You have to go outside and have a life to know thisPeople have events at museums all the time.

Gotta give props to Tariq.
Like I said before, he does what he says and people will continue to support him because of that. If you don't like him, do better work than him. Me, personally, if I don't like someone, I don't pay any attention to them, especially as a man. I am not going to pay attention to some man I don't like as if I am some damn bitter woman he broke up with. What part of the game is that?
We have too many men arguing instead of doing. That is not a good look, especially when you are complaining about a singular Black man working hard and providing a service to people and not scamming them.
We not effeminate man-children, or we shouldn't be that at the very least.
Things men sayIf they don't like it debate him with facts. Bring your facts and he'll bring his. Why is this an issue?
Things hoes sayAs long as he continues to view his own people as low IQ individuals that will continue to donate to him and fund all his projects, he'll never stop scamming for money. And here I was thinking the musuem was the final grift.
Tariq hates black people. He hates us, that's why he talks down to us, both FBA and non-FBA. He's only cordial and respectful when talking to white people. Even when he was debating that old white supremacist, can't recall his name, it was all "yes Sir", coming from Tariq. That should tell you something.