Honestly, you can trace to families. You have Ados posters on here that reached out to relatives in Nigeria from 23andMe. DNA testing can trace as long as you have them doing the same tests in African nationsThat’s exactly the point I was making.
Secondly, are you saying what I’m saying that foreign entities created/kept the records NOT the Africans. Which goes right back to what I said. Africans DID NOT keep specific family genology. Only for chieftans, special historic events like a comet, wars, scientific manuscripts in Aribic from Timbuktu but NOT individual lineage.
That is why ADOS can’t trace their specific familial heritage to one family family in Africa, Most Africand didn’t keep nor create manuscript of their line.
How is it that the top 10 verifiable oldest family lines, only one is African and it’s Ethiopian? The House of Solomon Ethiopia. Africans were on this planet alone for a long time and there is no historical record going as far back as Confucius line which is like 5000 years old. In China the random fisherman from hundreds of years ago has a written document of his family tree.