The WWE did everything and yet still suffering record low numbers

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
The storylines are the problem. No one ever believes Roman going to lose to Dolph or Corbin in a meaningful match so why watch? No growth from mid card talent.
No way Jose
Sarah Logan
Are examples of characters stuck in a rut. They never get out of second gear.
Wasted talent
Eric Young
Aleister Black should be doing more. Sonya also is wasted on a level that’s crazy. More her to NXT to see if she can swim on her own.
Clean the rosters up.
Mike K
Zack Ryder
All should be released. They had long careers but it’s over.


Oct 31, 2017
St. Louis, U.S.A.
They did everything except make a good show.

You can usually count the year's good-to-great episodes of RAW on one or two hands. And it's almost always stunt booking.

but this thread ultimately proves wrestling's popularity lives and dies with Monday Night RAW.

Which is why the RAW roster needs to be stacked and top heavy.

4 singles titles all on raw, nothing else, one big super division.


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
Mexico, Japan and Europe are doing decent to great, this seems to just be an American problem with WWE suffering. The problem is that many of the things that made the Monday Night Wars popular are already saturated in other media.

We got a lot of shows with fukkery on nowadays so that's covered, we have actors who cut better promos on a regular basis on random Netflix shows so that's covered, and you can see an attractive woman on a smartphone with a simple search.

The only reason to watch wrestling today is for the matches and live crowd reactions otherwise you can get your Attitude Era fix from other places.
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Tommy Lee Jones

All Star
Jan 1, 2015
Brought all them back but didnt know how to use most of them, the writing has been consistent (trash)
Forgot what podcast I was listening to but they made a good point that the writers are just writing to please Vince/fear of Vince. so even if you are the best writer in history your shyt is still going to be ass because Vince doesn't know shyt.


Jan 20, 2015
Forgot what podcast I was listening to but they made a good point that the writers are just writing to please Vince/fear of Vince. so even if you are the best writer in history your shyt is still going to be ass because Vince doesn't know shyt.
Do you think being pg also limits them?

Tommy Lee Jones

All Star
Jan 1, 2015
Do you think being pg also limits them?
Not really. A good story teller can still tell a story within the pg realm. All of the Star Wars movies are pg/pg-13 and they are great stories (Well maybe only the original 3). They shouldn't just be pg maybe make the last hour of the show more adult.

The problem is nothing is at stake and it's the same shyt every week. Every week guys have matches just because one guy wants to prove hes the best or one guy just wants to fight this guy and he's a coward if he doesn't fight him. Like this shyt is fake so it's just insulting my intelligence that one pro wrestler is calling another one a coward because he won't fight him. Wrestling is missing heat and angles. Sure I like actual wrestling and matches but without characters and storylines and heat it's just guys in spandex doing moves. Not only that everyone does the same moves now days. I could go on forever lol I am just not feeling wrestling in 2019 and it seems to be getting worse. Wrestlers were always the biggest marks but now they are nerdy indy marks, where are the tough guys and bad ass guys?


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
Social media is a bytch too... Especially when have the talent out there liking each other pictures and shyt...

Like they dont allow you to be invested in the story or make you feel the realism...

Its like Taker throwing Foley off the cage and hours later, You see Foley liking Takers picture... Fukk you his pic for? He damn near killed you. You supposed to see that man on Raw

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
Social media is a bytch too... Especially when have the talent out there liking each other pictures and shyt...

Like they dont allow you to be invested in the story or make you feel the realism...

Its like Taker throwing Foley off the cage and hours later, You see Foley liking Takers picture... Fukk you his pic for? He damn near killed you. You supposed to see that man on Raw

Or like Stone Cold grabbing a drink with Vince Mcmahon after smashing Mcmahon with a damn bed pan:francis:. Imagine if Medusa was to like a tweet featuring HBK after trashing the fukking belt on Nitro:hhh:. DX and the NWO crotch chopping and throwing up 2 sweet signs after Trips came to ATL with a damn tank:gucci:. Goldberg retweeting Austin's new VHS tape announcement coming out:beli:.

Mike Quackenbush gets shytted on for how he did his roster in CHIKARA but dammit, at least he kept the kayfabe going in these miserable times. Now you got wrestlers that are supposed to be fukking birds talking about suicide prevention:mjtf:. Like come on dude, you just told an opponent that you are going to pluck him to death, and now you on Twitter trying to get dap out of character:martin:.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
They want to appeal to too many age groups. Focus on one and keep it moving. Scrap the PG 13 shyt and go straight 14A. Create a saturday morning show for kids to watch.
Yea they have 3 weekly shows, and all of them are trying to do the same thing.. Why cant one of the shows be for the older fans, one show be for the "serious/internet/indy loving fans and have one show be straight up fukkery but PG..

But at the same time PG isnt the problem, its being PG and having your show runner/Vince be old and out of touch. everyone is just trying to impress him. Heyman, Prichard or whoever is running these shows have no real power its all still going through Vince. Those hires were internet PR moves
Coke and roids :ufdup:

I mean some of the best promos were cut on coke, and I love Kofi and all but he looks like a middle school kid with his shirt off.

and the alternative (AEW) is consistently declining and will be lucky to stay above 500k viewers by this time next month. The reality is pro-wrestling is a niche market. The days of 5-10 million people watching on a weekly basis are gone and will never come back.

That doesn’t mean doom and gloom however.

WWE will always maintain millions of fans. The WWE Network is really the best way to determine how many paying fans they actually have and that number is around 2 million.

The alternative, AEW, will be fine as long as they get some real leadership backstage running the show and less smart mark wrestlers calling the shots. They don’t have a high paying TV deal, but TNT covers the cost of production (which is rumored around $400,000 per week). As long as they can stay above that 500k mark, they should be just fine with TNT.

its a niche market and wwe doesnt cater to that demo, they over here trying to cater to an imaginary casual fanbase. they say they are hiring the people that the fans want but when they get here they strip them of everything that made them popular in the first place..and even then the indy fan demo is small so thats not enough..
The owner is a white 70 year old and all the other higher ups are like 45 plus. They have no Idea what’s cool and they’re stuck in their old ways.

They are too old, but vince needs to atleast let some one else get final say so on SD, the hardcore fanbase needs to love it again and if we can get someone other than vince to have final word then maybe they can capture some of the lapsed fans or even some new fans.. but as long as the same guy is in charge the same things will happen and the numbers will continue to decline

Yeah people need to except all good things dont last forever

Even the circus shut down recently cause no one cares anymore.

WWE is ok with the numbers they have now.

My only problem is oversaturation

The 3 brands shyt is too much.

Making Rey a top babyface and trying to force Ricochet & Humberillo as top talent to carry a brand is stupid

oversaturation is one thing, but its poor quality, like no one wants to rewatch any old shows, they are not good enough. They give you 7 hours of live tv and only nxt has any replayability because of the good matches. Its not 1998 but it doesnt have to be, wwe doesnt have to be doing 8 million viewers all they have to do is feed the 3-5 millions fans they have left, but they too busy trying to cater to kids and casual fans. But kids will watch whatever and casual fans dont exist.

And yes rccochet and hunberto are generic flippy guy and latin wrestler 2934794789, they have no characters and are being sold on being athletic, when has that ever worked in wwe? nobody gives a damn that these dudes can do flips and shyt if they have no storylines or character behind it. Being super athletic doesnt matter in fake sports

Gaming and youtube have snatched market share away from Network TV.

yea this is true, so they cant expect 7-10 million viewrs but 4-5 shouldnt be out of the question, for shyt like WM. but they done turned mania into this corporate spectacle, that isnt must see for the product, its just to show off how they sold out some big football field

I watched Kofi and for a couple of months afterward but it got boring again and WWE is just boring. They got a lot of good speakers and they speak better than the 90's by a mile but those guys had better characters. Even the C list guys like Al Snow had interesting characters like Head and stuff. Val Venis. Godfather. It was like you wanted to see the lower roster guys. These days, most of these guys are boring even if their speaking is good and their technical skills are WAY better than the 90's.

Vince gotta improve it and make wrestling fun again to watch. I will say this, the women's division is night and day better than the 90's in EVERY SINGLE WAY.

I don't really care for Breh Wyatt but his character is pretty entertaining. I watch him when he's on screen.

Thats how I feel about his reign, it was a cool build up which they almost fukked up but then it really showed that they had no plans for him after he won. He was still mostly booked in tag team matches and when he had title matches the new day stayed in the back.. Like why not just have them help him keep the title. that should have been his ace in the hole since he isnt a big dude. 90% of wwe problem is bad booking and having no idea whats cool to any of their demo, kids or adults

I can't wait for Lesnar & Lashley to finally do a random match out of nowhere just for the reaction when it's the same Lesnar match that he does pretty much every single time out :heh:

Lesnar would do a bunch of suplexes, get his head ran into the post, Lashley would have 2 minutes of offense probably including Lesnar kicking out of his finish, & then Lesnar hits 1 F5 & pins him. Internet complains that Lashley looks weak & the wheel keeps turning.

idk why anyone thinks thats a money match up in the first place............ Lashley would need to be built up to look strong again. They have no reason to fight other than they look similar and they both have mma fights.. Thats not going to sell tickets, and if there is no storyline to make them both look good before hand then it wont mean anything.. because as it currently stands, what you said is exactly what will happen, and who is the face in this scenario? like someone please use the current story and tell me how this angle should play out

Not really. A good story teller can still tell a story within the pg realm. All of the Star Wars movies are pg/pg-13 and they are great stories (Well maybe only the original 3). They shouldn't just be pg maybe make the last hour of the show more adult.

The problem is nothing is at stake and it's the same shyt every week. Every week guys have matches just because one guy wants to prove hes the best or one guy just wants to fight this guy and he's a coward if he doesn't fight him. Like this shyt is fake so it's just insulting my intelligence that one pro wrestler is calling another one a coward because he won't fight him. Wrestling is missing heat and angles. Sure I like actual wrestling and matches but without characters and storylines and heat it's just guys in spandex doing moves. Not only that everyone does the same moves now days. I could go on forever lol I am just not feeling wrestling in 2019 and it seems to be getting worse. Wrestlers were always the biggest marks but now they are nerdy indy marks, where are the tough guys and bad ass guys?

all of this..

but the last part about legit tough guys, that and coke and steroids is what made the 80's and 90's so entertaining.. What story can a kid that has no real life experience really tell.. These dudes are only into wrestling and nerdy comics and video games which is cool but where does the inspiration for a character come from, if you havent lived a life yet? KO is a great example, he is legit just a fat guy, family man that ran the indy circles. He isnt funny and he doesnt have that edge he needs to get the stone cold character over. He doesnt look like he can whip anyones ass. Niether does Becky, they are nice guys/soft in real life and cant portray a tough guy character becaue neither of them have probably ever been in a fight or around people that are about that life.. Either vince needs to include acting classes in nxt or something.. These dudes now a days arent interesting people, and if you watch the network specials they are mostly soft crybabies that dont know how to stand up for themselves or to vince.

Im not buying into these 5'5 150 lbs wrestling geeks, that dont look like they could whip my ass or anyone elses, I blame the actual wrestlers just as much as creative.. Their shytty entrance music doesnt help either


Nov 18, 2016
they brought lashley back?
what did they do with him?
was he wwe champion at any point?
they most probably screwed up his return,didn't they?

just asking as someone who hasn't watched the product for a few years
The accuracy :ohhh:

Rell Lauren

Nov 30, 2016
Social media is a bytch too... Especially when have the talent out there liking each other pictures and shyt...

Like they dont allow you to be invested in the story or make you feel the realism...

Its like Taker throwing Foley off the cage and hours later, You see Foley liking Takers picture... Fukk you his pic for? He damn near killed you. You supposed to see that man on Raw

Kayfabe is dead and social media killed it. The talent doesn't even sell their role.