The Woman King is one of the best movies I ever watched, controversy be damned


May 19, 2013
What bothers me is that there will be millions of ignorant people who will use this movie as a true factual history lesson in their talking points.

Historical fiction movies multiply the smart dumb nikkas like gremlins. I mean just starting with the obvious, like neither the colonizer or the soon to be colonized Dahomey spoke english. Too many Hollywood directors mess this up

U know what I respect about the foreign directors? When a movie has an english culture they use subtitles in THEIR OWN LANGUAGE to interpret the english.

So much is lost trying to make people speak english who didn't know a lick of english hundreds or thousands of years ago. From a non EFL speaker it just looks odd, but you make yourself try to adjust for the 1.5 - 3 hrs. It's just for entertainment but it has the power to dumb down.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
I don't understand how some people feel you have to watch the movie first, to be able to say you refuse to watch the movie. How in the world does that work logically?

When has anyone had to watch a movie to understand that the movie is not something they want to watch? There are other people who actually watch movies and give a synopsis as a career. It is not hard to read those synopsis and reviews about the historical accuracy (and misrepresentations) and make an intelligent decision to avoid the movie.

I've placed up in these threads multiple links to websites that discuss those inaccuracies about the movie and demonstrates that they were no where near the heroes they are depicted in the movie, but for some reason people are still trying to use the argument that you can't find the premise of the movie distasteful unless you watch it yourself. Which is BS, because our people even in the past boycotted movies we found had a premise that was distasteful even if we had not personally seen it, like @Jazzy B. mentioned 'The Birth of a Nation'.

The Black Activist Who Fought Against D. W. Griffith’s “The Birth of a Nation”​

Also, I think it is a waste of time arguing about the implications of the movie as a reason to not see it. Those who want to see it, will see it no matter what some claim the possible implications will be. Instead, I think it is just best to personalize my own reason for not seeing it and stand in agreement with others who decide not to see it for the same reasons. So no need for the insults to be flying in either direction, but instead both-sides should have a bit of respect for each other's agency in this. It is not like we are going to change each others view by attempting to shame each other into changing them.


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
It's interesting that y'all use Game Of Thrones as a go to comparison like it's not a complete work of fiction. The Starks and Targaryens didnt exist in any capacity. The Dahomey EXISTED and are being painted as heroes in spite of their atrocities. It's amazing that y'all can't see why we have a problem with this

This is white washing with a coating of black paint. It's a brilliant chess move I can't even deny it after seeing the way y'all are eating it up. Now that they see they can use a horrible truth to tell a pretty lie I can only imagine what's next

Whichever poster made the point that an American studio wouldn't dare make a revolutionary war movie where the Brits are painted as heroes was spot on. I couldn't imagine a Japanese movie that would produce a statement like "Yea the rape of Nanking was bad but the movie acknowledges it" while the movies serves the image of Chinese heroes

And y'all can stop with the "Y'all won't even support an all black cast" bullshyt when I know y'all ain't seen every Tyler Perry movie:mjlol: "BUT ITS ALL BLACK THO" ain't a magic button to black acceptance

This is what I’m talking about. The Dahomeys weren’t heroes in real life. No one has argued that they were. The fact that the writers had to make an ending where they were try to satisfy people who can’t contextualize that the world wasn’t black and white and morality is skewed especially during that time and they same people come back and down them for doing that. The movie acknowledges your sentiment and you crap on them for that by saying they are making them heroes. No one is saying that. We know it is wrong so they have the fictional characters in this group try to address that. How in gods name can you say that these people were bad for what they did and the movie tries to illustrate that. It didn’t happen in real life but the damn writers know that and they know people would have a problem with it so that’s why the have the main character try to correct that wrong. Wtf more do you want.

If it was up to y’all a movie about the Dahomeys wouldn’t have even been made. That’s what the underlying sentiment is here. The fact that this movie wasn’t even written by black people as well is telling because even if it was y’all wouldn’t support it.
I shudder to think what would have happened if black Panther wasn’t a marvel film or if Ryan Coogler wasn’t the director.

I’ve never seen such a concerted effort to sh*t on a majority black project before it came out and after by people who didn’t even go see it. Like I said before with all the other media presented for us to consume which most of you do and gossip about all day. All the negativity, the mistruths, the misinformation spouted on this very forum about black people day in and day out this is where y’all want to draw the line. This is the worst kind of propaganda for you? This discussion is the biggest example of grandstanding I’ve seen in a long time.


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
I don't understand how some people feel you have to watch the movie first, to be able to say you refuse to watch the movie. How in the world does that work logically?

When has anyone had to watch a movie to understand that the movie is not something they want to watch? There are other people who actually watch movies and give a synopsis as a career. It is not hard to read those synopsis and reviews about the historical accuracy (and misrepresentations) and make an intelligent decision to avoid the movie.

I've placed up in these threads multiple links to websites that discuss those inaccuracies about the movie and demonstrates that they were no where near the heroes they are depicted in the movie, but for some reason people are still trying to use the argument that you can't find the premise of the movie distasteful unless you watch it yourself. Which is BS, because our people even in the past boycotted movies we found had a premise that was distasteful even if we had not personally seen it, like @Jazzy B. mentioned 'The Birth of a Nation'.

Also, I think it is a waste of time arguing about the implications of the movie as a reason to not see it. Those who want to see it, will see it no matter what some claim the possible implications will be. Instead, I think it is just best to personalize my own reason for not seeing it and stand in agreement with others who decide not to see it for the same reasons. So no need for the insults to be flying in either direction, but instead both-sides should have a bit of respect for each other's agency in this. It is not like we are going to change each others view by attempting to shame each other into changing them.
You articulated your point well my issue is that some people are taking the historical inaccuracy and using it as the sword to die on. The movie’s focus is not the Dahomeys role in the slave trade. Is it a plot point? Yes. But It’s not even the focus on the film. The movie is based on tribal warfare with a more intimate story for the main characters based on their circumstances in the movie.

Dismissing an entire film because of one plot point and ignoring all of the other great things it does as a film is a disservice. Especially because it’s a great film with a majority black cast. All these black people worked on this movie and put their time and effort into this only to be rewarded but ppl sh*tying on it without watching it or making it seem like we have to be perfect for our stuff to get made when we barely get films made and rarely any of this caliber.

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
It's interesting that y'all use Game Of Thrones as a go to comparison like it's not a complete work of fiction. The Starks and Targaryens didnt exist in any capacity. The Dahomey EXISTED and are being painted as heroes in spite of their atrocities. It's amazing that y'all can't see why we have a problem with this

This is white washing with a coating of black paint. It's a brilliant chess move I can't even deny it after seeing the way y'all are eating it up. Now that they see they can use a horrible truth to tell a pretty lie I can only imagine what's next

Whichever poster made the point that an American studio wouldn't dare make a revolutionary war movie where the Brits are painted as heroes was spot on. I couldn't imagine a Japanese movie that would produce a statement like "Yea the rape of Nanking was bad but the movie acknowledges it" while the movies serves the image of Chinese heroes

And y'all can stop with the "Y'all won't even support an all black cast" bullshyt when I know y'all ain't seen every Tyler Perry movie:mjlol: "BUT ITS ALL BLACK THO" ain't a magic button to black acceptance

This bytch just pulled a MASTERFUL finesse. I can't even be mad

Pen is mightier than the pistol:wow:
Your obsession with this white bytch is funny as hell

His movies look COOL and this is a huge reason why BP resonates so much. The wardrobe and designs with the shots and music is :whew:

I also prefer the Russo's version of Tchalla because yea Coogler cut his nuts off in BP. Also we all know how proficient they are with action. A Coogler/Russos team up would've made for a :banderas:movie
This is you geeking over Coogler and BP which included the Dahomey-inspirer Dora Milaje.

You was sure was appreciative then when that old white man wrote a story for Coogler to run with. Maybe if the Russo brothers got on TWK you'd be more open-minded. :pachaha:


Jun 1, 2012
This is what I’m talking about. The Dahomeys weren’t heroes in real life. No one has argued that they were. The fact that the writers had to make an ending where they were try to satisfy people who can’t contextualize that the world wasn’t black and white and morality is skewed especially during that time and they same people come back and down them for doing that. The movie acknowledges your sentiment and you crap on them for that by saying they are making them heroes. No one is saying that. We know it is wrong so they have the fictional characters in this group try to address that. How in gods name can you say that these people were bad for what they did and the movie tries to illustrate that. It didn’t happen in real life but the damn writers know that and they know people would have a problem with it so that’s why the have the main character try to correct that wrong. Wtf more do you want.

If it was up to y’all a movie about the Dahomeys wouldn’t have even been made. That’s what the underlying sentiment is here. The fact that this movie wasn’t even written by black people as well is telling because even if it was y’all wouldn’t support it.
I shudder to think what would have happened if black Panther wasn’t a marvel film or if Ryan Coogler wasn’t the director.

I’ve never seen such a concerted effort to sh*t on a majority black project before it came out and after by people who didn’t even go see it. Like I said before with all the other media presented for us to consume which most of you do and gossip about all day. All the negativity, the mistruths, the misinformation spouted on this very forum about black people day in and day out this is where y’all want to draw the line. This is the worst kind of propaganda for you? This discussion is the biggest example of grandstanding I’ve seen in a long time.
Replace Dahomey with Nazis then reread your post see if your sentiment stands:manny:

And y'all keep bringing up Black Panther like it's a gold standard of black cinema when that shyt has its own glaring issues that have been debated extensively. Black Panther is not some universally loved black masterpiece and is likely part of the problem that leads to shyt like The Woman King

And you can call it grandstanding:manny: but conversely this is the biggest example of white washing slavery I've seen in a long time, if ever

"BUT THE WRITERS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ITS BAD:damn:" like white people don't acknowledge racism is bad WHILE practicing racism

Roid Jones

May 1, 2012
What bothers me is that there will be millions of ignorant people who will use this movie as a true factual history lesson in their talking points.

Historical fiction movies multiply the smart dumb nikkas like gremlins. I mean just starting with the obvious, like neither the colonizer or the soon to be colonized Dahomey spoke english. Too many Hollywood directors mess this up

U know what I respect about the foreign directors? When a movie has an english culture they use subtitles in THEIR OWN LANGUAGE to interpret the english.

So much is lost trying to make people speak english who didn't know a lick of english hundreds or thousands of years ago. From a non EFL speaker it just looks odd, but you make yourself try to adjust for the 1.5 - 3 hrs. It's just for entertainment but it has the power to dumb down.

You can already see it, happening, 'these brave black women fought to stop the slave trade while black men did nothing' :snoop:


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
If it was up to y’all a movie about the Dahomeys wouldn’t have even been made. That’s what the underlying sentiment is here. The fact that this movie wasn’t even written by black people as well is telling because even if it was y’all wouldn’t support it.
I shudder to think what would have happened if black Panther wasn’t a marvel film or if Ryan Coogler wasn’t the director.

I’ve never seen such a concerted effort to sh*t on a majority black project before it came out and after by people who didn’t even go see it. Like I said before with all the other media presented for us to consume which most of you do and gossip about all day. All the negativity, the mistruths, the misinformation spouted on this very forum about black people day in and day out this is where y’all want to draw the line. This is the worst kind of propaganda for you? This discussion is the biggest example of grandstanding I’ve seen in a long time.
Ok, why should we support a movie about Slavers? You used Black Panther as some example, but there has never existed in our past a Wakanda. Wakanda is a wholly fictionalized created nation by Marvel, so Black Panther would have always been a Marvel project. The Dahomey was an actual historical tribe whose main export was known to be slaves to Europeans. They were also known to be bullies and enslave the weaker nations near them. So why should some of us who are descendants of those who were shipped over here because of that tribe, support a movie making that tribe out to be some freedom fighters?

Also, I've already explained in a post that a movie does not have to be watched before a person makes the decision to not watch a movie. There are people who already watch and write synopsis about movies as a living. They also give reviews and critiques of the historical accuracy of the movie if the movie features actual historical figures or people. So there is no need for a person who knows how to search and read to actually spend money on a movie when that person finds the actual premise of the movie distasteful.

Last, the screen play of the movie was written by two White women. So trying to make it seem like it was mainly a Black project is quite a bit disingenuous to say the least. I would say it was more a feminist project, personally.

Who Wrote The Woman King? All About Dana Steven.
It was Mario Bello, who first conceived the idea for the Woman King several years ago. Her journey to Benin, a country in Western Africa, where the Kingdom of Dahomey was formerly located led her into the rich history of the Agojie.

Maria Bello:

Dana Steven:

So this whole concept was first thought up by a White Woman named Maria Bello, yet some of you are in here making it seem like it was thought up by a Black woman.
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A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
I won’t be watching this film because of the historical inaccuracy and the role the Dahomey tribe played in the slave trade but I do think people are doing too much with how they’re critiquing the film without watching it.

Shouting out uninformed hot takes about agendas and how the film portrays people actually makes those of us that don’t intend to watch it appear to be faux-militant when it simply comes down to a matter of principle for a lot of us. You can decide to not watch a film without being goofy about it :manny: