These Color Struck Dominicans Are An Embarrassment


Jun 9, 2012
I agree with you BUT, I am aware that there are a lot of people who have power who believe in white supremacy, and they unite ALL whites together regardless of what country they come from, then write the history of white people.
You think white people in power associate themselves with white trash? If so, you are deluded, the only reason the small percent of white people that have that type of power can maintain it is by shytting on not only black, yellow and brown people but also poor and even middle class white people. Ain't no such thing as white unity any more than black unity.


Jul 13, 2012
I’m mad i missed this thread when it was poppin.

First off you colocos stereotype EVERYBODY then get mad when none of us get along with you, no wonder you don’t get along with ANY non american ‘black’ ethnicities at all, but your innocent tho right :rudy: yt has left you're permenant victim mentality unchecked for too long.

who made you arrogant c00ns the authority on blacknes anyway? denying our african heritage? Everybody knows out of the entire dispororia you’re the ones most disconnected from your african heritage, FACT. Thats why ALL of your so called ‘’afrocentric’’ movements are OBSSESED with claiming non African cultures, the jews were black, the greeks were black, the olmecs were black, buddah was black(:dead:), the japs were aint know? the last sumarai was white, but the first one was black:youngsabo:

‘’african americans’’ are african allright, african moors, african berbers, african egyptians, african catharigians, african ethiopians, somehow you motherfukkers are connect to every african except the Igbo’s & yorubas you’re actually derrived from. :laff: that yaruba soul's in these beads on my neck, in the religion we practice. :win: what about you? fvckin grits & 'greek societies' :beli:

Being multiracial and recognizing it does not = denying blackness you insecure motherfukkers. Yes we have our issues, you share most of them! one of them being your males obssession with our wavy caramel godesses, come to think of it might be the root of your obssession with us.


go buy some soul glow fakkits


May 2, 2012
I’m mad i missed this thread when it was poppin.

First off you colocos stereotype EVERYBODY then get mad when none of us get along with you, no wonder you don’t get along with ANY non american ‘black’ ethnicities at all, but your innocent tho right :rudy: yt has left you're permenant victim mentality unchecked for too long.

who made you arrogant c00ns the authority on blacknes anyway? denying our african heritage? Everybody knows out of the entire dispororia you’re the ones most disconnected from your african heritage, FACT. Thats why so many of your so called ‘’afrocentric’’ movements are OBSSESED with claiming non African cultures, the jews were black, the greeks were black, the olmecs were black, buddah was black(:dead:), the japs were aint know? the last sumarai was white, but the first one was black:youngsabo:

‘’african americans’’ are african allright, african moors, african berbers, african egyptians, african catharigians, african ethiopians, somehow you motherfukkers are connect to every african except the Igbo’s & yorubas you’re actually derrived from. :laff:

Being multiracial and recognizing it does not = denying blackness you insecure motherfukkers. Yes we have our issues, but they are our issues. maybe we can talk about your males obssession with our wavy caramel godesses, come to think of it might be the root of your obssession with us.


go buy some soul glow fakkits
A lot of the posters in this thread aren't even African-American, dumbass.



May 1, 2012
this is the MOST retarded shyt ive ever read in my life. by far.

But it's true. I'm Jamaican and have tons of Caribbean friends. None of whom like to identify themselves as "black" because it usually denotes Black American, and blacks from other countries try to disassociate themselves as far away from Black Americans as possible.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
cool story, except for the fact that a couple of Caribbean people in here already confirmed what i said

But it's true. I'm Jamaican and have tons of Caribbean friends. None of whom like to identify themselves as "black" because it usually denotes Black American, and blacks from other countries try to disassociate themselves as far away from Black Americans as possible.
Well black doesn't mean that your African American it actually is reffering to the negroid/black race so thinking that it only refers to AA and denying that your black is stupid.

But hey if they want to entertain stupid behavior then that's them.


SOHH Stupid
May 3, 2012
But it's true. I'm Jamaican and have tons of Caribbean friends. None of whom like to identify themselves as "black" because it usually denotes Black American, and blacks from other countries try to disassociate themselves as far away from Black Americans as possible.


I'm Dominican and have no issues this subject although i've met a few that.

I know a this a chick and her fam who from Honduras (Central America) they are straight up black and most think they are, but their fam barely speak a lick of English and they call themselves Garifuna/Latinos. You telling me they are also denying their blackness?

Garifuna people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


May 28, 2012
nikkas is mad? same shyt is going on in america with black folks, tell a nikka in the hood he african he gonna look at you funny, tell them they came from africa they gonna say "NO im american" there is self hate everywhere.


May 20, 2012
You think white people in power associate themselves with white trash? If so, you are deluded, the only reason the small percent of white people that have that type of power can maintain it is by shytting on not only black, yellow and brown people but also poor and even middle class white people. Ain't no such thing as white unity any more than black unity.

You obviously don't understand the white supremacist structure the WORLD is under. Yeah, people of all class have issues, BUT the black and brown man feels the institutionalized racism.

Who are the most people in prisons, yet whites use most of the drugs? Black, and brown.

Who are the people who have to go through thick bullshyt to find out their history?. Black, and brown.

Who are the people who get tested on with drugs, and to see how certain politics will work? Black, and brown.

Who are the people who got tricked the most with the subprime mortgage trickery? Black, and Brown

Who are the people who are getting shytted on by all the classes of white, in general, in countries that claim they are not like the U.S.A.? Black, and Brown

I could go on, and on. You seem to think the racist structure that we live in is just about a few on top, hurting everyone else, when that is just a part of it. The other part is using a certain group to maintain the money flowing, and that group is black, and brown. Unless you know what it feels like to hope you don't have to go through some shyt with the police, and you are in prison just for being black/brown, you would never understand racism. You would never understand racism if you don't know what it feels like to look at tv, and NO ONE looks like you who is the shyt, unless it's on a black show. A black woman can't show her ass without it being censored, yet a white girl can, and the excuse is a black woman's body is very sexual. Or a rapper is constantly scrutinized for his lyrics about weed, yet a rocker can make a song saying "I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine", and nothing gets censored. You would never understand racism if you don't know what it feels like to be walking in a nice store, and have someone watching your every move because they think you are up to something, and they feel the need to be a moral authority. You would never understand racism, if you don't know what it feels like to see people shot by police or other white males, and NO outrage comes from other groups, in fact they always act like the person did something wrong, and deserves it. Look at Trayvon Martin. They even try to find a reason for his killing from his PAST.

Until people learn this racist structure we live in, and how it works, we would never change anything. I understand why a lot of white people don't want change because that means their lives would change, and they get no benefit that they have now, but they should at least accept that their skin protects them from a lot of shyt we as the colored people of the world go through due to that same system. Open your eyes my friend, and accept reality. White Supremacy is REAL.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
nikkas is mad? same shyt is going on in america with black folks, tell a nikka in the hood he african he gonna look at you funny, tell them they came from africa they gonna say "NO im american" there is self hate everywhere.
What African American is gonna deny that he came from Africa? Where are these guys at? :rudy:


May 20, 2012
I’m mad i missed this thread when it was poppin.

First off you colocos stereotype EVERYBODY then get mad when none of us get along with you, no wonder you don’t get along with ANY non american ‘black’ ethnicities at all, but your innocent tho right :rudy: yt has left you're permenant victim mentality unchecked for too long.

who made you arrogant c00ns the authority on blacknes anyway? denying our african heritage? Everybody knows out of the entire dispororia you’re the ones most disconnected from your african heritage, FACT. Thats why ALL of your so called ‘’afrocentric’’ movements are OBSSESED with claiming non African cultures, the jews were black, the greeks were black, the olmecs were black, buddah was black(:dead:), the japs were aint know? the last sumarai was white, but the first one was black:youngsabo:

‘’african americans’’ are african allright, african moors, african berbers, african egyptians, african catharigians, african ethiopians, somehow you motherfukkers are connect to every african except the Igbo’s & yorubas you’re actually derrived from. :laff: that yaruba soul's in these beads on my neck, in the religion we practice. :win: what about you? fvckin grits & 'greek societies' :beli:

Being multiracial and recognizing it does not = denying blackness you insecure motherfukkers. Yes we have our issues, you share most of them! one of them being your males obssession with our wavy caramel godesses, come to think of it might be the root of your obssession with us.


go buy some soul glow fakkits

You, and people like you, are proof that this white racist structure will ALWAYS win in the near future. You have so much hate for your own brother, but I bet when that white man comes along, you straighten up, and act right. You ever thought maybe a lot of those people were black, and our history isn't just Africa like the racist structure wants you to think?. You don't even realize why historians tell those facts, do you?. It's because they understand how racism works, and are proving it wrong, while you are arguing over what tribe AA come from?. Low level thinking again from black, and brown people.

I never understood why they gave very little respect for people who try to kiss their ass, and shyt on others that are like them, but now I do. They are fighters, and don't respect suckers. I know this because I am like that. I can be nice to you but no admiration for you. It's like how police work with snitches but give them NO respect.

I'm done hoping the colored people of the world would wake up, when the internet has shown me that isn't going to happen, so I'm going to change my game up, live my life, and just live. Y'all motherfukkers are just going to fight each other, and stay being a working class fighting over crumbs, while never knowing or accepting your history. You will stay trying to associate with a group who doesn't want you because you bring nothing to the table. I love all people, but I am aware of how economics, health, and spirituality works, and too many black/brown people can't get passed the spiritual part. Everything else is fukkED up, and they don't want to grow, it's like y'all like being under this racist structure. I mean we are arguing over who is black, but if a thread was about white supremacy, very little people will have anything constructive to say, and it will be a short thread.

Man, my people(black, and brown). I love them, but this shyt ain't working. It is too damn draining. Y'all are about to be a permanent underclass with your history rewritten, and you don't even see it coming, because you can't even unite on what race you are. That alone can help stop what is coming, but y'all are so low level minded you can't comprehend this.

You think claiming a country will save you?:shaq2: That is not how the game works. What happens when that country is gone, what are you then?.:comeon: