This is what I'm talking about when I say we lack a true knowledge of self.
Once again learn our TRUE history. I'm guessing you believed white trolls when they told you even if the Egyptians were black they were not from West Africa and that we had no connection to them. That is FALSE. I've posted many times about this topic on this site. But if you don't know well here it goes once again.
Before we ended up in West/Central/Southern Africa, we were in North Africa and it was our ancestors that started the ancient civilizations along the Nile. Around 10,000 years ago what we know as the Sahara Desert didn't exist. Instead all across North Africa there was lush green savannah. Even today you can find cave art in places like Algeria showing black people hunting Giraffes and other grazing animals all over North Africa. It was the prime real estate on the African continent back then so everybody was up there. Both ancestors of modern day East Africans and West Africans lived in that part of the continent. It was during this era when the Sahara was green that the precurssors of what we know as Ancient Egyptian civilization started. For example, it was during this time that the Sphnix was built. Which is why the Sphinx has very "negroid" facial features. After the Sahara began to turn into desert about 7,000 years ago, people started migrating to the nearest bodies of water. Some went down to West Africa by the Niger River while their cousins migrated East to the Nile River. Its why even to this day there are certain cultural practices that Africans share from East to West Africa (i.e. female circumcision). Practices like that are evidence of the ancient links that existed before the desertification of North Africa.
Start watching from the 8 minute mark on in this video:
This black british guy's dad is originally from Jamaica and he shares DNA ancestry with the Pharaoh Ramses through his father who is descended from slaves presumably taken from West Africa.
So once again please stop believing white folks lies. We are directly descended from the same people that created Ancient Egyptian civilization.