In a lot of the entertainment industries, movies, music, especially the formerly young straight male dominated mediums video games and comics, the artists who work in these companies have begun to actively attack and write or design games and stories that is not geared toward the main group of buyers. They ignore the market for their product to push ideological non-sense.
This has killed comics, it was about to do so to gaming until the gamergate shyt exposed what was going on behind the scenes and with regard to the gaming media.
Its a real problem and it makes no sense that the money men allow it to happen.
Last week you had 2 people saying make JOker gay again, this week make Nate Grey a homo. They already made Alan Scott a homo for no reason, same with Bobby Drake. You counter this with trying to force garbage ass mary sue female heroes into the spotlight that no one wants, and the endless reboots, lack of editorial oversight. You can easily see why American comic industry is dead.
Like someone said earlier though, its easy to see what the deal is, the money people don't give a damn about comics except for the already established IP benefits for movies and tv.