You know what’s comical about this take right here is that A LOT of Africans from all over the continent do not even know where they are from either. Africans can claim their tribe and country but a lot didn’t even START in that country. Many migrated bc of drought, war, famine, etc. Unfortunately, there is NO written individual geneology far enough back in places like Nigeria and Ghana for example, or most countries south of the Sahara Desert, that could help ADOS actually find our “roots” in Africa bc Africans can’t either.
What’s gruesomely ironic is that ADOS have further traceable roots here, on American ground, bc slavers kept written track of the enslaved, even those in the Caribbean. To which family they were sold, sold to the next owner at what auction block, their age, sometimes what they looked like, the date, date of birth, date of death. These are things that have not been found in Africa in such detail, besides spoken “records” or maybe a totem etched with “some” stories about the tribe as wholes lineage on it. I think it is Ethiopia that has written geneology of
some individuals.
If none of this is true why are so many Africans begging and bewildered online through Reddit and Quora why they only know their grandparents and few actually met their great grandparents. Many can’t trace their individual geneology further than the late 1880s. Meanwhile the Diaspora can even though the means by which is horrific.
I’ve come to realize this is nothing but projection. This sympathy should be reserved for themselves. Living in these countries, beating their chest over their culture and our lack thereof, meanwhile can’t trace their families individual lineage past their grandparents. It seems like people are latching onto a culture here that is very defined here bc quite frankly many Africans don’t know where the hell they individually come from.
I think you are minimizing the entire criticism from ADOS. We have white people actively trying to erase our rich history. To add on top of that white supremacy, Africans, who “look like us” are doing the same. There are black ethnicities that don’t even have enough respect to recognize the culture of the people who made it possible for them to even be here.
So are we and that bothers y’all for some reason. There is a myriad of reasons to delineate Black Americans in this country. We need to be able to take count of what our true poverty levels, education levels, property values, population is. We can’t do that with a bunch of “high achieving” Africans skewing the numbers and being used as mode minorities.
I’m half ADOS half Ghanaian and was raised by both. RIP Papa. I too, on my mothers side, I can trace an ancestor off a boat to a Scottish family in Georgia from 1766. That’s pre American Independence. So I’ve been here before America the country even existed. My fathers side can’t even go that far except for the tribe itself and even then is somewhat murky. I’ve never hid it and because of that I’ve been privy to and know A LOT of the tricks being used to gaslight ADOS and berating us into silence.
I guess Africans don’t want to talk about lying about their age in college to fit in. Having old ass Nigerians who may have been doctors, accountants, politicians, scientist, privileged families sitting next to
ADOS children in college. Not all their credits transfer from a lot of the colleges in African so they have to go back to college again. It’s a breeze for them and then talk down to ADOS bc we didn’t get the head start like them.
I guess we don’t want to talk about Africans, many whom are coming here from privileged families, claiming they come from some small African village where there is no running water. To get accepted into college. So you got idiots walking around like, “ why can’t ADOS get their shyt together? These Africans came from mud huts!” And many Africans lean the fukk into that narrative.
How about Africans who apply for jobs and instead use their non-Anglican name so it’s very clear they aren’t ADOS.
Honestly I could keep going. It’s not even funny. A lot of Africans lean into the stereotypes bc it makes them look better and ADOS worse.
A lot of Africans are not being honest. You build relationships and trust through honesty. There is a dependence on the ignorance of ADOS about Africans who come here. People like me are here to keep ‘em honest

The ADOS FOUNDATION is coming. We were berated for only being online and xenophobic. Look, we already have multiple chapters in multiple states. In fact I am in one. We’re building and recruiting right now. My chapter is closing in on 60.
On top of that, nonADOS are more than welcome and many are already participating, especially in the bigger ones. They just can’t lead. I love this portion of my duties bc I’m great at talking to people face to face and galvanizing. There are other steps afterward and forward but the primary focus right now is to get our participation and numbers up. Soon you will see us in HBCUs and in Black Student Unions. There are young people who listen to the show and who are in the Foundation. They are eager to recruit in their colleges. There are meticulous plans for that. This is not a race for us but a marathon.
We’re offline now and doing interviews and challenging local politicians who say they are for Black people but are all talk and no results. In fact you are welcome to join although we are vetting.
It takes time for a movement to actually manifest. We’re grassroots and not funded by any party or government. Antonio and Yvette have been told the Democrat Party is aware of us. They don’t know what to do with us either. We’re self interested and ADOS hasn’t been for a long time bc we mistakenly thought we had friends. Our funds come from other ADOS and nonADOD allies that believe in the mission.
Ultimately, Africans can’t lead in this country, they never had and they never will. We’ve done way too much here to give that up and follow a group of people who just got here, especially when the majority came in the 90s.
Edits for grammar and spelling errors.