The whole GMB thing is ridiculous


May 19, 2013
Your opinion... I differ... Unless we are speaking about gay marriage, then I think the other half of the equation should weigh in on it...

Again you dont have the experience or the dna to advise men on how to handle issues men go through, or what male leadership should entail(sp?). You previous statement alluded to that. That beyond ignorant.

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
But generally speaking, a lot of men on this site want traditional women but they are not traditional men.
Mar 23, 2013
It’s always so weird when I read opinions like the bolded. Unless you are Caribbean or directly from the continent yourself, you were raised in the same Western society that created black women. Which more than likely means that you picked up similar, possibly problematic, western ideas as well.

As an example, going dutch, seems to be a westernized practice that you guys don’t seem to mind at all.

I don’t follow you, so I don’t know if this comment applies directly to you. But generally speaking, a lot of men on this site want traditional women but they are not traditional men.

I can see some men and women don't understand the tents of SYSBM ....:snoop: men are more traditional than women in today's time ..anyway here you go ..this for men as well .

1. SYSBM(Save Yourself Black Men, the movement, philosophy and lifestyle originated, created and founded by MAD BUS DRIVER) IS NOT ABOUT SAVING THE BLACK COMMUNITY. As far as we are concerned the black community is dead and black women were the ones who killed it. By the way as I’ve mentioned before black women ARE THE BLACK COMMUNITY, black men on the other hand in their eyes are not considered to be part of the black community, the black female looks upon them as OUTSIDE HELP to forward her agenda and her agenda alone.

2. We at the SYSBM Knights Roundtable recognise the necessity to EXCLUDE black women from any and all building and construction endeavours due to the fact that the modern day black female’s contractual obligation towards the State is to keep black society and black men flat on their faces until the end of time. In other words, you CANNOT build anything with the black witch in your midst, NOTHING YOU ATTEMPT TO BUILD WILL BE SUCCESSFUL because she at the same time will try her best to sabotage and destroy the works(as per her State occupation).

3. SYSBM is all about expanding upon one’s dating, marrying and procreation options with high quality women. Now, SYSBM does still include quality, functional, feminine, good looking, in shape, natural, submissive, cooperative and CHILD FREE black women, HOWEVER it is widely recognised by the SYSBM troops that at this point such women have become an extreme rarity to the point of extinction. Thus the non mixed black female by default is excluded as a viable and sustainable choice of companion by true SYSBM practitioners. Free thinking black men who practice SYSBM will almost certainly find themselves dealing with quality women of non black ethnicities or mixed race females. Additionally SYSBM REJECTS SCRAGGLE DAGGLES FROM ALL RACES OF WOMEN.

4. As stated concerning MGTOW, SYSBM and IBMOR though there may be similarities in the lifestyles ARE NOT ONE AND THE SAME. From what I understand concerning IBMOR the woman you’re to settle down, marry and procreate with must be a black female, on the other hand the SYSBM lifestyle gives black men the freedom the date, marry and procreate with quality women of ANY ethnicity, in other words you are not restricted to the black siren alone.

5. SYSBM encourages the black man to travel the world and to experience new people and new cultures. As I’ve stated before, as a black man who lives in the United Kingdom this recent attack on passport holding black men from the passport and dikk policing units of the pro black female black male community is a foreign concept to me as over here possessing a passport is a fundamental tenet of black people period. As I’ve stated before, in the UK as a black man NOT having a passport will be looked at as very strange and frowned upon.

6. SYSBM is all about honesty and self improvement, this is yet another reason why the SYSBM brotherhood rejects the modern day westernised black female and recognises that we cannot mesh together with her. The current philosophy of the black female in 2019 and beyond is to blame black men for everything that goes wrong in their lives yet take accountability for absolutely NOTHING. Any relationship where only one party is ever held to account is a doomed one from the start.

7. SYSBM STAUNCHLY REJECTS FEMINISM, HOMOSEXUALITY, LGBTQP and any and all related branches, we do not support lifestyles that are abominable, unnatural and contaminated. Additionally, we DO NOT believe that men and women require equal rights because we accept the inherent differences between the sexes. Men and women ARE NOT THE SAME, it is the man’s duty to lead and the woman’s duty to follow his lead. This is yet another reason why black male/black female relationships typically do not work, black women refuse to submit to and be lead by the right type of black men, though they’ll have no problems following the lead of 12 Gauge Mike, Field Mouse, Cheddar Boy, Mincy, Shorty Fist and Shifty Sizzler. Men and women are equal in VALUE but NOT in terms of rank and authority. The man is in charge of the woman, any women who refuse to accept this as such MUST BE REJECTED.

8. As stated before, the original founder of the SYSBM movement is MBD(Mad Bus Driver), he was the one who began blowing the SYSBM trumpet around 6-7 years ago. Although he doesn’t really like to take the credit surrounding the movement and it’s growth, it cannot be denied that he is the foundational pillar of the philosophy and the lifestyle attached.

9. SYSBM is all about structure, family building and leaving a legacy behind, the modern day black witch on the other hand rejects the building of the family and instead chooses to embrace vanity, feminism and single motherhood which at their roots are all anti family.

10. SYSBM unlike the black community(which is black women) prioritises and puts the heterosexual, free thinking black man first as it recognises his importance as a free thinker, a leader and a builder.

11. SYSBM is all about the increase of one’s finances and assets as well as the reduction of one’s debt, the modern day black female on the other hand has little to no concept of group economics as well as building solid wealth. The overwhelming majority of black women simply want to spend money to indulge the Jezebel spirits within themselves and have no problems getting into heavy debt or bringing black men into deep debt in order to satisfy their carnal urges.

12. For me personally SYSBM is all about the improvement of one’s mental, physical and spiritual health. Having suffered for years at the hands of the malevolent black female it is extremely important for SYSBM practicing, free thinking black men to deprogram and decontaminate themselves from the years of ritualistic, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual abuse they’ve suffered at the hands of black women.

13. SYSBM encourages connections with other black men who hold to a similar mindset, HOWEVER already having your own base in place first. There are too many black men who don’t know what their own purpose in life is, yet these dudes “seem” to have the “right ideas” when it comes to what other brothers ought to be doing with their own lives. SYSBM unlike the black community IS NOT A HIVE MINDED PHILOSOPHY, IT IS A MUST FOR YOU TO RETAIN YOUR INDIVIDUAL MINDSET AS WELL AS YOUR OWN PURPOSE.

14. SYSBM unlike the black community holds ALL people to account for their wrongdoings, we will apply blame and culpability WHEREVER IT IS DUE. We do not excuse black women for their transgressions nor do we continually blame the white man for anything and everything wrong in black society. We do not condone nor accept reprobate and degenerate behaviour from any group, this includes black women.

15. We SYSBM knights ARE NOT the property of black women, we are not beholden to black women nor do we feel obligated to protect and defend black females. As far as we are concerned since black women continually claim to be “strong and independent” and since they openly choose to embrace the philosophies of Babylon via their worship and obedience to the State, therefore they have now become government property and thus it is the State’s job as their owners to protect them, NOT OURS.

16. SYSBM MEMBERS ARE NOT dikk POLICE OFFICERS, unlike the pro black female/black women first pundits we on the flip side do not attempt to bully and intimidate black men into dating non black women, we simply show them the evidence of black female skullduggery and dysfunction and in light of this advise/recommend that black men ought to seek out love and companionship elsewhere. Most black men refuse to listen and still choose to deal with black women at their own peril, that is not our problem, their blood is not on our hands, we did our part by at least showing them what the real deal is with these 2019 and beyond black females.

17. SYSBM does not obligate black men to swear allegiance to the lifestyle, there is nowhere you have to sign your name in blood, free thinking black men are free to take the SYSBM philosophy and tailor it to their personal needs according to their own lives.

18. SYSBM members have nothing to do with the black community as a whole and have no problems declaring and standing by such a position. It was the so called “community” that in most cases ousted free thinking brothers from its ranks to begin with, we accepted its decision and subsequently moved on.

19. SYSBM PRACTITIONERS ARE NOT CLEAN UP MEN, we refuse to accept the current decadent and degenerate single mother philosophy being pushed by black women within black society, we will NOT be returning to the so called “community” to clean up anybody’s mess ie date and wife up single black mothers. We have high standards, single motherhood and the janky fruits thereof are totally unacceptable. We solidly practice and believe that a man should start his own family tree/legacy from scratch, NOT take onboard the children of another.

20. SYSBM is all about looking out for children and the future, this is one of the core reasons why we choose NOT to have children with black women, because black women as a collective hold a deep disdain and hatred for black children and thus will not hesitate to destroy such offspring either via abortion or if the child survives to being born using sexual, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual abuse to destroy the child’s body and mind.

21. SYSBM DOES NOT PUT NON BLACK WOMEN ON A PEDESTAL, this is a frequent fabrication often used by black women as well as their pro black female/black women first brigades, we simply admire non black women as a group despite their various shortcomings for their overall cleaner appearance, presentation as well as their wiser lifestyle choices. There may indeed be individuals within the movement who do put their particular preferences of non black women on a pedestal, however the SYSBM philosophy DOES NOT.

22. SYSBM brothers do not deal with non black women who have black females as friends because hanging around black women is guaranteed to leave them contaminated and thus no different to the dysfunctional black females we walked away from to begin with.

23. THE SYSBM brotherhood WILL NOT BE NEGOTIATING OR HORSE-TRADING WITH ANY BLACK WOMEN ON ANY LEVEL AT ANYTIME, black women have chosen their particular path, in like manner SYSBM brothers have chosen theirs. Both pathways are completely opposite to one another and thus cannot be meshed together. #SYSBM


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
In before black women come in and say " black men and white men had a patriarchy and it was evil and y'all had y'all foot on our neck and oppressed us that is way feminism is so strong today...your grandfather and fathers should have oppressed black women "


Even thoe the " black community" is matriarchal and ran by women which is the reason it's in the shape that it's In ....women not giving up that power that they got once your father's and grandfather's went off to war .



Dec 25, 2014
Like I said in other threads, marriage = Your entire existence becomes making sure your wife doesn't become unhappy enough to divorce you

fukk that shyt

My parents were married for 17 years. My dad worked hard and yeah he wasn't the most out-there man he wanted to work come home and enjoy his evening. Didn't want to go out to parties etc anymore.

My mother decided she wanted to have her second childhood despite having me and three other kids to think of. She stepped out, found herself a lover and damn near destroyed my father. That man has never truly recovered from that.

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
That's like planning a flight just using data of all the planes that crashed without considering weather conditions, pilot experience, training, aircraft maintenance, flight distance, altitude, etc.

Thing is, planes dont crash nearly as frequently as divorces happen. The planes are driven by highly trained pilots unlike marriages which are most times the result of some unsuspecting wide open simp putting a ring on a demonic harlot only to regret it later.



night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
Why do people care so much about how other people live. Not everyone has to live the same lives. Long as you aint hurting anybody , let people live life how they want to live.
Im gmb but if you want to get married i dont care. I wish you well.
This isn't a gotcha response but, on a board primarily with black people you don't think the importance of marriage is an apt topic for discussion? You don't think constructive points can be made on both fronts?
Oct 22, 2012
my bad breh. just jokes :whoa:

Why is that single mom more likely to be in poverty? don't you think single mothers tend to fall into poverty more than married mothers? That's the point of marriage serving as a stable foundation for the family. a 2-parent household always stands a better chance of stable environment for a kid. not just financially, but emotionally, and psychologically as well.

And nobody here is pushing that tired false stereotype of black fathers not being involved with their kids.

If you not interested in kids then get off the internet and go slay these foreign broads. but if you know you plan to have a family one day I just don't see how you can be against marriage

We are starting to have multiple convos in one.

Lets start here, most single moms were never married, so, there a whole cake to slice there where most of those situations there was no plan of long term parternership...Marriage isntt the solution here solely. Ppl in this situation should prioritize child care and raising that child. forcing marriage ignores; married ppl spent more money and divorce happens often and its always expensive. Not taking marriage out of the picture, its not a golden ticket.

You all are arguing culture. Theres no proof MARRIAGE WILL DELIVER SINGLE MOMS FROM POVERTY.

Too many of you guys are making this a morals v hedonism arguement.

Check that chart I posted; a two parent college degree black home is not doing better than a lot of single white high school diploma. My issue is yall oversimplify too many complicated things.

Most households dont just work because they rely on the ppl in the house.

plenty of 30 soemthing married white folk still get allowances.

Yall are arguing the cultural significance of black marriage and ignore the actual reasons well meaning responsbile ppl dont get married to make every non single man the Old Man In The CLub.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
I can see some men and women don't understand the tents of SYSBM ....:snoop: men are more traditional than women in today's time ..anyway here you go ..this for men as well .

1. SYSBM(Save Yourself Black Men, the movement, philosophy and lifestyle originated, created and founded by MAD BUS DRIVER) IS NOT ABOUT SAVING THE BLACK COMMUNITY. As far as we are concerned the black community is dead and black women were the ones who killed it. By the way as I’ve mentioned before black women ARE THE BLACK COMMUNITY, black men on the other hand in their eyes are not considered to be part of the black community, the black female looks upon them as OUTSIDE HELP to forward her agenda and her agenda alone.

2. We at the SYSBM Knights Roundtable recognise the necessity to EXCLUDE black women from any and all building and construction endeavours due to the fact that the modern day black female’s contractual obligation towards the State is to keep black society and black men flat on their faces until the end of time. In other words, you CANNOT build anything with the black witch in your midst, NOTHING YOU ATTEMPT TO BUILD WILL BE SUCCESSFUL because she at the same time will try her best to sabotage and destroy the works(as per her State occupation).

3. SYSBM is all about expanding upon one’s dating, marrying and procreation options with high quality women. Now, SYSBM does still include quality, functional, feminine, good looking, in shape, natural, submissive, cooperative and CHILD FREE black women, HOWEVER it is widely recognised by the SYSBM troops that at this point such women have become an extreme rarity to the point of extinction. Thus the non mixed black female by default is excluded as a viable and sustainable choice of companion by true SYSBM practitioners. Free thinking black men who practice SYSBM will almost certainly find themselves dealing with quality women of non black ethnicities or mixed race females. Additionally SYSBM REJECTS SCRAGGLE DAGGLES FROM ALL RACES OF WOMEN.

4. As stated concerning MGTOW, SYSBM and IBMOR though there may be similarities in the lifestyles ARE NOT ONE AND THE SAME. From what I understand concerning IBMOR the woman you’re to settle down, marry and procreate with must be a black female, on the other hand the SYSBM lifestyle gives black men the freedom the date, marry and procreate with quality women of ANY ethnicity, in other words you are not restricted to the black siren alone.

5. SYSBM encourages the black man to travel the world and to experience new people and new cultures. As I’ve stated before, as a black man who lives in the United Kingdom this recent attack on passport holding black men from the passport and dikk policing units of the pro black female black male community is a foreign concept to me as over here possessing a passport is a fundamental tenet of black people period. As I’ve stated before, in the UK as a black man NOT having a passport will be looked at as very strange and frowned upon.

6. SYSBM is all about honesty and self improvement, this is yet another reason why the SYSBM brotherhood rejects the modern day westernised black female and recognises that we cannot mesh together with her. The current philosophy of the black female in 2019 and beyond is to blame black men for everything that goes wrong in their lives yet take accountability for absolutely NOTHING. Any relationship where only one party is ever held to account is a doomed one from the start.

7. SYSBM STAUNCHLY REJECTS FEMINISM, HOMOSEXUALITY, LGBTQP and any and all related branches, we do not support lifestyles that are abominable, unnatural and contaminated. Additionally, we DO NOT believe that men and women require equal rights because we accept the inherent differences between the sexes. Men and women ARE NOT THE SAME, it is the man’s duty to lead and the woman’s duty to follow his lead. This is yet another reason why black male/black female relationships typically do not work, black women refuse to submit to and be lead by the right type of black men, though they’ll have no problems following the lead of 12 Gauge Mike, Field Mouse, Cheddar Boy, Mincy, Shorty Fist and Shifty Sizzler. Men and women are equal in VALUE but NOT in terms of rank and authority. The man is in charge of the woman, any women who refuse to accept this as such MUST BE REJECTED.

8. As stated before, the original founder of the SYSBM movement is MBD(Mad Bus Driver), he was the one who began blowing the SYSBM trumpet around 6-7 years ago. Although he doesn’t really like to take the credit surrounding the movement and it’s growth, it cannot be denied that he is the foundational pillar of the philosophy and the lifestyle attached.

9. SYSBM is all about structure, family building and leaving a legacy behind, the modern day black witch on the other hand rejects the building of the family and instead chooses to embrace vanity, feminism and single motherhood which at their roots are all anti family.

10. SYSBM unlike the black community(which is black women) prioritises and puts the heterosexual, free thinking black man first as it recognises his importance as a free thinker, a leader and a builder.

11. SYSBM is all about the increase of one’s finances and assets as well as the reduction of one’s debt, the modern day black female on the other hand has little to no concept of group economics as well as building solid wealth. The overwhelming majority of black women simply want to spend money to indulge the Jezebel spirits within themselves and have no problems getting into heavy debt or bringing black men into deep debt in order to satisfy their carnal urges.

12. For me personally SYSBM is all about the improvement of one’s mental, physical and spiritual health. Having suffered for years at the hands of the malevolent black female it is extremely important for SYSBM practicing, free thinking black men to deprogram and decontaminate themselves from the years of ritualistic, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual abuse they’ve suffered at the hands of black women.

13. SYSBM encourages connections with other black men who hold to a similar mindset, HOWEVER already having your own base in place first. There are too many black men who don’t know what their own purpose in life is, yet these dudes “seem” to have the “right ideas” when it comes to what other brothers ought to be doing with their own lives. SYSBM unlike the black community IS NOT A HIVE MINDED PHILOSOPHY, IT IS A MUST FOR YOU TO RETAIN YOUR INDIVIDUAL MINDSET AS WELL AS YOUR OWN PURPOSE.

14. SYSBM unlike the black community holds ALL people to account for their wrongdoings, we will apply blame and culpability WHEREVER IT IS DUE. We do not excuse black women for their transgressions nor do we continually blame the white man for anything and everything wrong in black society. We do not condone nor accept reprobate and degenerate behaviour from any group, this includes black women.

15. We SYSBM knights ARE NOT the property of black women, we are not beholden to black women nor do we feel obligated to protect and defend black females. As far as we are concerned since black women continually claim to be “strong and independent” and since they openly choose to embrace the philosophies of Babylon via their worship and obedience to the State, therefore they have now become government property and thus it is the State’s job as their owners to protect them, NOT OURS.

16. SYSBM MEMBERS ARE NOT dikk POLICE OFFICERS, unlike the pro black female/black women first pundits we on the flip side do not attempt to bully and intimidate black men into dating non black women, we simply show them the evidence of black female skullduggery and dysfunction and in light of this advise/recommend that black men ought to seek out love and companionship elsewhere. Most black men refuse to listen and still choose to deal with black women at their own peril, that is not our problem, their blood is not on our hands, we did our part by at least showing them what the real deal is with these 2019 and beyond black females.

17. SYSBM does not obligate black men to swear allegiance to the lifestyle, there is nowhere you have to sign your name in blood, free thinking black men are free to take the SYSBM philosophy and tailor it to their personal needs according to their own lives.

18. SYSBM members have nothing to do with the black community as a whole and have no problems declaring and standing by such a position. It was the so called “community” that in most cases ousted free thinking brothers from its ranks to begin with, we accepted its decision and subsequently moved on.

19. SYSBM PRACTITIONERS ARE NOT CLEAN UP MEN, we refuse to accept the current decadent and degenerate single mother philosophy being pushed by black women within black society, we will NOT be returning to the so called “community” to clean up anybody’s mess ie date and wife up single black mothers. We have high standards, single motherhood and the janky fruits thereof are totally unacceptable. We solidly practice and believe that a man should start his own family tree/legacy from scratch, NOT take onboard the children of another.

20. SYSBM is all about looking out for children and the future, this is one of the core reasons why we choose NOT to have children with black women, because black women as a collective hold a deep disdain and hatred for black children and thus will not hesitate to destroy such offspring either via abortion or if the child survives to being born using sexual, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual abuse to destroy the child’s body and mind.

21. SYSBM DOES NOT PUT NON BLACK WOMEN ON A PEDESTAL, this is a frequent fabrication often used by black women as well as their pro black female/black women first brigades, we simply admire non black women as a group despite their various shortcomings for their overall cleaner appearance, presentation as well as their wiser lifestyle choices. There may indeed be individuals within the movement who do put their particular preferences of non black women on a pedestal, however the SYSBM philosophy DOES NOT.

22. SYSBM brothers do not deal with non black women who have black females as friends because hanging around black women is guaranteed to leave them contaminated and thus no different to the dysfunctional black females we walked away from to begin with.

23. THE SYSBM brotherhood WILL NOT BE NEGOTIATING OR HORSE-TRADING WITH ANY BLACK WOMEN ON ANY LEVEL AT ANYTIME, black women have chosen their particular path, in like manner SYSBM brothers have chosen theirs. Both pathways are completely opposite to one another and thus cannot be meshed together. #SYSBM

Let's start this SYSBM movement :blessed:


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
There are no longer any suitable partners, especially after a certain age range, and for the extreme few who are, you're asking men to sacrifice physical attraction which is a building block. This is not about "putting in work" if you believe in the freedom enjoyed in modern dating, particularly for women.

Either there will be a revision in how young women are cultivated to behave towards men or we shift into a culture dominated by arranged marriages. Anything else won't work at this point.

You are presenting a false dilemma... there are happy mediums... but seems as though there is no compromise in many of y’alls minds...

A lot men just don’t have the energy to put in the work to sift through all the damaged women out there.

Solid brehs who are out here making it and living a good life aren’t about to expend a bunch of energy chasing after the one.

If he comes across one as he is living his life, he might wife her up. But, a lot of brehs are just busy living life and aren’t trying to disrupt things by trying to juggle a bunch of women until they find the one.

Are men who are “sifting through damaged women” un-damaged?

I don't know where ya'll are getting these "facts" from.

The argument being spouted around is that the nuclear family can only operate successfully, in 2020, as it did in 1920.

Define "strong communities"

Define the concept of "Split Finances"--it's been proven married people don't combine salaries to spend less, they typically spend more .

"Generational wealth" is another internet buzzword black folk have b*stardized--we'd have generational wealth if it wasn't for slavery and subsequent lack of reparations.

Most wealth is lost by the 2nd generation.

I can sent sources of all of this.

Again, ya'll are spouting socially conservative talking points.

The white woman single mother who only has a degree is doing better than the black two married parent household with two college graduates.


Strong communities = ownership, nuclear families, gainful employment/entrepreneurial/ successful school districts, investment...etc.

The wealth gap amongst Black and white is created by centuries of legalized racism and abuse.

Creating generational wealth doesn’t mean that it is feasible to create it at the same rates as white people. Especially when we live with a white supremacy governing system. Even though we know that we are living in an unjust and unfair society, we must use every tool in our toolkit to create stability and wealth for the next generation.

What are the reasons generational wealth is lost after the second generation? Maybe we should address those instead of saying generational wealth is a farce.

Again you dont have the experience or the dna to advise men on how to handle issues men go through, or what male leadership should entail(sp?). You previous statement alluded to that. That beyond ignorant.

You are conflating opinion with advise. I have every right to any damn opinion I have on any subject matter I please. Whether it concerns male leadership or male issues. Black male leadership and Black male issues do not happen in a vacuum and they certainly do not only impact men.
Oct 22, 2012
Strong communities = ownership, nuclear families, gainful employment/entrepreneurial/ successful school districts, investment...etc.

The wealth gap amongst Black and white is created by centuries of legalized racism and abuse.

Creating generational wealth doesn’t mean that it is feasible to create it at the same rates as white people. Especially when we live with a white supremacy governing system. Even though we know that we are living in an unjust and unfair society, we must use every tool in our toolkit to create stability and wealth for the next generation.

What are the reasons generational wealth is lost after the second generation? Maybe we should address those instead of saying generational wealth is a farce.

None of this speaks to the idea more of us need 2 get married.

Great post, but, it doesnt connect to your overall.

"Men cant be leaders withou being husbands" would get you cancelled if you flipped the genders.