The Wii U Thread

up in here

May 9, 2012
ok im gonna do some small reviews of the games i have had time to sit down with in no particular order:

Nintendo Land - I got this game with the wii u and honestly its a really great collection of mini-games with alot of replayability. the multiplayer games are really fun when guests come over and are easily accessible. the single player games are great too and can be quite addictive. i honestly believe every game here (except maybe the yoshi game) could be fleshed out with some more stages and work as solo games. my whole family has had alot of fun with this game. in my opinion this should come preloaded on every system. i probably wouldnt have paid full price for this game but you can scoop it up pretty much anywhere for around $15 and its definitely worth getting.

Rabbids Land - let me first say, my family loves Raving Rabbids games, we have every one that came out on wii and have got alot of playtime out of the Rabbids series. having said that, this game is bad. this is another mini game/party type game. it really seems like they rushed this for release and it shows. the main game is a very bland round board game that forces 4 players no matter how many people you have, eg. if you have 2 it will give you 2 cpu players and you have to sit through their turn no matter what. also, just about every mini game is a two player game anyway, so forcing 4 seems really unnecessary. now the mini games themselves arent so bad for the most part, but everything else about this game is such a drag it really kills any possible enjoyment you might have.

Scribblenauts Unlimited - if you dont know this game you type out answers to puzzles and what you type is supposed to come alive and solve the puzzle. its hard for me to rate this game because its so obviously made for children. now i have children but they cant spell yet so they need me to play this with them and they give me suggestions and i just type it out. my kids have alot of fun playing this way but if i were playing myself i would have grown tired because the puzzles are often very simple and specific. for a game that centres around creativity, alot of the actual game aspect requires pretty specific answers. its hard for me to call them puzzles cause its really basic stuff. but my kids did have alot of fun playing this with me and sometimes i am a little suprised by the animations that come from what i write. its not a bad game, you just have to create your own fun and dont expect too much by way of challange.

NSMBU/NSLU - I really love platformers and honestly, this is a really good platformer. i understand some people may be tired of the NSMB series, i too was hesitant picking this up because i was kind of over it, but im glad i did because it really is a great game. this is the game NSMBWii should have been. the SMBW inspired map works alot better than the SMB3 type individual world maps. the level design is top notch and gets pretty challenging towards the end. my kids found it more difficult than NSMBWii but we still had alot of fun playing together. the NSLU DLC is awsome and very challenging. i breezed through the first few stages quickly but it gets hard, especially if you are going for the big coins. this is really a great game and if you like platforming its worth getting.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - This was the main game i was playing during the post release drought and it is seriously awsome. i have so many hours on this game. and i had Monster Hunter Tri on Wii too but I still love this game. basically like the title suggest its about hunting monsters, killing them and taking their parts to build new weapons or armour. theres not much story here but the gameplay is awsome after the first few jobs which are aimed at teaching you the basics. you can only carry one weapon and they all play a little different. you dont level up but as you face harder monsters you get better rewards and can build stronger weapons/armour. hunting a monster can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour but its not at all boring, its about learning the monsters patterns, strengths and weaknesses and attacking it accordingly. its basically like a game full entirely of boss battles. and the online multiplayer is great too and off tv is really good due to the camera placement.

Zombi U - fukk the critics, this game is fukking awesome. i love survival horror and this is hands down the best survival horror in a long time. zombis are hard to kill and weapons/ammo is scarce. you gotta approach this game slowly or you will die. using the gamepad as a backpack adds so much to the way you play, there is nothing like it. this game is genuinely scary. im on my second play through and its still dope. granted some assets are reused, obviously due to trying to get it out on time but it really takes very little away from the game. i recommend this one to everyone.

Assassins Creed 3 - this game has the same faults as every other version of the game, namely a very slow beginning, inconsistent quality missions, terrible load times and an awful ending. but the middle of this game is actually pretty good. if you can overlook all the other shyt, this game is actually kinda enjoyable. having the map and items on the gamepad is good. its not a bad game but not a great game either

Daksiders 2 - this game had a great opening but fell off drastically when you reach act two. i am really disappointment because i enjoyed the first world so much. the puzzles were good, the dungeon was enjoyable, the enemy battles were good. but the second two thirds of this game were just awful and monotonous. i kept hoping it would pick back up but it never does. i went from loving this game to hating it. i dont think i have ever gone from one extreme to the other quite as much as i did with this game.

Zelda Wind Waker HD - no matter how old this game is it is a truly amazing game. i liked everything about this game. they took anything i didn't like out of it. it is just so wonderful to play and i enjoyed every minute. one thing that really stands out playing this is how different each zelda game actually plays. this is one of the reason i love the zelda series. although it keeps the core basics it always brings something new and never feel old which is kinda ironic considering this is a remake of a ten year old game. basically i love this game.

Pikmin 3 - I am a long time fan of the Pikmin series and this game is perfect to me. This is exactly what I want from a Pikmin game and is easily the best of the three. It builds on everything I love about the Pikmin series. It has equal amounts of challange and charm. The new Pikmin are great, managing 3 people is really fun, the gamepad use as an interactive map is extremely usefull and adds so much to this game. I love the Mission mode and am still playing it to get platinum on every stage. This game has so much depth. I cant find any faults in this game. This game imo is a perfect game.

Wonderful 101 - just like Pikmin 3 is the perfect game to me, W101 is a perfect game for me too, but for different reasons. The gameplay is just unbelievable in this game. The controls are somewhat challenging to learn and takes some getting used to, but once you do man this game have you feeling like a fukking boss. once you start pulling of some crazy combinations and tearing through enemies it just feels great and is so much fun. its very fast paced and frantic, my wife usually watch while i play games but said she couldn't follow what was going on onscreen in this one. its non-stop action and this along with Pikmin 3 are my tied GOTY. I love this game and I hope Platinum do some more work with Wii U after Bayonetta 2 because they seem to really understand this system. The demo doesn't really show this game the best. The enjoyment in this game comes from mastering the controls. Once you do that, this game is just bliss. This is my favorite action game of all time. Oh, also, all this talk about gameplay i almost forgot to mention it has an amusing story too

e-shop titles

Trine 2 - i hate this game. i dont know why every say to pick this up. its slow, boring, mechanical and the puzzles and combat are extremely basic. yes its pretty but honestly, this game sucks and i dont understand why people like it.

Mighty Switch Force 2 - fun little game, delivers exactly what i expected. some good puzzle-platforming. its not long but it is fun from start to finish.

Little Inferno - very basic, all you do is burn shyt. very easy to play and oddly addictive. my kids love it. at first i was hesitant to let them play it but we had a talk about fire safety and they understand its a game and real fire is bad. i would recomend it, its fun, but probably wait for a sale because you might not like ie.

Kung Fu Rabbit - i got this on sale, it is ok, but the music kills it for me. the music is just extrememly offputting and repetitive. but the game is ok. wait for a sale.

Puddle - I love this game. Its similar to Fluidity/Hydroadventure only in presentation. it plays alot different. it is a stage based puzzle game and can be quite tricky. definitely worth checking out

Pokemon Rumble U - My kids love this. it is easy, one button moves. very old school arcade type game. lots of fun when playing with my kids and very easy for them to play alone. this is not an adults game and should not be judged that way. it is a kids game and i recommend it to anyone with kids, especially if they like pokemon


#HeatNation #SouthernCalUSC #LiverpoolFC
May 12, 2012
WATTS & Inglewood Southern Kalifornia
I got some money to blow but after hearing all this bad news about Nintendos struggles I'm kinda worried. Should I buy one of these brehs? I'm dying to play The Mario's and Zelda's and Donkey Kong's of the world but don't wanna make another bad investment....My Wii hasn't been touched since 08

Worl Boss 1Don

One Don if anno me ah Tesha Miller
May 3, 2012

my girl picked it up 4 me last sat .


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I have disposable income, and I like Nintendo's hustle. With that said, I've been gaming for 25 years and Monster Hunter on the Wii U is the first time in a long time a game has given me something unique. I'm 100 hours in and haven't scratched the surface. It's hardcore gaming at its best.

Breh I know exactly how you feel. I put a strong hundred plus hours in there and I'm not even close to being done. Been playing AC4 on ps4 and its making me miss MH. All these damn cut scenes and shyt.

Sometimes it feels like Nintendo is the only console where games feel like games instead of low rste movies.

up in here

May 9, 2012
Breh I know exactly how you feel. I put a strong hundred plus hours in there and I'm not even close to being done. Been playing AC4 on ps4 and its making me miss MH. All these damn cut scenes and shyt.

Sometimes it feels like Nintendo is the only console where games feel like games instead of low rste movies.
i know exactly what you mean. towards the end of the last gen i was thinking my gaming days were on the way out cause shyt just wasn't hitting like it used to, but honestly the wii-u just clicks with me. im enjoying the hell out of it and the reasons are 1) I have really grown fond of using the gamepad and 2) the games are just great games. i feel almost like i did back as a kid when i first got a SNES. i cant even really complain about the thrid party games that its missing because the games that it has are just really addictive. its funny too cause i originally thought going into this gen I would probably just use PC as my main and wii-u for my secondary, but over time I have been finding myself playing the wii u more than anything.