Savage Rick
Finale was
Norman Reedus over hyped it, I was expecting something shocking to happen, but it never came to fruition
. It was an hour long but still felt rushed and the editing was terrible. The part where Rick see's the walker blood trail in the daytime and then it suddenly skips to nighttime where he's still frantically looking for it had me
. Also way too much convenience Glenn, Daryl and Topher Grace should have been walker food with how their predicaments were displayed. They escaped far too easily from impossible situations. Glenn also not killing that fukkboi
. Those Wolves are quite interesting, unlike all of the other villains that have been on the show so far, these two seem like psycho's who do there thing just for the sake of it
remind me a lot of those killers from the movie The Strangers.
Good to see Morgan back, but he needs to make a heel turn and embrace the savagery, this whole "every life is precious" bs is
it's a ZA not Disneyland.

Finale was

Good to see Morgan back, but he needs to make a heel turn and embrace the savagery, this whole "every life is precious" bs is