Bruce Wayne

After about 3 Hours of Sleep...
...Woke Up and this wasn't a Dream.

This CAN'T Be Life.

better plots, more locations, better characters, more entertaining.
i mean, tonights episode of TWD was probablyt he best of the season, next to episode 1; and it still wasn't better than the last episode of Z-Nation
I'm not trying to come off as cocky. Yeah I agree the WD can be boring as f*ck. But Z nation is definitely not the "superior show".
- Terrible acting.
- Low budget
- Better characters? No. Only one I liked was the Black delta force guy that played in Lost the rest were flat.
- Better plot? No.
- More locations? Yeah.
- Bad CGI zombies.
- Story telling is flat compared to WD.
- Plus its on Syfy.
The only thing Z Nation has on WD is more action. To each its own I guess, but not the "superior show".
dudes think an episode is trash if there is a hint of character development. We can't expect people to remember relevant plot pointsY'all seriously don't remember Abraham writing that apology note to Rick?
Thank you Ted Rodgerswhat the...... why did you come in here!?! I mean i get not wanting to be spoiled but damn............. you did this to yourself
Beth was the eye candy of the show