The white racism on here is :ohlawd:

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
How was i trying to use subterfuge to trick you? My comments were not even directed at you, you decided to jump in and throw a fit. What have i lied about? I simply edited my post because i didn't want to get into a argument over race. You are making it sound like i edited a horribly racist comment, i simply asked him to provide proof to his assertion. I guess if you provide a different view of "whites are the biggest perpetrators of racism" you are automatically scum, a fakkit, a liar and a devil. This is simply shaming language used to shut down debate. Typical social justice warrior tactic.

"Do you know that all of the things I listed were perpetrated BY white people on other racial/ethnic groups?"

Slavs, who are ethnically white were killed in droves during the holocaust. How is this any different than what happened to the Dinka in Sudan? Ethnic conflict does not mean "whites are the biggest perpetrators"

"that whites have exterminated more OTHER racial groups than any other race has on this planet?"
This is classic "Oppression Olympics" used by many social justice warriors to push an agenda.

Nanking doesn't matter because white men have killed more people!!!!! OMG WHITE MEN!!! Historical ethnic conflict which has happened everywhere in the world doesn't matter because....WHITE MEN!!!! Oppression is simply a numbers game and white men are the leaders on the score board so lets ignore human history to push an agenda! Classic PC "social justice"

"He says that white men are the biggest perpetrators of racism, which they are".

Please provide proof of this? Simply saying "....uhhh derp..the holocaust" is not proof.

I was never trying to "cover my tracks" I asked a simple question, i simply wanted proof of the claim he made. But you can take it personally if you want. You can try to paint me into the category of being some racist white dude but i see exactly what you are doing with that tactic.

Keep distorting world history and the truth so you can live in your Oppression Olympics reality. I am sure all of the 20 year old liberal white girls at community college are impressed by your extreme social justice attitude, but i know exactly what you are doing.

Try harder, cocksucker.

B, just stop. It's over for you.

:ufdup:, you know that don't you? How can I possibly take you seriously when you only really address one half of my post and sidestep the rest of it with half-assed responses? Oh my gosh, just... no. Stop it, b. :obama2:

I saw you staring at this thread for like half an hour, trying to think of a response and the response that I got was truly underwhelming. :no:
May 4, 2012
I think it's adorable that you actually think you can use subterfuge to trick me. Unlike most posters on this board, I don't forget things that people say, white boy.

Do you know that all of the things I listed were perpetrated BY white people on other racial/ethnic groups?

Why is it that the only thing you have to rebut with is incidents of different racial groups exterminating other racial groups that we're not even talking about? How does that disprove that whites have exterminated more OTHER racial groups than any other race has on this planet?


Let me ask you something else. Do you recall this post that I made?

Why is it that when I click on the arrow next to my name in that post, I see myself quoting a post that's no longer there? I wonder....

Why did you edit your previous post, b? Were you trying to hide something?

Fool. Cover your tracks better. You edited the post you responded to in one of the WOAT attempts I've ever seen to make an argument. Unfortunately for you, I remember what the original post was that you quoted. What's even better is that I've highlighted what you highlighted and responded to what's in the post I quoted.

NOWHERE in this post does dude ever say that only white men are racist. Stop it. He says that white men are the biggest perpetrators of racism, which they are.

Scustin TrillberFAKe:

You're a liar and a DEVIL. Don't EVER try to trick me again, b. Know who you're speaking to.

And please, refer to me as a "racist" when you address me. I'll NEVER pretend to like a liar like you.

Change your life, you disgusting excuse of a human being.

B, just stop. It's over for you.

:ufdup:, you know that don't you? How can I possibly take you seriously when you only address one half of my post. Oh my gosh, just... no. Stop it, b. :obama2:

I saw you staring at this thread for like half an hour, trying to think of a response and the response that I got was truly underwhelming. :no:

Can't argue any of the points so now it is over for me? Again, typical PC social justice warrior bullshyt.


May 10, 2012
I don't know why you give those trolls attention, the good White posters here don't even give a fukk


Apr 30, 2012
Being white does entitle you to a certain level of privilege though even if you don't have power you are more likely to be given the benefit of the doubt in certain situations where a black person may not.

basically. If ur black you gotta be twice as good as the white person, or they have to prove/show they are completely inadequate

Oroko Saki

The Shredder
May 15, 2012
Half the dudes saying "Cac this, cac that" are probably white themselves and just pretending to be black.

With that being said, as a whitey it doesnt bother me to see the racism on here. The majority of internet forums are the opposite of what we have here. If u go to boxingscene, theres alotta white american and european posters that constantly make racist comments about black fighters and posters. I could just imagine the things they say country and rock forums...

To my fellow whites, don't be bothered by the racism here. Most of us identify more with the hip hop culture and since its a culture thats constantly shytted on by folks that are the same color as us, I still side with the anti-cac black hip hop culture over our fellow pale skin, cancer prone, small hand, small dikk closed minded saltine eating white brothers and sisters.

At the end of the day though i think racism is really stupid, childish, ignorant, and it exposes the people who choose to be racist as really being insecure.

If only more people listened to KRS One, he tried to teach us

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Tell me moar
May 1, 2012
A few Floors Down from the Daily Grind
The only problem I find on this board is how quickly a comment by a white poster can be called into question.

There is an overt sensitivity to any 'perceived' negative comment towards a black person by many of the posters on here, and probably for obvious reason that I simply would not understand.

However, as someone who truly does not think less of any race/color or creed of people, or feel some sort of superiority because of mine, it can be very frustrating to try and express yourself on this board and not be pulled into racial name calling.

It irritates me to see CAC used all the time, not because it offends me, but because I don't use any terms like that to discuss any other race on here, and if you inserted any other racial term in it's place, it would read horrendously. If you replaced CAC with the N word, you would think we were on st0rmfr0nt. (Not the same thing, but you get what I'm saying).

Racial shyt is complicated and I honestly am apparently pretty ignorant to what goes through the minds of black men around the country, but I doubt many of the white posters on here (on a hip hop based website) are really truly racist as some people perceive them.

Just my two cents.



May 1, 2012
The only problem I find on this board is how quickly a comment by a white poster can be called into question.

There is an overt sensitivity to any 'perceived' negative comment towards a black person by many of the posters on here, and probably for obvious reason that I simply would not understand.

However, as someone who truly does not think less of any race/color or creed of people, or feel some sort of superiority because of mine, it can be very frustrating to try and express yourself on this board and not be pulled into racial name calling.

It irritates me to see CAC used all the time, not because it offends me, but because I don't use any terms like that to discuss any other race on here, and if you inserted any other racial term in it's place, it would read horrendously. If you replaced CAC with the N word, you would think we were on st0rmfr0nt. (Not the same thing, but you get what I'm saying).

Racial shyt is complicated and I honestly am apparently pretty ignorant to what goes through the minds of black men around the country, but I doubt many of the white posters on here (on a hip hop based website) are really truly racist as some people perceive them.

Just my two cents.

I know this "personally I'm not racist" bullshyt makes you and other white liberals feel better, but if you're white and not trying to end the insitution of white supremacy then you're a racist. You can't sit back and reap the benfits of other races being oppressed without sharing some responsibility.