The whole GMB thing is ridiculous

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
The "black community"'s problem isn't a lack of marriage

It's poverty and lack of social capital

Please seize all this racist talking points

Our "single parent home" rate indicates simply the lack of marriage

You can have a fruitful relationship and parent without it

I understand religion

But the idea you are a miscreant becuz your single or a single parent is baseless
Ain't no need to get emotional over your single mom. You turned out OK (a little sensitive tho:francis:
Despite all the little anecdotes and exceptions, at the end of the day à 2 parent household has been proven to be the best situation for kids.

Stop tryna advocate for more broken homes. That ain't what the black community needs :comeon:


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
And you missing what he's saying to keep ragging on men is proving his point...

Not ragging on men... just explaining that the members of the coli who believe that having children without having a stable marriage is detrimental to the Black community...

Valid observation... any rationalization of GMB ideology and behavior is an excuse, in my opinion

Nobody wants to “put in work” with/for people who don’t wanna work with them,
and women don’t wanna work with men.

I agree... women who quit on a non-abusive marriage (cheating is abuse) are problematic as well. But this is not about people who have entered into a marriage. This is about the GMB Black men who refuse to put in work to find a suitable partner and commit.

And a lot of women don’t want to put in the work that it takes to be a wife.

They just want the wedding and ring for clout.

Superficial women are problematic as well. Rarely is a woman’s superficiality hidden. There are plenty of red flags that highlight that a woman is only about lifestyle and not actually about living. Y’all ain’t ready for that conversation though. This is about the GMB Black men who refuse to put in work to find a suitable partner and commit.
Nov 18, 2016

Because of shyt like this breh. Whole institution of marriage is a huge fukking gamble.

Mind you, I don't subscribe to gmb, and I know I'll eventually get married...but I perfectly understand those who don't want to.
Imagine being with someone permanently and you can only hope she doesn't switch up at some point

He fukked up by trying to simp it up when he was already doin alot and she was still unhappy to begin with. I'm not going to diss anybody trying to save their family or whatever but once she says she's unhappy that shyt is dead. Trying to save it will only hurt one or both of yall more and make the move that you gotta make harder.

Married nikkas are the most #GMB nikkas though :dead:

A lot of married men are simps living that "happy wife, happy life :mjcry:" lifestyle. Not all of us are though. I encourage marriage if both parties are invested in long term love, wealth building, family and power.

Things can happen though, so I also believe in divorce but as for the institution of marriage, Im all for it.

This. My Cuz came down here last summer. He had just had a baby. We was just kicking it on some regular shyt, going out, smoking, having fun. But nothing crazy at all. I was telling him that this bachelor life be getting old. That nikka was like :mjtf:

He said, I love my family but...:unimpressed:

nikka said don’t ever change your lifestyle:mjlol: He is happy, but I know he wouldn’t get married if he had a chance at a do over. Grass always greener on the other side though.

Like I said in other threads, marriage = Your entire existence becomes making sure your wife doesn't become unhappy enough to divorce you

fukk that shyt


Even on the court we stay flyy, Jada & A.I.
Nov 18, 2016
wtf are you talking about. is this even english? type correctly before we have this discussion. dieties???? Whaatttt???
:mjlol: Typing on my phone at work, honest mistake . Everything else stands tho...wat is pantheism to you tho? Genuinely curious


Even on the court we stay flyy, Jada & A.I.
Nov 18, 2016
Not ragging on men... just explaining that the members of the coli who believe that having children without having a stable marriage is detrimental to the Black community...

Valid observation... any rationalization of GMB ideology and behavior is an excuse, in my opinion

I agree... women who quit on a non-abusive marriage (cheating is abuse) are problematic as well. But this is not about people who have entered into a marriage. This is about the GMB Black men who refuse to put in work to find a suitable partner and commit.

Superficial women are problematic as well. Rarely is a woman’s superficiality hidden. There are plenty of red flags that highlight that a woman is only about lifestyle and not actually about living. Y’all ain’t ready for that conversation though. This is about the GMB Black men who refuse to put in work to find a suitable partner and commit.
Are you married? If so, why are you on the internet going back and forth with random men whom are not your husband, giving your vain opinions, seeking attention.
Go service your husband, that’s your duty as a wife.......assuming u indeed are married. The only person your opinion truly matters to is him, you have these conversations with him.

You women aren’t wives anymore, even u so called good ones. But that’s cause the men are weak...marriage as it should be is dead because of that.


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
Example A gentleman.

Now imagine being legally and financially tied to this level of solipism where only her viewpoint matters and you get shamed/sex rationed for not yielding to it

Get Married Brehs :hubie:

What in my post stated that only my viewpoint matters? Sex rationed? What is that? Do you believe that marriage means sex on demand?

Are you married? I just want to gauge how you are drawing your conclusions.


night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
Great post bro

"Joking aside, this whole GMB thing is really disgraceful for a self proclaimed black site. Yes, adults step our on each other and marriage can be bad, or even end at times, but this whole wave of not even trying to create a unified home for a child/children is just terrible."

Stop ignoring that women end 71% of divorces. Men don't have commitment issues. There commitment is typically reward with divorce and a judge's thumb up their ass.

I believe blaming women for not being "traditional" is ridiculous, also. There's a host of reasons society has a hard time with "traditional" monogamy.

Hell, it's expected you have fukked 15 different people before you "settle" down. Things have changed.

Women ending 71% of divorces doesnt show who's at fault though, it just shows who ended the marriage. But the court system is absolutely unfair towards men. And of course not ALL men have commitment issues but SOME men have commitment issues. There are women simps too
Now, you're making false equivalences. #GMB isn't #MGTOW. The later is literally some asexual, loser shyt. #GMB is typically a response to unfortunate circumstances involving a simping husband or divorce.

AHH ok. My interpretation was a simp getting played or cheated on then the GMB hashtag pops up as if to say "see brehs, this is why you should never get married" If its just "dont get married if you see red flags or feel pressured to" then I agree. Not even sure what MGTOW is :heh:
I believe the only thing in life that matters is the love of a life partner.

The idea that it can only be achieved through marriage (unless you subscribe to a religion) is baseless.
No issue with that, although I believe that raising kids in 1 happy home beats 2 homes. But I also agree that 2 happy homes is better that 1 lousy home. Marriage is the ultimate commitment and if there is some apprehension then the two shouldnt get married. If the conversation is "so we might have to join accounts?? :patrice: And she would get half if we split" Then I dont think the two are meant to be together. But thats just my theory on marriage and I see you dont agree with that. You view it as a lease and thats cool.
Marriage = Love is the only point I am personally making.

A marriage license is basically a lease to another human being.

You're committing a logic fallacy, my brother.

No, Marriage isn't 0/100 or 100/100. No one should be making the case for either.

But, they are plenty of reasons people are getting married later in life. Our culture adds certain strains to relationships not were not even though of 50 years old.

Our grandparents did not HAVE to have a side hustle. Consumerism wasn't in full swing--most houses did not even have a TV. It wasn't an expectation for a laymen to maintain the live of a proletarian--yearly trips, two cars, cellphone for the family, a bunch of media subscriptions, etc.

Hell, in most places the average income isn't enough to afford the average monthly mortgage.

I'm not correct about everything. But, the fact is; there are many factors that make marriage difficult and non-feasible other than character flaws.

I dont think we're speaking completely different languages

Our society is pretty much trash when it comes to the images of relationships. "Affection" (misperceived lust) is so easily accessible from outsiders its very difficult to remain loyal. Thinking that the grass is greener has always been in play, but nowadays you have 1000s of different neighbors' lawns to look at - at your fingertips. And if anyone is constantly having those impulses I say dont get married. Shouldnt be "Welp, we had an argument. Time to end this over irreconcilable differences because there are plenty of fish in the sea. That pic I posted has 200 likes, Im sure one of those people can make me happy"

For the rest I say go for it and have no fear. Older generations weren't happy all the time but it did give us something to look at for figuring out relationship problems. Society has changed a ton but I disagree with you on this front a bit, I believe the main relationship problems have carried on through history - money, intimacy, communication.[/QUOTE]
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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Ahh ok, well that’s silly. But do u fam :ehh:
no a sky being that judges you is silly.

but you know whats not silly, is being able to know we exist inside of an entity that is billions of years old, we do not understand it, and has clearly created consciousness, its observable despite not being understood fully. but we know it exists. you do not know that a sky being exists, but you do know that the universe does. and you know its intelligent because it created everything around you. can you see the universe? yep. can you see your sky being? so who here is crazy. the one that can see what it believes or the guy that cant? THINK nikka THINK.