While there are isolated cases of Dominicans that consider themselves "black" its obvious to anyone who takes a cursory look at the culture of Dominican Republic as well as the contentious history between itself and its Haitian neighbors, can see that Dominicans have been trying to distance themselves from their black heritage for some time now. Unfortunately this ultimately results in them looking quite ridiculous in the process.
The nature of color and race is something that is quite pervasive all throughout Latin America and the Carribean for that matter. We can thank the demonic Europeans for this.
Dominican Republic is still a beautiful country nonetheless, with a beautiful people. Thanks in large part to the high concentration of black features its people have.
Hopefully one day they will finally understand that being Dominican is just the nationality. I wonder what do they do when they come across a black person who has lighter skin than them?
This seems like a fantasy now, but hopefully one day they have a leader who starts educating about all of this early on in childhood so the problem gradually lessens.
Because now it is just getting out of hand. Folks running around saying they are tired of people thinking they are "negro" and they aren't black like those "stupid Haitians".