you black papi
Im not black papi



Self hate is a terrible disease. Unfortunately most dominicans are too ashamed/brainwashed to admit this.
I got a friend who's Dominican who acknowledges his African ancestry but doesn't consider himself "black" because to him that's an American cultural classification. He considers himself Dominican.
In the 11th grade I had a Dominican social studies teacher who DID consider herself black, one day she said some shyt in class like "us black people need to stick together" the whole class erupted in laughter and started clowning her for trying to "be black." She was so embarassed, I felt sorry for her.
Yes, only Dominicans can possibly relate to being brainwashed for hundreds of years to think that people with light skin are superior to people with darker skin. That's just a Dominican thing. You people who try to tell other people what they should or shouldn't discuss are the worse. Shut the fukk up.Why would I need to watch the video to know about a particular opinion of a culture that I'm a part of? It's not like I need to go far to get an understanding of what Dominicans thought then and now. You can't relate. I wouldn't expect you to. I could break it down for you, but clearly there isn't a counter that would like since you're comfortable with the opinion that you have. It's not as if anything I say will have likeI understand now. It's not something you're interested in.
There's a deep rooted history that goes back 200 years that is the source of this shyt. It's a history, that with education, has become more outdated, and that's evident by the Dominicans that live here. Again, I wouldn't expect you to know, realize, or understand that. What I don't understand is why this is such an interesting subject to you. You got a term paper on this or something?
I got a friend who's Dominican who acknowledges his African ancestry but doesn't consider himself "black" because to him that's an American cultural classification. He considers himself Dominican.
In the 11th grade I had a Dominican social studies teacher who DID consider herself black, one day she said some shyt in class like "us black people need to stick together" the whole class erupted in laughter and started clowning her for trying to "be black." She was so embarassed, I felt sorry for her.
Aren't you mexican OP? Worry about your own people.
That "light skin is good and dark skin is bad" belief is stupid and outdated and anybody who believes that is an idiot. It's like believing that the earth is flat.
If you have African heritage and deny or downplay it then you are also an idiot.
The stupidity in that comment is appalling. I'm not sure he is aware if how stupid he really is. He is a victim if the stupidity pushed on him from his parents and peers.A comment on youtube......
Dominican Racism against Haitian (Part 1) - YouTube
enfantnoir23 3 months ago
Dominicans are not black! Just beacuse you see dark skin cubans dominican panamans doesnt mean we are fukking ******s like haitians. I look white compared to a haitiano. Don call us negros if we ar not black.
This is the picture of the dude.A comment on youtube......
Dominican Racism against Haitian (Part 1) - YouTube
enfantnoir23 3 months ago
Dominicans are not black! Just beacuse you see dark skin cubans dominican panamans doesnt mean we are fukking ******s like haitians. I look white compared to a haitiano. Don call us negros if we ar not black.
The guy's profile he seems darker than Obama. I can't with these self racists man