First and foremost, sorry for this long ass reply
Wrestling may be dying period. AEW & WWE should be working together honestly. But for the WWE. Failure to build new stars (at least not correctly), and bad creative is their main problem. Also, most of the people they bring back is not there every week (they shouldn`t be needed in the first place if you have legit "superstars" on your program).
So why would people tune in when they know no one like The Rock for example is going to be there? Plus the superstars we watch every week is held back by bad writing that prevents them from being as engaging, or charismatic as the wrestlers from back in the day. It`s like they`re not allowed to be charismatic, or it`s against the rules. On top of that. Most matches there aren`t any high stakes and mean nothing, the same matches again, and again, bad payoffs, cheap finishes because they wrote themselves into a corner etc
I use to think them being PG was the problem. It`s not. The people who run the show gives off a vibe that
A) they don`t know what the fukk they`re doing
B) they don`t care
So most fans stopped caring\watching....or they`re smart, and just watch the highlights on YouTube. Why waste 2 to 3 hours weekly when you can catch up in minutes. Most of the time, you`re not missing anything of any importance.
Lesnar is always holding the main title, and doesn`t show up to 90% of the shows the WWE do every year.
The Rock isn`t there every week.
Why would he? He is a Hollywood Star.
Goldberg isn`t there every week.
he is old.
Sting isn`t there every week.
injured and too old.
AJ Styles is cool but i doubt he draws in millions
DX isn`t there every week.
HBK is retired and works with the undisputed era in NXT.
NXT superstars goes to the main roster and are focused on for 4 weeks, then Vince doesn`t like them, then to the bushes they go.
Nobody was asking for Cain Valesquez to sign to the E.
Mysterio has been misused since he came back until maybe a few months ago.
Wrong, he put over Almas and Lesnar.
Rousey is cool but she can only bring in but so many viewers.
No, she brings in women and UFC marks.
Kurt Angle isn`t there every week, and at this point i doubt he brings in many viewers.
He is old, banged up . He isn’t a factor anymore.
DanIel Bryan

Best talent on the roster. Put Kofi over. Put Bray over. Had the best match with Lesnar. Should dethrone him at mania.
Cena was forced for so long he drove fans away imo. In
your opinion but wrong. Big Match John put over Punk, KO, Lesnar . Even put over trash Roman.
Reigns wasn`t mid carding until his return earlier this year. A majority of this decade he was forced just like Cena. Not really his fault but
it was his fault. He has no charisma or personality.
He is Baron Corbin with long hair and a Vest.
Kevin Owens won the WWE Title, but i truly think just the internet loves KO. The internet is tricky. You can have 3 million followers, and only 4% support you and tune in
Finn Balor won the WWE title, got injured, relinquished the title, came back, and never got a chance at the title again until he faced Lesnar earlier this year. Misused.
They brought Lashley back and put him in terrible programs. He hasn`t been in one good angle since returning.
Roman killed his push. Him losing chance to fight Lesnar to Roman and then shaking his hand was disgusting.
People complained about Big Show, Kane, and Mark Henry.. They should be on the creative team alongside most of the people you named.
No. Absolutely not. Big Show interest in getting into acting. He has 2 shows coming out. Let in retire in peace. Kane is a damn mayor. Mark Henry is there still.
Punk had a year run

Batista isn`t there every week.
Same as Rock. Avengers money or wrestling? He is an actor.
Brought Austin back to host shows...Also not there weekly. Should be in creative.
what would a 55 year old Austin with a back neck and knees be doing other hosting shows?
Brought the Hardyz Back, cool WM moment, but everything afterwards is a blur. What did they do after that WM moment that had any importance.
Brought Matt back as Broken Matt and couldn`t capture the magic of the character from TNA because creative is terrible.
Wrong Jeff got injured and then drunk. Matt was wasted and out everyone you names should actually be in creative because he actually is creative.
Kofi becoming the first black champ was dope, but everything afterwards made him look like a paper champion imo. They could`ve done more with him.
Wrong. The only thing done terrible was the Lesnar match and lack of follow up. That was trash.
Basically, you named some awesome things that were big steps forward. But the fans aren`t gonna stick around because the WWE has a track record to mess up good things. They say they give their fans what they want. When in reality they give their fans what Vince wants them to want. Hell. When shyt got real bad last year they promised change, but what changed really. If AEW went out of business tomorrow, people think they aren`t trying now. They would be on cruise control again.
So to sum it up. Too much bad, with some good few and far between= people losing interest\ratings drop