention it I have heard about that but how do we know they weren't just talking about it on record and they were actually shooting dope. Like imagine seeing or hearing about some shyt like that as an adult around them and not stopping it. shyt is crazy but I know the NO is wild like that too.
Nah that was absolutely a thing In New Orleans and bg was fully a Dope headband strung out


#LongLive24 #TMC America's Team, Lakeshow, & ASU
May 1, 2012
The Valley Of The Sun 602🌵480🌵623🌵520
Wow brehs, I grew up in Brooklyn and it was far from a great space. I mean I done saw gang jumpings, heard gun shots while I was in the park and all kinda crazy wild shyt in my youth. I even knew kids who would drink heavy liquor or smoke weed as early as middle school but actually tie their arm and shoot dope in their vein is fukking insane and I never heard of or seen that. Now that I think about it I did hear stories about kids on meth and drugs like that so it's not impossible but cmon.
I never seen no kid shoot up no H, but how would you unless you live in that world. 3 of my close high school friends got on that shyt shortly after high school. It really depends on the atmosphere. nikkas in bmore was/is selling heroin at high volumes. Some of them gon dip into that shyt. Kids who dont really got homes are around these open air drug markets, where theres drug dealers and drug users. Some gonna succumb to it. Maybe not necessarily the typical addict story but frequent enough to where its not necessarily surprising. N.O. is a different story. That shyt was like a social drug to them nikkas.


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
Wow brehs, I grew up in Brooklyn and it was far from a great space. I mean I done saw gang jumpings, heard gun shots while I was in the park and all kinda crazy wild shyt in my youth. I even knew kids who would drink heavy liquor or smoke weed as early as middle school but actually tie their arm and shoot dope in their vein is fukking insane and I never heard of or seen that. Now that I think about it I did hear stories about kids on meth and drugs like that so it's not impossible but cmon.

Now that you mention it I have heard about that but how do we know they weren't just talking about it on record and they were actually shooting dope. Like imagine seeing or hearing about some shyt like that as an adult around them and not stopping it. shyt is crazy but I know the NO is wild like that too.

I get it I think. It’s not teens on hard drugs that got you confused but kids and injections. Yeah the needles used to scare kids and suburbanites. Most teens definitely prefer to ingest or inhale.

When I was in school ,I had a friend from Shreveport, LA who said a lot of his peers down there were on the needle. Said he never want to go back to LA. Just a depressing place. This was years before Katrina

Whe I lived Milwaukee I had a job in high school as a demolitionist for this contractors. Fun job, especially once we got the sledgehammers. Basically clean out and break down buildings for reuse or rehabilitation. One job Was cleaning out one a multi-unit dwelling and the past resident left there belonging all we had to throw it out. Was in the kids room throw shyt(and I like this because I would find shyt that I I kept or sold) and he had a plastic container. I was expecting f to find games or sports cards but open it up and a bunch of needles was in there. Like hundreds. I backed out and told the contractor I’m through with this dwelling. Take me to an other job. That shyt bothered the fukk out of me. I picked the wrong room because the other worker found a ps2:francis:
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Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
kima sniting on mcnulty and freeman was totaly in character of her
and she did the same shyt in season 1
Kima and Herc were the two most useless cops on that show. I didnt hate Kima like I hated Herc but I seen no use for her. Lester, McNulty, Bonk, even Prez and Carver all made strides in development and became better cops/individuals as the show went on but Herc and Kima went the other way. They never showed any growth. Herc showed growth but it was not as a cop. Kima was just there In The show. Besides being shot undercovered, her character really didn’t serve any purpose in the show. Like if she disappeared after season one would it really have effected the show. She didn’t do nothing else significant after being shot by Little man besides snitch on McNulty.

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
Kima and Herc were the two most useless cops on that show. I didnt hate Kima like I hated Herc but I seen no use for her. Lester, McNulty, Bonk, even Prez and Carver all made strides in development and became better cops/individuals as the show went on but Herc and Kima went the other way. They never showed any growth. Herc showed growth but it was not as a cop. Kima was just there In The show. Besides being shot undercovered, her character really didn’t serve any purpose in the show. Like if she disappeared after season one would it really have effected the show. She didn’t do nothing else significant after being shot by Little man besides snitch on McNulty.
you wildin about kima fam