They will know us by the trail of the dead - WALKING DEAD Season 5

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Who is disagreeing with you here?:dahell:Nobody would be shytting on Rick if what he did once he chose to accept the job was sit down with that old lady and break down just what the real dangers are outside of those walls. Tell them about Woodbury, Terminus, etc. Tell her that he wants to take over and revamp security. Mandatory weapons training for all inhabitants and practiced emergency drills. Alexandria, if done right could be the beginnings of rebuilding some form of civilization. But it sure as hell wont be if the first thing that pops into your head is taking over the place by force from the people that saved your ungrateful asses when you were just eating wild dog and dehydrating. It's not gonna be the start of a civilization when you find out the only doctor in town is abusing his family and the first thought is to kill the dude. nikkas like to act like Rick's group was getting automatic head shots and not having to reload from day one. No they were training on the farm. They took you in and made you the fukking constable after just an interview, they have some semblance of trust in you. How about you act like the leader you used to be instead of the crazy dude pointing a gun at nikkas?:dahell:

And :dead:@Woodbury being a paradise. They were having fukking zombie fights there...inside the walls:mindblown:The Woodbury mindset would not lead to humanity making a comeback. All it would lead to is the Governor and those who remained loyal to his way of doing things thriving at the expense of whoever was the the other end of the barrels of his guns. Alexandria is inclusive and they're only inclusive after a long vetting process. You call them incapable, yet Aaron was able to spy on the super crew(:comeon:) for god knows how long and just waltzed right up on them nikkas at that barn. They're incapable, yet they constructed and maintained the best walls we've seen so far. Cowards, huh? You talking about the dude that sacrificed Everybody Loves Chris so that he could get away? I could've sworn one of the groups former leaders did something similar a while ago:pachaha:They're complacent, which isn't something you can blame them for. Rick's group wasn't shyt in the beginning or do we remember Herschel keeping a barn full of fukking Walkers?:what:We've been bombarded with nothing but Rick and his crew and nothing but legit bad guys that nikkas are completely incapable of judging shyt objectively and just roll with whatever Rick does.

:what:Breh Rick tried all of that as soon as they got there and woman in charge didn't want to listen or hear it:snoop: Rick told her right in her face that other people are real danger now and she responded with a :yeshrug:. He said that the doctor was a liability that needed to be put down and she didn't want to listen. They already know about what Rick and the group went through when they were making videos. You talk about how they've made him a "constable" and have "trust" him, yet the woman in charge constantly rebuffed his claims, advice and decisions despite never experiencing the true and harsh reality of the ZA:mjlol:. He's a Sheriff in name only under her regime and has zero power, that's why him, Daryl and Carol had to plan a coup as things were not going to change until they got a wake up call, Deanna got it all right... gloriously :ahh:.

The mindset and mentality of the people in Alexandria is all wrong, they're incompetent cowards and users and no I wasn't just talking about the fukkboi cockroach who dipped on Glen, I'm referring to whole damn town. When Abraham was helping them and they were attacked by walkers they all ran and left their own to die. Before Deanna's son died he told Glenn they left more of their own to... die :scust:. Once is a mistake, twice is a habbit, three times is a pattern:francis:. This all stems from the weak leadership in charge and lack of a strong and ruthless figure e.g. Rick, The Governor, Shane, Gareth etc. Once anyone with guns shows up it's over for them. I mean a walker casually walked into the place through the front door like it was invited:dead:.

Woodbury was the safest and most stable place in the show by far. It had a strong and proactive leader that people could look up to, security, a strong militia who knew how to handle Walkers and people, a thriving community, food, water etc. It wasn't some faux fairy tale castle that would be sacked on a first attempt like Alexandria would be without Rick and co.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Exactly. Not saying we shouldn't still root for Rick and Company, but its clear they're off the deep end on this one...And anyone thinking logically could deduce that the Alexandrians haven't done half bad so far during the Outbreak. They're not just "lucky"...True, they needed some muscle to help with defense but not a total overhaul of a fairly unbroken system...

Rick was like, "How many of you do I have to kill to save your lives?" But...the nikka met ZERO resistance since he stepped foot inside the gate, they even made him The Law...yet he's STILL thinking about murdering any person who merely disagrees with him forcefully taking over this thriving, pre-established community that welcomed him and his thirsty/starving seeds with open arms? That's Governor thinking...He's the new Governor.

Yes they are....

What do you think they could do if those crazy "W" people found them? It was only a matter of time until they found them due to their close proximity.

They couldn't do shyt, they'd get wiped out and the women raped, just like what happened to Terminus.

You guys sound a little naive.


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
Yes they are....

What do you think they could do if those crazy "W" people found them? It was only a matter of time until they found them due to their close proximity.

They couldn't do shyt, they'd get wiped out and the women raped, just like what happened to Terminus.

You guys sound a little naive.

You don't know this for sure.

For all we know the Wolves are just those two guys. That's ALL we've seen from them so far. Two guys. And those TWO GUYS got their ass whopped by Morgan.

Don't come with hypotheticals and maybes and "only a matter of time"...go off of what we've actually seen on the show so far.

So far the Alexandrians have survived for 2 years with only 4 or 5 fatalities. They keep to themselves and didn't have any Walkers get past the gates until Rick and Crew showed up.

By your rationale, a person who has NEVER been in a car accident has a WORSE driving record than a person who crashes often since "its only a matter of time" until it happens. :scust:
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Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
Who is disagreeing with you here?:dahell:Nobody would be shytting on Rick if what he did once he chose to accept the job was sit down with that old lady and break down just what the real dangers are outside of those walls. Tell them about Woodbury, Terminus, etc. Tell her that he wants to take over and revamp security. Mandatory weapons training for all inhabitants and practiced emergency drills. Alexandria, if done right could be the beginnings of rebuilding some form of civilization. But it sure as hell wont be if the first thing that pops into your head is taking over the place by force from the people that saved your ungrateful asses when you were just eating wild dog and dehydrating. It's not gonna be the start of a civilization when you find out the only doctor in town is abusing his family and the first thought is to kill the dude. nikkas like to act like Rick's group was getting automatic head shots and not having to reload from day one. No they were training on the farm. They took you in and made you the fukking constable after just an interview, they have some semblance of trust in you. How about you act like the leader you used to be instead of the crazy dude pointing a gun at nikkas?:dahell:

And :dead:@Woodbury being a paradise. They were having fukking zombie fights there...inside the walls:mindblown:The Woodbury mindset would not lead to humanity making a comeback. All it would lead to is the Governor and those who remained loyal to his way of doing things thriving at the expense of whoever was the the other end of the barrels of his guns. Alexandria is inclusive and they're only inclusive after a long vetting process. You call them incapable, yet Aaron was able to spy on the super crew(:comeon:) for god knows how long and just waltzed right up on them nikkas at that barn. They're incapable, yet they constructed and maintained the best walls we've seen so far. Cowards, huh? You talking about the dude that sacrificed Everybody Loves Chris so that he could get away? I could've sworn one of the groups former leaders did something similar a while ago:pachaha:They're complacent, which isn't something you can blame them for. Rick's group wasn't shyt in the beginning or do we remember Herschel keeping a barn full of fukking Walkers?:what:We've been bombarded with nothing but Rick and his crew and nothing but legit bad guys that nikkas are completely incapable of judging shyt objectively and just roll with whatever Rick does.

Breh I'm glad at least one person here can see nuance and gray areas. Nikkas act like staying alive is the only prerequisite for leadership. How about "Surviving" too? A community...a, water and electricity for your people...

Let's not even discuss "maybes" and "possibilities"...lets look at the history of the show...

Just in season 5, how many of his OWN ppl did Rick lose BEFORE he got to the Safe Zone?

Bob, Beth, Tyrese... :mjcry:

This is the experienced leader that everyone is hyping up...
This is the leader everyone in the thread is saying knows how to keep people safe from all threats... :scust:

Deanna's son died (stupidly) on a supply run but that's a risk in going outside of the gates that he and his parents knew about.

Deanna's husband got killed mostly because of the way Rick (and Carol) handled that Pete situation. :ufdup:

Rick and Carol could have easily set up a training group for defense.

Hell, Carol was secretly teaching kids how to kill back at the prison, did she even suggest doing that here? Nope, she instantly started baking cookies and plotting to murder a man and his little son! :mindblown:

Rick and the group may have a track record against fighting zombie and non-zombie enemies, but their "wins" always end up with them losing their secure home and most of their community. Always. (Season 1 Camp, Season 2 Farm, Season 3/4 Prison, Season 5 Church)
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Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
You don't know this for sure.

For all we know the Wolves are just those two guys. That's ALL we've seen from them so far. Two guys. And those TWO GUYS got their ass whopped by Morgan.

Don't come with hypotheticals and maybes and "only a matter of time"...go off of what we've actually seen on the show so far.

So far the Alexandrians have survived for 2 years with only 4 or 5 fatalities. They keep to themselves and didn't have any Walkers get past the gates until Rick and Crew showed up.

By your rationale, a person who has NEVER been in a car accident has a WORSE driving record than a person who crashes often since "its only a matter of time" until it happens. :scust:

The difference between Morgan and The Alexandrians is that Morgan is accustomed to the real world of the ZA and it's inhabitants. That is why he could tell that one of the wolves was up to something during the conversation. The Alexandrians haven't encountered this type of threat, when they do it's a wrap, they can't even aim and shoot properly, handle a few walkers and are ridiculously naive.

The only reason why the place is still standing is due to luck/plot convenience. Nothing has been shown to suggest otherwise. These people had no one guarding their gates or walls:heh: had no spotters in their towers:heh: don't even know that the wall is climbable even by children... children!!!:heh: and don't arm all of their community with weapons in the possible event of an attack :heh:. The ZA never happened with these clowns. Playing diplomacy as if there are still borders and "rules" that people follow:snoop: . Alexandria is nowhere near as strong, organised and competent as Woodbury and Terminus were, who had all the things I mentioned earlier plus more. FOH with the contrarian bs:camby:.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
You don't know this for sure.

For all we know the Wolves are just those two guys. That's ALL we've seen from them so far. Two guys. And those TWO GUYS got their ass whopped by Morgan.

Don't come with hypotheticals and maybes and "only a matter of time"...go off of what we've actually seen on the show so far.

So far the Alexandrians have survived for 2 years with only 4 or 5 fatalities. They keep to themselves and didn't have any Walkers get past the gates until Rick and Crew showed up.

By your rationale, a person who has NEVER been in a car accident has a WORSE driving record than a person who crashes often since "its only a matter of time" until it happens. :scust:

Now you're playing dumb just to try and argue.

Even if was only two, they were enough to wipe out all of those soft Alexandrians. But we both know there's more than just two of them, now don't we?

And none of those Alexandrians can get down like Morgan can, they don't have a fraction of his experience out there in that world.


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
The only reason why the place is still standing is due to luck/plot convenience. Nothing has been shown to suggest otherwise..

The fact that they have survived (with food, water, electricity, rules, leadership, etc) since the outbreak started is enough to show this is more than luck. They have a system in place for finding new people, even a system for exiling them...

If you want to talk about luck, Rick and crew have been the Luckiest of the all... :yeshrug:

- Rick LUCKILY gets saved in a tank in Zombie Infested downtown Atlanta by a person who just happens to be in a group with his Wife and Son. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick LUCKILY still has a grenade from that tank and uses it to escape just in time before the CDC explodes. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY have unlimited bullets during a Zombie Super Herd attack on the farm (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY all happen to head to Terminus to be reunited. The "sanctuary" signs had to be there long before they left the prison, yet this is the FIRST time any of them notice after months of scouting? (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY get saved by Carol who LUCKILY overheard Terminus dude talking on his Boost Mobile about capturing them. (Plot convenience?)
- Carol LUCKILY hits a propane tank with a single bottle rocket from half a football field away. (Plot convenience?)

I could go on...

This show is all about Plot Convenience...Its fiction, not a documentary...

...and based on the fiction established by the writers, Alexandria was actually a sanctuary...

...until Rick and Crew showed up... :usure:

Silver Surfer

May 1, 2012
The fact that they have survived (with food, water, electricity, rules, leadership, etc) since the outbreak started is enough to show this is more than luck. They have a system in place for finding new people, even a system for exiling them...

If you want to talk about luck, Rick and crew have been the Luckiest of the all... :yeshrug:

- Rick LUCKILY gets saved in a tank in Zombie Infested downtown Atlanta by a person who just happens to be in a group with his Wife and Son. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick LUCKILY still has a grenade from that tank and uses it to escape just in time before the CDC explodes. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY have unlimited bullets during a Zombie Super Herd attack on the farm (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY all happen to head to Terminus to be reunited. The "sanctuary" signs had to be there long before they left the prison, yet this is the FIRST time any of them notice after months of scouting? (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY get saved by Carol who LUCKILY overheard Terminus dude talking on his Boost Mobile about capturing them. (Plot convenience?)
- Carol LUCKILY hits a propane tank with a single bottle rocket from half a football field away. (Plot convenience?)

I could go on...

This show is all about Plot Convenience...Its fiction, not a documentary...

...and based on the fiction established by the writers, Alexandria was actually a sanctuary...

...until Rick and Crew showed up... :usure:

So you think if the governor came by with his tank posse..they wouldnt take over that town...they are there by luck


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
So you think if the governor came by with his tank posse..they wouldnt take over that town...they are there by luck
Again with the "If's" and "maybes"....Breh, I'm just going off what the show has depicted and the scenario you described hadn't happened in two years. Aaron even said they keep to themselves and stay away from "bad people." And, to be honest, The Governor only showed up with a Tank because Rick & Crew destroyed Woodberry, took his eye and deaded his (chained up) zombified daughter. Deanna wouldn't do that based on what the show has shown us.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
The fact that they have survived (with food, water, electricity, rules, leadership, etc) since the outbreak started is enough to show this is more than luck. They have a system in place for finding new people, even a system for exiling them...

If you want to talk about luck, Rick and crew have been the Luckiest of the all... :yeshrug:

- Rick LUCKILY gets saved in a tank in Zombie Infested downtown Atlanta by a person who just happens to be in a group with his Wife and Son. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick LUCKILY still has a grenade from that tank and uses it to escape just in time before the CDC explodes. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY have unlimited bullets during a Zombie Super Herd attack on the farm (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY all happen to head to Terminus to be reunited. The "sanctuary" signs had to be there long before they left the prison, yet this is the FIRST time any of them notice after months of scouting? (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY get saved by Carol who LUCKILY overheard Terminus dude talking on his Boost Mobile about capturing them. (Plot convenience?)
- Carol LUCKILY hits a propane tank with a single bottle rocket from half a football field away. (Plot convenience?)

I could go on...

This show is all about Plot Convenience...Its fiction, not a documentary...

...and based on the fiction established by the writers, Alexandria was actually a sanctuary...

...until Rick and Crew showed up... :usure:

Of course it's luck when the writers have shown them to be naive and utterly incompetent at handling Walkers and other people. Which wasn't the case with Woodbury and Terminus:heh: funny how you ducked all of those points I made which corroborates them:shaq2:. Furthermore Ricks group have been shown to be competent in how they handle Walkers and people for the best part of three seasons, which isn't the case with the people at Alexandria. I can buy that they've been able to survive. You're trying to make out like the place is as strong and mapped out as Woodbury despite their being holes everywhere with this place and how it runs.

How can you say that their system works when they've scouted and brought people in who have the power and armament to takeover and were even plotting to do so:dead:. Rick and Carol played them in their tests:mjlol: which shows they don't work!. Stop being intentionally obtuse. Any one of the shows previous antagonists would raze the place with ease.


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
Furthermore Ricks group have been shown to be competent in how they handle Walkers and people for the best part of three seasons, which isn't the case with the people at Alexandria. I can buy that they've been able to survive. You're trying to make out like the place is as strong and mapped out as Woodbury despite their being holes everywhere with this place and how it runs.

I've never said this..check my old posts...Rick and Crew were recruited because they know how to handle themselves and the Walkers. A skill needed in Alexandria. Both Aaron and Deanna said this from the jump.

If you have a winning NFL team and you know you need a better skilled defensive line to be even better, you recruit and bring them in....But you don't expect the Linebackers to suddenly want to become the quarterback and bench your entire offense. :scust:

The fact that you won't even admit that Rick and Crew were even slightly in the wrong in ANY way shows your bias. I admit there are Alexandria flaws, but the record speaks for itself. The only ppl to have died from there in the past were Scouters, that's a job that by definition carries risk. None of the Alexandrians inside the gate got killed until Rick arrived. Unlike Rick who lost ppl to a simple flu even though they had TWO DOCTORS at the prison.


All Star
May 6, 2012
The fact that they have survived (with food, water, electricity, rules, leadership, etc) since the outbreak started is enough to show this is more than luck. They have a system in place for finding new people, even a system for exiling them...

If you want to talk about luck, Rick and crew have been the Luckiest of the all... :yeshrug:

- Rick LUCKILY gets saved in a tank in Zombie Infested downtown Atlanta by a person who just happens to be in a group with his Wife and Son. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick LUCKILY still has a grenade from that tank and uses it to escape just in time before the CDC explodes. (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY have unlimited bullets during a Zombie Super Herd attack on the farm (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY all happen to head to Terminus to be reunited. The "sanctuary" signs had to be there long before they left the prison, yet this is the FIRST time any of them notice after months of scouting? (Plot convenience?)
- Rick and Crew LUCKILY get saved by Carol who LUCKILY overheard Terminus dude talking on his Boost Mobile about capturing them. (Plot convenience?)
- Carol LUCKILY hits a propane tank with a single bottle rocket from half a football field away. (Plot convenience?)

I could go on...

This show is all about Plot Convenience...Its fiction, not a documentary...

...and based on the fiction established by the writers, Alexandria was actually a sanctuary...

...until Rick and Crew showed up... :usure:

You arent wrong at all BUT!!! Alexandrians have been unbelievable lucky in the fact that they managed to have this convenient community with a solar array for unlimited power and RUNNING WATER. They just happen to be near a huge mall construction site with the needed supplies to build an impenetrable zombie wall. I'm still amazed by the running water. And the just happened to be in an area with a mass evacuation that basically left the place a ghost town with very few dead and living, and the lucky they had an actual human doctor and not a vet lol.