LOL Nikkas must have show amnesia when defending Rick and his crew.

How is their crew more capable of defending ASZ when they could barely keep the church secure, let alone the prison or farm?
This is like saying an NBA team that has constantly lost games and lost players to injuries should completely "take over" a healthy team that's on a 2-year winning streak.
What really makes Rick a better Leader than Deanna?!
Let's look at Rick's "Leadership" Skills:
- Rick walked right into the Terminus trap just like the rest of them (even w him being prepared for a trap)
- Rick lost the prison and got his wife eaten by a zombie thanks to a beef he escalated with the Governor
- Rick lost the Farm thanks to his personal beef with Shane
- Rick told a 12 year old girl to walk ALONE through Zombie infested woods and then wondered why she didn't make it (and quickly became a walker after he left her)
- Rick hallucinates seeing dead people and hears the voices of dead people, a sign of mental illness
I could go on but I'm saying tho...Almost every "WIN" Rick had was due to luck...
(Real talk, this is just a TV show, Just trying to keep thread alive w a little debate. We have 7 months till next season
