whats wildy inconsistent to someone who says his human race has not been around that long. vs a supreme being thats been here forever? to find consistency or inconsistency. you have to find patters and have a lack of patterns. i've said this before. if you dont know enough, how can you tell someone "its not a patter"? you dont know that. you may have to look further( which is something we may not be able to do with our current tech). and once you can see further that may be when you pickup a pattern. that will make everything you said before that about the lack of consistency obsolete. cause remember WE are only discovering what the magician has done. we are discovering the completed tricks. then when attempt to go backwards to find out how it was done. we dont know how to make up anything from scratch witthout first seeing it done in nature.if the magician has taken thousands of forms throughout history and been wildly inconsistent and ludicrous, then yes
just because you figured out WHY the sun has been shining for all these centuries on a scientific level. doesnt mean you know if someone or something made it shine.
We dont know if someone or something put the laws in place, the ingredients that are out there in space and in here on earth. because thats exactly what it is. there's a pot of gumbo in solar system next to us. ours may be some kind of lasagna with secret sauce. just cause you figure out the secret behind the sauce. doesnt mean there was no cook to begin with.
that is flawed logic.
The truth is this. lets say for arguments sake. there is no creator. science would never be able to Disprove a creator anyway. science will always only be able to prove how something thats already out there is working. nothing more, nothing less. it cant tell you "someone is behind all of this."
So stop looking for science to say yay or nay to "is there a God."
now the God of the bible created everything, which means he is everything. no he didnt go shopping at a store to get these ingredients to make his soup called the universe. He is the soup. the soup came out of him. lets say for arguments sake. God coughed up planets and sneezed out Stars every so many 1000 years. and we find the source of where these planets/stars are coming from. even if we find a single point where they come from. we still wont scientifically know "hey thats GOD, thats the creator of all things." scientists will call that area "the cradle of all things in the known universe." no more and no less. they cant place a face on it. unless said being decides to reveal their physical self.