Tell me sir who's lived in the same city for over a decade. Why would that make you an expert on average internet speeds
I didn't pull up a fans opinion on internet speedsand since I provided my stats, you're the one going off of what exactly?
I'm not here to argue with anyone, just the facts ma'am. I've done my portion, you remain cool and provide some of that home town insight homeslice, homeskillet![]()
Because just looking at a website and seeing what average speeds are doesn't do much other than basic math.
In reality, there's tons of variance based on where someone lives, most of the time owing to how old the fiber is in the customer's area, and if it they run it into the customer's home, or stop at a junction box somewhere in the neighborhood. Using CenturyLink as an example, that 15 MBPS example was based on me looking for alternatives to Cox for where I live right now right before I bought the place in December. Cox is a little better, in that gigabit is available pretty much everywhere (thus bringing up that average you keep talking about), but it's by far the most expensive package. That wasn't much of an issue for me, but they legitimately will not sell you the package without leasing their own proprietary modem/router, and that IS a problem for me. I've got my own equipment and a mesh kit specifically so I don't have to hand them $240 a year for no real reason.
Cox gets away with their pricing because between their own business with local zoning/legislature and aggressive HOAs, no one else can set up effective infrastructure out here to support other truly competitive options. Even T-Mobile (and, for that matter Verizon) isn't available everywhere, since they'd still need to get appropriate towers built, or upgrade existing ones for coverage.
And while the specific details might be different, the general story is mostly the same around the country. Markets where there are two or more legitimate options are the exception, not the rule. It's why the US consistently ranks near the bottom of lists for available internet speed for the price.