The Zionist Jews and Jewish Community Attack on Tamika Mallory is Disgusting


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
xoxodede said:
It is.

All Jewish sources from Jewish scholars -- they are all legit and archived. Feel free to do the research - they have all sources listed.

No, it isn't. Quote-mining sources =/ 'research' or 'legit'. Also, that 'research' was refuted 3 years later.....


xoxodede said:
Yeah, I laughed too - when I realized how dumb and egotistical y'all are to write/document with pride your role in the Slave trade and other evils against Black people.

LOL, I'm Black and your response is an emotionally-laden failure to refute ANYTHING.

Try again.​


Aug 6, 2015
No, it isn't. Quote-mining sources =/ 'research' or 'legit'. Also, that 'research' was refuted 3 years later.....


LOL, I'm Black and your response is an emotionally-laden failure to refute ANYTHING.

Try again.​

It's a lot of lost and confused Black people -- I guess you are one.

I'm not being "emotional" -- I am informing you -- that the sources are real. Find another diss. Cause being emotional is old and typical.

I have looked them up myself to verify. The burden is on you to refute -- not me. :smile:

So, you try again - by posting another book probably paid for by people who exploit and have anti-Black views.

Happy MLK day!


Aug 6, 2015
No, it isn't. Quote-mining sources =/ 'research' or 'legit'. Also, that 'research' was refuted 3 years later.....


LOL, I'm Black and your response is an emotionally-laden failure to refute ANYTHING.

Try again.​


harold brachman - Google Search

The Hypocrisy and Fraud of Harold Brackman

What's your opinion on this article?


Harold Brackman
On May 11, 2013, the poor and the oppressed of the world celebrated the 80th birth anniversary of their champion, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. The beloved leader and charismatic minister for the downtrodden received well-wishes and happy birthdays from all over the globe. But while many of us were prayerfully thanking the Almighty God for the long life of one of His anointed servants, the enemies of the resurrection and rise of the world’s poor and oppressed boiled with rage and venom, being moved even to hurl racist propaganda at the 80-year-old truth-teller.

Specifically, Dr. Harold Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center posted an ugly diatribe against Minister Louis Farrakhan on the Louis D. Brandeis Center’s webpage. But Brackman and his fellow so-called anti-Semite crusaders are legendary for their record of circulating negative publicity against Black leaders and passing off propaganda as scholarship.

In 1994 as Brackman attacked the Nation of Islam’s book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Vol. 1, he wrote in the New York Times, under the heading “Jews Had Negligible Role in Slave Trade.” As a result he was mocked and condemned by Jewish writer Lenni Brenner. When the ADL’s Marc Caplan came against the NOI by writing the pamphlet “Jew Hatred as History,” he was also soundly condemned by Brenner. According to Brenner’s article published in the New Amsterdam News, “the Brackman and Caplan works demonstrate that, for all their monkey-chatter about serious scholarship, they are incapable of it. Again and again we see them minimizing the Jewish role or, as with Caplan vis-a-vis the B’nai B’rith, evading the facts in true fanatic fashion.”

Brenner criticized Brackman for haranguing the Nation of Islam while actually falsifying quotes from The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1 (TSRv1). Brenner writes: “I reviewed Brackman in the October 3, 1992 edition of New Amsterdam News and documented that he had cobbled together what he claimed was a quote from The Secret Relationship from two sentences dozens of pages apart and that he had even reversed their order. Then, genius that he is, Brackman wrote the paper, confessing his impropriety…” Brenner further destroys Harold Brackman’s (Simon Wiesenthal Center) and Marc Caplan’s (ADL) scholarly credibility when he says, “Nevertheless, all serious Jewish scholars emphasize that Southern Jewry was nearly unanimous in support of slavery, and that only an insignificant percentage of Northern Jews were abolitionists.


‘What so thoroughly condemns Harold Brackman are his own words that make him sound more like a member of the Nation of Islam Research Group than a fellow at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.’ German-Jewish immigrants were prominent in the cotton trade between the South and Britain, which was brokered in New York. The city’s rich Jews would have nothing to do with a faction that threatened the exploitative base of their lucrative traffic. The ADL’s mendacity regarding this aspect of Jewish history is best seen or, more precisely, best not seen, in Caplan’s silence regarding the posture of the B’nai B’rith fraternal lodges on the slavery issue. The Secret Relationship cites Bertram Korn, a universally well-regarded Jewish historian: ‘B’nai B’rith...ignored the South–North turmoil in the pre-war years.’ (TSRv1, p. 155) Southern members of the B’nai B’rith were pro-slavery, so its national leaders kept silent about the burning question of the day in the interest of organizational unity. The ADL was founded in 1913 as a branch of B’nai B’rith, to which it is still affiliated.”

What so thoroughly condemns Harold Brackman are his own words that make him sound more like a member of the Nation of Islam Research Group than a fellow at the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Brackman’s explosive 1977 doctoral dissertation on the history of Black–Jewish relations literally shines a bright light on the mysterious origins of the genocidal legendary belief and philosophy known as the Curse of Ham. The Curse of Ham is part of the Bible’s narrative regarding the Prophet Noah and his decreeing a divine curse on his son Ham’s offspring. According to the Farrakhan-bashing Brackman, “There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the [Noachic] episode. . . The Talmudic glosses of the episode added the stigma of blackness to the fate of enslavement that Noah predicted for Ham’s progeny…” (“The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black–Jewish Relations Through 1900, Part 1,” pages 79-81).

This is a ground-breaking revelation that, since exposed by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, Brackman has tried to run from, even going so far as to blame the Muslims for creating the myth that Blackness was a part of the punitive conditions of the Curse of Ham. Yet the religion of Islam prohibits the practice of enslaving human beings: the enslavement of any human being is diametrically opposed to and completely antithetical to the teachings and dictates Islam’s sacred texts. Thus any Muslim participating in the slave trade is in violation of his religion, his actions divorced from the teachings of the religion of Islam itself. This is not the case where Jewish slavers are concerned. As Brackman’s dissertation makes plain, Jewish slavers could maneuver within the global slavocracy just as they might in any other industry—with the complete blessings of the Talmud. And this is a critical distinction. But don’t just take my word for it; let’s examine more of Brackman’s important dissertation.

The following excerpts from Harold Brackman’s 1977 doctoral dissertation have been made available via the Nation of Islam Research Group’s website at

On Page 46 Brackman takes up the subject of Slavery in Jewish Law:

“Two legal fictions were evolved which legitimated slave trading without openly repudiating precedent. The first of these actually seized on a provision of the Talmudic slave law itself. For in ruling out forced circumcision, the Sages had declared that, under certain circumstances, a master could purchase a heathen bondsman, retain him for up to a year in hopes of gaining his consent to the operation, but then resell him outside the Jewish fold if such consent was not finally given. Half a millennia after the Talmudic era had drawn to a close; one geonic responsa stretched this proviso into a blanket sanction for slave trading by Jews. Answering a question raised by an unnamed Jewish community where most slaves were apparently held as speculative investments, it endorsed the practice of reselling to Gentiles any and all of those who during such a period of trial ownership demonstrated an unwillingness to live up to the rudimentary moral obligations which the Jewish law imposed on them.”

On page 268 Brackman takes up the subject of Southern Jews as Slave Owners: “One in four Southern Jews held slaves — exactly the same proportion that held for all Southern whites. They actively participated in the internal slave trade, owning three of Richmond’s seventy, and four of Charleston’s forty-four, slave-auctioning emporiums. They produced the full panoply of classic Southern types — from plantation overseer to plantation mistress to plantation-owning practi[ti]oner of the aristocratic refinements of interracial sex, and from temporizing Unionist Whig to fire-eating Democratic politician to embittered poor white hating nothing so much as free Blacks … Charleston’s Congregation Beth Elohim, the first American Reform congregation, was also the first to raise an explicit membership bar against ‘people of color.’”

Years later, Brackman, in his 2008 article for the Encyclopedia of American Jewish History, wrote: “Jews were about twice as likely to be slave owners as the average white Southerner.” (The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2, 2d ed., page 23)

On page 6 of his dissertation Brackman writes on Jews and Slavery: “For the American Jews, too, the twentieth-century encounter with Blacks grew out of long past roots which, however, remain very alive with contemporary implications…They had owned slaves —black slaves — in Brazil, and their ancestors had lived for a thousand years…Moreover, they were heirs of a distinctive Jewish law of slavery that continued to develop in its own right and shape underlying attitudes up through the Karo-Isserles Code of the sixteenth century and also a distinctive Jewish lore of race relations with its own special mix of unflattering allusions to the color and character of dark-skinned Africans…”

As a follower of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, I greatly appreciate Mr. Brackman’s words that permit us to clear the Minister of the false charge of anti-Semitism. His words provide for us the much-needed ability to demonstrate to a truth-seeking public, the harmony between the words of leading Jewish scholars and the impassioned liberation message of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Thank you, Dr. Brackman.

(Demetric Muhammad is a student minister and member of the Nation of Islam Research Group on-line at Nation of Islam Research Group. Reach him at


Aug 6, 2015
No, it isn't. Quote-mining sources =/ 'research' or 'legit'. Also, that 'research' was refuted 3 years later.....


LOL, I'm Black and your response is an emotionally-laden failure to refute ANYTHING.

Try again.​

Even Dr. Tony Martin spoke about this WHITE man. Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech

You are here

Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech
By Prof. Tony Martin

First of all, thank you very much, Greg, for the introduction. I’d like to thank also the IHR and Mark Weber particularly for inviting me here. I’m very happy to be here, to be part of this event. I like long-winded topics, at least topic titles, so I’ll read the topic which I have selected for today. It’s as follows: “Jewish Tactics as Exemplified in the Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.” So I won’t be speaking that much on the controversy itself. What I’m trying to do is to use my subjective experience, that is, the experience I’ve had, for close to a decade now, in dealing with this controversy.

And what I’m going to try to do now -- to use my concrete, subjective experience on the firing line, so to speak. And I’m going to try to extract from my experience certain basic sort of tactics that I think the Jewish lobby has used over the years pertaining to my particular situation. But in trying to extract these tactics from my own situation, I suspect that I may very well resonate with the experience of some other people here, because my suspicion is that there tends to be a generalized practice which transcends your particular situation. So, even though in my case I was dealing with a specific situation -- the transatlantic slave trade -- my suspicion is that the kinds of tactics which were used against me may be not very dissimilar to those experienced by many other folks who have been involved in other kinds of disputes with this particular lobby.

The first thing I should do by way of introduction is just to basically summarize precisely what my controversy was. I know it’s familiar to many people here, but I’m sure not to everybody in this audience. As was mentioned a minute ago in the introduction, I teach at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. For many years I’ve taught a survey course in African-American history. This is a one semester course, that moves very rapidly over the whole gamut of African-American history. In 1993 I introduced to this course a book which is on sale here, a book which then was fairly new, a book which I myself had only just recently become introduced to. This book, which is published by the historical research department of the Nation of Islam, is entitled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. And what that book did, relying primarily on sources written by Jews, and Jewish sources of a variety of types, is to try to sort of synthesize the existing information on Jewish involvement in the slave trade, the bringing of Africans as slaves from Africa to the so-called new world. There wasn’t that much in the book that was new -- all the information, practically, was secondary information, which had been already published, although hidden away to a large extent in very esoteric Jewish journals, which the average Jew, I discovered later, had no idea about.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t new information. It was new to many people, including myself, and I found it very interesting that even though I had taught African-American history for many years, I had been only dimly aware of the role of Jews in that slave trade. What I discovered was that the Jewish role in that slave trade had been very cleverly camouflaged for many, many years. Where Jews were involved, usually they tended not to be identified as Jews, whereas where Christians were involved, or where Muslims were involved. there was ready identification of such persons by their ethnicity, by their religious affiliation, and so on. In the case of Jews, they would be called other things -- Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian, whatever. But, you know, that crucial identification tended to be obscured. So, as a good professor – I think I’m a good professor. I’m always on the lookout for new information, to enrich my classes. So I was very fascinated by this new information, and decided to add a few readings from this book in my class. And that’s when, as the saying goes, all hell broke loose. [Laughter]

Apparently, I didn’t realize it, but I actually stumbled into a controversy which was already brewing because the book had apparently caused some consternation in Jewish circles. And it’s only afterwards, when I went back and did my research, that I discovered that one or two editorials had already appeared, by way of the Jewish power structure, in a sense warning people like myself to stay away from the book. There already apparently had been a full-page op ed piece in The New York Times, one that, I was told, was the largest, longest op ed that had ever been published in that paper. It was actually typeset in the form of a Star of David. It was written by someone called Henry Lewis Gates of Harvard University, one of the black spokesmen for the Jewish lobby. Even the paper from my basic home town, the Boston Globe, had carried an editorial, which I was unaware of at the time, not long before I began to use the book. And in a sense, the purpose of these editorials and op eds was to warn folks to stay away from that book, or else. But me, in my foolhardiness, ignored the warnings, being largely unaware of the warnings in the first place. And so I stumbled into this problem.

In fact Jews had been involved not only in the African slave trade, but also, and for a very long period of time, in a variety of other slave trades as well. Apparently, they had actually dominated slavery and the slave trade in medieval times. A couple of days ago, while on the plane on the way here, I was re-reading a Ph. D. dissertation from 1977 [“The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black-Jewish Relations through 1900”] by a man called Harold D. Brackman, who is a functionary of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. In his dissertation, which details Black-Jewish relations from ancient times up to 1900, he actually acknowledges the fact that Jews were the principal slave traders in the world for several hundred years -- although, and in typical fashion, he puts a very interesting spin on it. He acknowledges, as I guess he has to, that Jews were the major slave traders in the world, trading slaves everywhere from Russia to western Europe, to India, to China -- but he says that they dominated the world trade only for a few hundred years -- only. [laughter] He said that they were the main slave traders from the eighth century to the twelfth century -- but that was no big thing. It was only a few hundred years.

I discovered also that the Jews were very instrumental in the ideological underpinning for the African slave trade -- the notorious Hamitic myth -- which more than anything else has provided a sort of ideological underpinning or rationale for the slave trade. This comes out of the Talmud. In fact, Harold Brackman himself acknowledges that this was the first explication of the story in the Biblical book of Genesis about Ham, the so-called progenitor of the African race, having been cursed by Noah, and so on. But apparently, according to Brackman, the Talmud was the first place that put a racist spin on this story. The Biblical story was racially neutral, but the Talmud apparently put a very awful racist spin on this story, which later on became the basis, the ideological underpinning, for the African slave trade. So all of this I was to discover as I became embroiled in the controversy.

One of the things that interested me, too, was that the Jewish element was apparently also a major element in what came to be known in the 19 th century as the white slave trade. The white slave trade was a major multinational, international trading in women for immoral sexual purposes, as prostitutes, and so on. And I found, too, that Jewish entrepreneurs in Europe apparently were also major figures in that so-called slave trade.

So I became aware of all of this. Just to summarize briefly what I discovered in the book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, and in the subsequent readings, with regard to the African slave trade, is that once it got going in the 15th century, the Jews again were a very important part of it. The book was not suggesting, just I have never suggested, that the Jews were the only people involved, or even the major people involved. My basic point has always been that whereas everybody else that I’m aware of who was a part of the slave trade has acknowledged being part of it. In fact, many of the people who were a part of the genesis of the slave trade later also became part of the abolitionist movement to end the trade. But as far as I know, the Jewish element is the only one that has resisted acknowledging its participation in this trade. In fact, it has gone beyond merely resisting knowledge of this information coming out. It has become very upset when this information has come to the fore.

Continue Reading... Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech


Jan 5, 2017
:sas2: :sas1:

OP said an interesting thing.....wherearethe black media pundits to defend her.

I know some of them have, but Marc Lamont Hill said it too ..that a litmus test for black pundits is if they support to any degree Farrakhan.

I'm in suspense actually that all these websites haven't talked about deplatforming NOI.

Remember when I said last year that when they start to censor/deplatform a powerful independent voice like Alex Jones, means they are setting the stage to go after any person, organization, or ideal that messes with profits or agendas of particular folks.

We need more independent websites to compete and be supported by the masses. Just giving to much power to a few companies. Google shows us what Market Domination looks like

"Powerful independent voice like Alex Jones"

Do you even read your posts.


All Star
May 13, 2012
Kalamazoo, MI #ADOS
I'm glad she didn't denounce him and has stood her ground. She has stated multiple times that she doesn't agree with his sentiments on Jews, and the LGBTQ community but I think white people just want another public example where they can tell black people what to do and force them to do it.

As for Meghan McCain I think it's absolutely racist that she would badger Tamika Mallory with those questions given her own father's abysmal voting record with Civil Rights and I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with his resistance to a MLK holiday.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
"Powerful independent voice like Alex Jones"

Do you even read your posts.

Powerful Independent as leaders/founders of their organizations and not beholden to some mega corporation or party.

Mallory is powerful Independent.
Farrakhan is powerful independent.
Jones is powerful independent.


Dec 16, 2015
I'm glad she didn't denounce him and has stood her ground. She has stated multiple times that she doesn't agree with his sentiments on Jews, and the LGBTQ community but I think white people just want another public example where they can tell black people what to do and force them to do it.

As for Meghan McCain I think it's absolutely racist that she would badger Tamika Mallory with those questions given her own father's abysmal voting record with Civil Rights and I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with his resistance to a MLK holiday.

It's crazy how White people...especially White conservatives wanna act holier than thou about who Black people associate with...

When these people want to celebrate...rapists and slave traders as our Founding Fathers...

Like how dare you wanna talk about me...and who I associate with when we carved into stone...slave traders and rapists my guy...

And then we put them on money...

And then we named cities after them...

American DOS gotta be reminded everyday of slave traders and rapists...nd we don't say shyt...

Farrakhan said some fukked up shyt about Jews...but this country got rapists and slave traders memorialized...we can't fukk with Farrakhan?

The day Farrakhan kill some Jews...then they got a point...and I don't even like Farrakhan...or the NOI...but the woman said she don't fukk with his anti-Jew shyt...leave her alone...if crackers can compartmentalize slave traders and rapists and racists then we can compartmentalize Farrakhan....:troll:


Aug 6, 2015
Your argument is and has been trashed by actual scholarship.​

You wish :smile:

What actual scholarship have you presented? What scholarship have you proven to be false?

You don't even know the sources or scholars that are listed in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews? But, you are quick to jump on the side of someone ....anyone ...who comes at the book.

Well, as much as I hate doing other's homework/research -- let me help you sir...

Your beloved Dr. Brackman's scholarship has already proved the sources and book to be truthful and factual. Here's why...

Mr. Brackman was upset at Louis Farrakhan, the NOI and Dr. Martin - due to Farrakhan quoting your beloved "scholar" Harold Brackman's dissertation -- "The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black-Jewish Relations Through 1900" --- where Mr. Brackman himself -- explained and properly sourced how the Jewish Babylonian Talmud invented the “myth of the curse of Ham.”

Here's what Mr. Brackman said:

"The opening centuries of the Christian era constituted an interregnum in the native African record of historical achievement separating Cush's era of ancient prominence from the medieval accomplishments of the great Negro states of the Sudan. These same centuries formed the seedbed of rabbinic Judaism. And this fateful coincidence goes far toward explaining why they also formed such fertile soil for the growth of Jewish lore demeaning the Negro. The most famous of these anti-Negro legends cluster about Ham and Noah's cursing of Canaan . . . There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode by stressing Canaan's fraternal connections with Cush . . . The Talmudic glosses of the episode added the stigma of blackness to the fate of enslavement that Noah predicted for Ham's progeny" ("The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black-Jewish Relations Through 1900," pages 79-81).
Mr. Brackman cited what he called an "important" Talmudic "version of the myth":

"Ham is told by his outraged father that, because you have abused me in the darkness of the night, your children shall be born black and ugly; because you have twisted your head to cause me embarrassment, they shall have kinky hair and red eyes; because your lips jested at my expense, theirs shall swell; and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked" (page 81).

See, that got Mr. Brackman in trouble with his fellow Jewish friends, family and community. So, he had to come out trying to denounce and spin what he wrote.

When Brackman’s astounding admission was published in The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront, by Wellesley professor Tony Martin, Brackman recoiled and actually pulled his “refutation” pamphlet off the market.

Even Jews are embarrassed by the Brackman harangue which found its way into every Barnes & Noble even as they refuse to sell The Secret Relationship. Lenni Brenner, author of Jews in America Today, titled his review in the Amsterdam News, “Harold Brackman believes in recycling garbage,” and opened with this: “There are some books so bad that I have to apologize for reviewing them. [Brackman’s “book”] is one of them.” Brackman is the front man for the Jewish position of denial in the battle against the most controversial book in America, The Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews.

His NYT spin: Jews Had Negligible Role in Slave Trade

Since, Mr. Brackman wrote this as his dissertation University of California -- and went on to work for the Simon Wiesenthal Center-- that would mean his sources were well-researched, approved and believed by the Jewish Community and scholars for him to include -- correct?

Especially, since the Simon Wiesenthal Center is.....

a global human rights organization researching the Holocaust and hate in a historic and contemporary context. The Center confronts anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, promotes human rights and dignity, stands with Israel, defends the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaches the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations. With a constituency of over 400,000 households in the United States, it is accredited as an NGO at international organizations including the United Nations, UNESCO, OSCE, Organization of American States (OAS), the Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO) and the Council of Europe.

But, if you want to continue to "cape" for Mr. Brackman -- here is where he got it from:

Early Jewish interpretations
The Torah assigns no racial characteristics or rankings to Ham. Moses married a Cushyte, one of the reputed descendants of Ham, according to the Book of Numbers, Chapter 12. Despite this, a number of early Jewish writers have interpreted the Biblical narrative of Ham in a racial way. The Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 108b states, "Our Rabbis taught: Three copulated in the ark, and they were all punished—the dog, the raven, and Ham. The dog was doomed to be tied, the raven expectorates, and Ham was smitten in his skin" (Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 108b). The nature of Ham's "smitten" skin is unexplained, but later commentaries described this as a darkening of skin. A later note to the text states that the "smitten" skin referred to the blackness of descendants, and a later comment by rabbis in the Bereshyt Rabbah asserts that Ham himself emerged from the ark black-skinned.[1] The Zohar states that Ham's son Canaan "darkened the faces of mankind."[2]

Early and modern Christian interpretations
Some Biblical scholars see the "curse of Ham" story as an early Hebrew rationalization for Israel's conquest and enslavement of the Canaanites, who were presumed to descend from Canaan.[3]

Read more @ the Source: Curse of Ham - New World Encyclopedia

The Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 108b Source: Sanhedrin 108b
Other scholars and sources:

The Hamitic Hypothesis; Its Origin and Functions in Time Perspective

Then follows an enumeration of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, Japhet, and their sons who were born to them after the flood. The Bible makes no mention of racial differences among the ancestors of mankind. It is much later that an idea of race appears with reference to the sons of Noah; it concerns the descendants of Ham. The Babylonian Talmud, a collection of oral traditions of the Jews, appeared in the sixth century A.D.; it states that the descendants of Ham are cursed by being black, and depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates. Thus, early tradition identified the Hamites with Negroes and endowed them with both certain physiognomical attributes and an undesirable character.

This notion persisted in the Middle Ages, when fanciful rabbinical expansions of the Genesis stories were still being made. Ham, some of them said, was supposed to have emasculated Noah, who cursed him thus:

'Now I cannot beget the fourth son whose children I would have ordered to serve you and your brothers! Therefore it must be Canaan, your firstborn, whom they enslave. And since you have disabled me... doing ugly things in blackness of night, Canaan's children shall be borne ugly and black! Moreover, because you twisted your head around to see my nakedness, your grandchildren's hair shall be twisted into kinks, and their eyes red; again because your lips jested at my misfortune, theirs shall swell; and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked, and their male members shall be shamefully elongated! Men of this race are called Negroes, their forefather Canaan commanded them to love theft and fornication, to be banded together in hatred of their masters and never to tell the truth.'

Scholars who study the Hebrew myths of the Genesis claim that these oral traditions grew out of a need of the Israelites to rationalize their subjugation of Canaan, a historical fact validated by the myth of Noah's curse. Talmudic or Midrashic explanations of the myth of Ham were well known to Jewish writers in the Middle Ages, as seen in this description by Benjamin of Tudela, a twelfth-century merchant and traveller south of Aswan: There is a people... who, like animals, eat of the herbs that grow on the banks of the Nile and in their fields. They go about naked and have not the intelligence of ordinary men. They cohabit with their sisters and anyone they can find... they are taken as slaves and sold in Egypt and neighbouring countries. These sons of Ham are black slaves.5

Even weak Wiki has it listed...

Early Judaism and Islam
While Genesis 9 never says that Ham was black, he became associated with black skin, through folk etymology deriving his name from a similar, but actually unconnected, word meaning "dark" or "brown".[49] The next stage are certain fables according to ancient Jewish traditions. According to one legend preserved in the Babylonian Talmud, God cursed Ham because he broke a prohibition on sex aboard the ark and "was smitten in his skin";[50]according to another, Noah cursed him because he castrated his father.[51] Although the Talmud refers only to Ham, the version brought in a midrash goes on further to say "Ham, that Cush came from him" in reference to the blackness,[52] that the curse did not apply to all of Ham but only to his eldest son Cush, Cush being a sub-Saharan African.[53] Thus, two distinct traditions existed, one explaining dark skin as the result of a curse on Ham, the other explaining slavery by the separate curse on Canaan.[54]

An independent interpretation of the curse being imposed on all of the descendants of Ham persisted in Judaism, especially since the other children of Ham were situated in the African continent; i.e., Mizraim fathered the Egyptians, Cush the Cushytes, and Phut the Libyans.[62]

Source: Curse of Ham - Wikipedia
You think by posting a Zionist White man - who had to dedicate his life to going after NOI - after his Jewish community blamed him for their internal well-known "secret" being referenced in NOI's book is "scholarship?" Yeah...ok.

He was obsessed with the NOI -- but I'm sure he was forced to be after his community blamed him...

Farrakhan's Reign of Historical Error: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews


Jew on the brain: A public refutation of the Nation of Islam's The Secret relationship between Blacks and Jews


Mirror of conflict: The Black press and major issues of Jewish concern (Simon Wiesenthal Center Monograph)


Ministry of Lies: The Truth Behind "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews"
