
I'm going to try to approach this with some nuance because it requires it. The reason Tariq debates or converses with whites like that because it gives him a strategic advantage. If a Black man hoops and hollas during a debate with SWS, he will be deemed intellectually incapable of having a nuanced adult debate without becoming emotional. Tariq would be boxed in via the "angry black man" trope. This would actually turn off more of his black listeners as we would not feel he has the fortitude to stand toe to toe with the "civilized" white man.
Whenever a black person steps into the arena with one of these cacs, Civilization is the number 1 claim that they try to hold over black people. It is why Africa was destabilized, its why the Black Seminoles were hidden in history, its why Tulsa was destroyed, its why our "urban" areas are defunded today. Civilization must be something we aspire to but can never achieve in a SWS mindset because we are supposed to be intellectually inferior.
Knowing this, Tariq cannot go into a debate and become a ratchet stereotype because that is the box they want to put us in. Obama was masterful at maintaining his dignity and standing, whenever he debated with the Republicans, I give him major props for that. It drove the cacs mad.
There is a morsel of truth in your statement. I think it is more so disappointment in Black people for not seeing the games being ran on us than actual hate for his own people.