Captain Crunch
What is Ados?
American Descendants of Slavery.
A term to define Black Americans, so we can push for reparations and other policies that specifically benefit us.
#ADOS – American Descendants of Slavery
What is Ados?
No he wouldnt have. Yall acting like Barack dint play the hand he was dealt like he did, for a reason
I was in the south in 2008. Michelle was culturally relatable to black folks and core ados black culture.
How is a hatian black woman pulling this off.
Yeah the northeast might be on board but not the south- where the majority black vote is located
American Descendants of Slavery.
A term to define Black Americans, so we can push for reparations and other policies that specifically benefit us.
#ADOS – American Descendants of Slavery
black people were not gonna vote against the first black man running for president cause his wife was Haitian
actually.. George Edwin Taylor was the first Black man to run for people were not gonna vote against the first black man running for president cause his wife was Haitian
So you are under the delusion white America is ever gonna give native black americans specific benefits? Has the last 500 years of our people's history on this continent not taught you anything?
I keep saying this but I think it should give anyone who is black a reality check on exactly what we are dealing with when it comes to white people in this country. Over the last couple of years we have seen countless videos of unarmed black men, women, and children being killed by police officers. In the face of all this video evidence, how did white people respond? Did they join us and call for police to stop killing us? Or did they start the blue lives matter movement and essentially ignore the fact our people are getting murdered in the streets by white supremacist police officers?
Stop being so stupid. If white people aren't even willing to acknowledge that police brutality is real, you think they're gonna give us reparations? Stop it.
actually.. George Edwin Taylor was the first Black man to run for president..
But @Swagnificent, cant we at least fight for it?
Cant you just let us dream? Why must you try so hard to quench our thirst for freedom with insults and shame?
So you want us to waste our time on a pipe dream cause its fun to dream?
No. I'm about real shyt. Realistic things we can do to change our community for the better. Nothing in the nature of white people should lead any black person to believe reparations will ever be given out willingly.
You’re purposely quoting me out of context.this is you, correct..
dont bother responding..![]()
No. I'm about real shyt. Realistic things we can do to change our community for the better.
I really dont get why its so hard for people to acknowledge that as AfrAm we have our own culture.That's all fine and dandy - but it's still a different culture/ unique to ADOS. It's not hard to understand.
When is the last time you ever heard reparations in the national conversation?
And you want us to take our foot off the gas?
Back then, reparations wasn't being used as a club the way black people have learned to wield it now.How about last election: Why Is Bernie Sanders Against Reparations?
Or in 2008 when Barack was running: Obama stands firm against reparations
This isn't a new topic. Sure its being talked about more this election cycle. But it ain't new. Maybe yall are just lil kids and this is your first time being part of an election. I'm 31 so I've already been through this song and dance several times already. Maybe when you get old enough to see the bullshyt that is the political process then maybe you'll be like me. Someone who doesn't vote or waste their time on the illumanti dog and pony show known as American politics.
I'd rather invest my energy in educating our people and helping us build our own businesses rather than hoping for white people to finally grow a conscience and give us justice.
Such as? What "realistic things" can ADOS do to change our community for the better and steel us against the vestigial impact of descending from generations of slaves who were never compensated for the centuries old labor into which they were chained?![]()