R.E.N. Spells Ren
They actually did that recently in Canada and as far as I know it works. But it wasn't some under-the-radar shyt:
http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/11/world/americas/wus-canada-drug-safe-haven/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: rss/cnn_world (RSS: World)
A real life Hamsterdam off the books like in "The Wire" would never work. That shyt would fall apart in a couple days. Still made for good TV though.
I mean, it fell apart in the show too.

Wether it lasted a few days or a few weeks would depend on how far the governing body of the city had its head up its as....the whole point of the show was that B-more (and too many inner cities) had its head way too far up its ass.