These are my confessions... (for the ladies)


Aug 25, 2015
I color in coloring books to to ease my anxiety... lol

What causes your anxiety? :ohhh:

I find nothing more peaceful than art. I spend most of my Saturdays working on pieces that i'll never finish just to chill.

After college football and the gym and before I have chores to do around the house.

I need to free up more free time tbh :francis:
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Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Ive got a couple
Im married to a Latina that looks white because I prefer white women over sistas.

I think growing up in a household with a mother and two sisters jaded me since I saw how crazy they were on a daily basis.

I confirmed my dislike for sistas by getting into a relationship and or sleeping with a few just to make sure. (Going to college at an HBCU greatly aided in this).

When me and my wife are out in public I actually enjoy getting the constant stank eye from black women because I know how jealous they can get especially when they are single and lonely. :troll:

It doesnt help that I grew up in an upper middle class white neighborhood with a proper upbringing.Traditionally African American things (culture, current hip hop/R & B) do not interest me whatsoever and I always get a sideways glance because I enunciate and form well worded sentences.

I love cunnilingus which is apparently rare for Black guys to do. :manny:


At the very least, I hope you don't intentionally pass these preconceived perceptions of individuals onto your children.
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Nov 19, 2013
I think I'm too old for celebrity crushes. I have a crush on Jermaine Cole. I'm a little bit obsessed. I felt blessed when I found people who could give me real tea on him. I thanked God. I don't think that's healthy.

When I was little, I used to get jealous of the kids on tv who were singing/dancing/acting/modeling because I wanted to do it too. I used to learn all of the dances/songs/script and do/say it along with them everytime the show/movie came on.

I still want to learn how to sing.

I want my muscles and flexibility back.

I love babies and strongly dislike abortions.

I don't like anything that is supposed to have more or less legs than me (animals and bugs)

Modern feminist/ social media feminist annoy me.

I strongly dislike cheaters (excluding Jermaine)

I don't know how to do/style my hair.

I feel more comfortable wearing glasses than contacts becuase I'm so used to wearing them. I look weird without them, but I've heard that everyone thinks that when they first get rid of their glasses.

I procrastinate a lot. I have assignments due today, and haven't started on them yet.

My confessions are not that bad because I'm perfect :queen: lol
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Nov 19, 2013
Ive got a couple
Im married to a Latina that looks white because I prefer white women over sistas.

I think growing up in a household with a mother and two sisters jaded me since I saw how crazy they were on a daily basis.

I confirmed my dislike for sistas by getting into a relationship and or sleeping with a few just to make sure. (Going to college at an HBCU greatly aided in this).

When me and my wife are out in public I actually enjoy getting the constant stank eye from black women because I know how jealous they can get especially when they are single and lonely. :troll:

It doesnt help that I grew up in an upper middle class white neighborhood with a proper upbringing.Traditionally African American things (culture, current hip hop/R & B) do not interest me whatsoever and I always get a sideways glance because I enunciate and form well worded sentences.

I love cunnilingus which is apparently rare for Black guys to do. :manny:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Ive got a couple
Im married to a Latina that looks white because I prefer white women over sistas.

I think growing up in a household with a mother and two sisters jaded me since I saw how crazy they were on a daily basis.

I confirmed my dislike for sistas by getting into a relationship and or sleeping with a few just to make sure. (Going to college at an HBCU greatly aided in this).

When me and my wife are out in public I actually enjoy getting the constant stank eye from black women because I know how jealous they can get especially when they are single and lonely. :troll:

It doesnt help that I grew up in an upper middle class white neighborhood with a proper upbringing.Traditionally African American things (culture, current hip hop/R & B) do not interest me whatsoever and I always get a sideways glance because I enunciate and form well worded sentences.

I love cunnilingus which is apparently rare for Black guys to do. :manny:
I feel sorry for you.


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
It's not a rumor, its true. Your breasts are preparing for milk production.

Oh yeah... so true! That was the only way people that knew me could tell I was pregnant. I come from a weird family that you can't tell we are pregnant until we are like 6 or 7 months along.

Fun Sized Psycho

Floating on tooth shaped clouds
Feb 7, 2014
Ive got a couple
Im married to a Latina that looks white because I prefer white women over sistas.

I think growing up in a household with a mother and two sisters jaded me since I saw how crazy they were on a daily basis.

I confirmed my dislike for sistas by getting into a relationship and or sleeping with a few just to make sure. (Going to college at an HBCU greatly aided in this).

When me and my wife are out in public I actually enjoy getting the constant stank eye from black women because I know how jealous they can get especially when they are single and lonely. :troll:

It doesnt help that I grew up in an upper middle class white neighborhood with a proper upbringing.Traditionally African American things (culture, current hip hop/R & B) do not interest me whatsoever and I always get a sideways glance because I enunciate and form well worded sentences.

I love cunnilingus which is apparently rare for Black guys to do. :manny:
you could have posted this in TLR random thoughts thread.


At the very least, I hope you don't intentionally pass these preconceived perceptions of individuals onto your children.
I have absolutely no doubt that he will.
He didn't get with non black women because he loves them. He got with them because he hates black women.
@stirfry220 when you're with your wife, do you notice people staring at you?
I'm looking forward to life after death.
what if there is no life after death? :lupe: