@thestripper do you avoid working At black strip clubs?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Good stuff. I feel where you're coming from. I got my degree and worked at a newspaper but the office politics and day to day bullshyt had me like :sadcam: every Sunday night every time it was time to start a new work week. Being an entrepreneur is definitely the way to go if you can do it. I work from home now and do standup and feel you on the freedom to create your own schedule thing.

And it's always nice to hear about women who make the decision to use their bodies to get paid in a way that's a choice and not searching for daddy or burying pain. Seems like it'll be an adventure if you hit the major cities like you want to. Was there a big adjustment to having to get naked in front of strangers?

Since I live an unconventional life, I'm always fascinated talking to people who also live unconventional lives.

I'm glad you feel me. Working for that company felt like slavery. I remember people were literally afraid of my old boss. Grown people who were older than her were terrified of her. They wouldn't even pick up their paychecks if they knew she was working. On top of that the customers were evil and the co worker were always plotting and scheming on each other. That shyt was hell.

Actually being naked is the easy part. Three things were really hard for me. The first was sales. A lot people think you just get up and shake your butt and make tons of money and it is not like that at all. Networking and sales are everything. If you expect to be making good money all the time you have to get regulars and get to know people in your club and in the industry. Getting good with the DJ can be the difference between $200 and $1000. You have to keep a good rep too b/c everyone will know your business. All people in the industry do is gossip.

The second was getting use to people touching me. I am not talking about touching on "sexual" areas. People rub your legs, arms, back and run their fingers through you're hair. They always want to rub my feet and give back massages. Getting smacked on the butt is expected but when people want to caress you like a long lost lover it's a little weird. People are crazy affectionate.

The third was being worshipped. People will tell you all the time that you are the most perfect being that every grace the Earth with a loving look in their eyes. I was very offputting at first. There are people who can tell me exactly what I was wearing in detail every time they have seen me. I had one customer who literally got my name made into a belt buckle and wrote me a book of poetry and got it printed and bound. It's nice but a little creepy at times. Now I am use to it. I know it is good natured so I am always polite about it.
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Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012

I'm glad you feel me. Working for that company felt like slavery. I remember people were literally afraid of my old boss. Grown people who were older than her were terrified of her. They wouldn't even pick up their paychecks if they knew she was working. On top of that the customers were evil and the co worker were always plotting and scheming on each other. That shyt was hell.

Actually being naked is the easy part. Three things were really hard for me. The first was sales. A lot people think you just get up and shake your butt and make tons of money and it is not like that at all. Networking and sales are everything. If you expect to be making good money all the time you have to get regulars and get to know people in your club and in the industry. Getting good with the DJ can be the difference between $200 and $1000. You have to keep a good rep too b/c everyone will know your business. All people in the industry do is gossip.

The second was getting use to people touching me. I am not talking about touching on "sexual" areas. People rub your legs, arms, back and run their fingers through you're hair. They always want to rub my feet and give back massages. Getting smacked on the butt is expected but when people want to caress you like a long lost lover it's a little weird. People are crazy affectionate.

The third was being worshipped. People will tell you all the time that you are the most perfect being that every grace the Earth with a loving look in their eyes. I was very offputting at first. There are people who can tell me exactly what I was wearing in detail every time they have seen me. I had one customer who literally got my name made into a belt bucket and wrote me a book of poetry and got it printed and bound. It's nice but a little creepy at times. Now I am use to it. I know it is good natured so I am always polite about it.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
One thing I have wondered about when it came to strippers though is :wtf: do they do when they're too old and :flabbynsick: to generate good income doing it anymore?

Unless you're working at Burger King or something, you need a resume and you get questioned about any gaps in employment. You said you have a degree and some business licenses, which is good. But let's say you strip for the next 15 years and decide to re-enter the more traditional workforce. How do you explain the 15 year gap in employment? Do you tell them you were a stripper?

After awhile everyone knows everyone and it is easy to get jobs through the hook up. Most girls transition into some other nightlife job like promoting, bartending, housemom, club managers or go back to school.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Lets be real most strippers are attention whores and post a thousand pics an hour. She has only posted to this should tell us something

It's called promotion. People who follow you on Instagram/twitter will come see you in peson. Some ever consider you a celeb. lol

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
whats some crazy things you seen happen at the club?

how is when them adult stars hit the strip clubs? do you make way less those nights or is it all girls on deck?

favorite song to dance to?

you ever going to tell your kids?

sorry just curious lol

I've seen all kinds of shyt: customer fights, stripper fights, management fight, people get their ass beat for stealing, stabbings, celebs, celebs fighting, 20K cash, people fukking in the middle of the club, girls ODing, bad acid trips, girls falling of the stage etc. Once this featured dancer came and started fukking herself with a dildo attached to a power drill and then she stuck a mini fire hydrant up her ass. Every women in the audience was so disgusted and the men tried to kill themselves to tip her. lmao

I have never made any extra money when porn stars came. I remember Pinky came once and was trying to fukking people in the back room for money. lol

Yes I will tell my kids. Everyone who is important of me knows. I wouldn't lie.