Dede you know I respect you alot. You are one of my favorite posters on here but can you find me a clip or quote of Harris saying that she is ADOS? She is a black race woman in America. She looks like a black race woman and she described the plight of a black race woman to Joe Biden at the debate. Me, you or Trump jr have not walked in her shoes but I'm certain me and you can understand the
she described. I'm not claiming that she is ADOS but I'm not going to discredit her blackness.
Thank you -- and you know you are one of mine as well. And I highly respect your opinion.
She never states she is. That's not the issue. She can be Black (race) but she is not Black American/AA ethnicity/lineage/culture.
The issue is White America -- and even some Black people think "Black" means ADOS/Black American/AA. They want to place anyone who is Black -- with Black skin -- throw them in to our ethnicity/culture -- when skincolor, discrimination, racism -- or living around ADOS/Blacks -- does not gain one entrance.
I am looking at this as ethnicity/lineage.
That is why Trumpsters are saying she is not "American Black" -- meaning her ancestors were enslaved in the US (Colonial/Antebellum/Confederate States). She does not share our story, lineage, history, experience -- or culture.
They think -- like many Black people apparently -- just being Black and have Black skin and dealing with racism and being seen as "Black" -- - makes you AA/Black American -- and we are saying NO -- she is not apart of our ethnicity/culture/lineage.
She is using "well I'm Black" -- and saying that in America - on a public stage -- Black Americans who look at being Black as an ethnicity/lineage in America -- are like Nah. You not -- and you can't speak for us.
Now, African-American/Black American means anyone who is Black. That's the issue.
A Irish, Italian, White Jew -- are now seen as White. But, their ethnicity/culture/lineage is Irish, Italian, Sicilian, Jewish. They are still now seen as White though.