The way I remember it, when NWA were in their prime Public Enemy was always bigger.


Jun 21, 2012
You see...U telling on yourself that u not paying attention to thsi convo. I already excplained why we cant use record sales in the first post. I already explained about how the rebirths have altered sales....eq SOC the movie pushed SOCs album sales. PE never had such rebirths so current sales wouldnt tell us what was what by 1991.

I find it quite odd that you claimed u watched Yo MTV and we all know NWA videos were banned on MTV while PE was getting all the spotlight on MTV. The only place u could find NWA videos was on The Box and Video Music Box(the ny tv show not the call in channel).

And of course your older brothers were raving about NWA....I said it myself thats who I was more attracted to myself...But I also came out of my own feelings of who I liked more (NWA) and had to be objective about who was bigger and it was PE.
lol I read your just doesn't make any sense. You can't discount record sales because it defeats your argument.

From what I've noticed you've basically discounted anything that doesn't fall in PE's favor lol.

NWA's legacy is not just in the late 80s, but it's in the momentum it created for the West Coast popularity of the late 80s and early 90s. Eazy E, DOC, Dr Dre, Snoop, the Dogg Pound, anyone else on Ruthless and Death Row owned both coasts during that time.

You can't just negate that lol. It created a culture of entertainment...NOT just music. It created a forum of discussion about gang violence in the streets AND in popular media and it created a 1st amendment discussion within rap music too. Those were epic changes in music and entertainment that have brought rap music to where it is today. They even created a fashion trend with a sports team. And people not only wore those teams logos, but they also became fans of those teams as well lol.

And I remember those times VERY WELL...and from instant memory...I remember Straight Outta Compton being HUGE in Philly...and everyone having Raiders, and Kings hats and starter jackets.

Hey I might have amnesia...but I don't remember those HUGE flavor Flav clocks being rocked by everyone like the Raiders gear was :manny:

Ask ANYONE who listens to rap or not. ANYWHERE in the country, no matter the state, county or city.....AND I can grantee you they've heard of Compton.

Do you think they ever heard of that place before NWA? nope. That's how deep and far their reach was and is today.

Heck they just put out a movie 2 years ago because of how popular they were back then (which was a hit BTW)

Where's the PE movie at?

And by no means am I saying that PE was not influential....but you're the only person I've ever heard say that it was more influential than NWA. Before this discussion, IMO they weren't any bigger than BDP, Salt n peppa, and other groups and solo artists back then...they just don't stand out as THE group to me from those times. NWA does. Beastie Boys do (although I wasn't a fan) and RUN DMC does (a few years earlier then).
Last edited:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

So let me get this straight. You claim I didnt know the Flav verse but me actually telling u which song it was dont count? Then when I play your game and say the verse You say it took to long even tho that after I told u that the game was stupid because anyone could just google that shyt. And thats what u are holding onto to say I have no credibility in this conversation.


nikka, you never answered the shyt in full you deflection fukk'n artist.
You have yet to answer two of the three fill in the blank questions. I guess you still going through pe's discography hoping you can find it still.

You are a reflection artist nikka.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You see...U telling on yourself that u not paying attention to this convo. I already excplained why we cant use record sales in the first post. I already explained about how the rebirths have altered sales....eq SOC the movie pushed SOCs album sales. PE never had such rebirths so current sales wouldnt tell us what was what by 1991.

I find it quite odd that you claimed u watched Yo MTV and we all know NWA videos were banned on MTV while PE was getting all the spotlight on MTV. The only place u could find NWA videos was on The Box and Video Music Box(the ny tv show not the call in channel).Yet u claimed the ones who were banned are bigger then the ones who got all the spotlight.


So u didnt go to Skate key in 88 or 89 or 1990 nor were u outside during Harlem Week.....And of course your older brothers were raving about NWA....I said it myself thats who I was more attracted to myself...But I also came out of my own feelings of who I liked more (NWA) and had to be objective about who was bigger and it was PE.

This is deflection too.
As you previously tried to cite soil train music awards of all things to make your point. When I was the person who supplied the rant about the complexion of the times and how daytime radio was pioneered through PE and heavy d. Just stop, are on whoopie.
How hard is it to admit you are wrong?

nikka, when I was a noob to dragon ball z and was exposed to what dragon ball was exclusively from the dragon ball z movie. I gave the dragon ball z movie a positive review.
which was met with the boo hiss and nikkaz went to grab the nukes. I had to apologize for not knowing, why can't you.

Art Barr

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
This is deflection too.
As you previously tried to cite soil train music awards of all things to make your point. When I was the person who supplied the rant about the complexion of the times and how daytime radio was pioneered through PE and heavy d. Just stop, are on whoopie.
How hard is it to admit you are wrong?

nikka, when I was a noob to dragon ball z and was exposed to what dragon ball was exclusively from the dragon ball z movie. I gave the dragon ball z movie a positive review.
which was met with the boo hiss and nikkaz went to grab the nukes. I had to apologize for not knowing, why can't you.

Art Barr

:russ: nikka u drunk. Dragon Ball Z? What the fukk?

Say I mentioned Soul Train Awards as mainstream acknowledgement while acting like I didnt post The Source awards as a representaion of the underground which said NWA had album of the year in 91 which I agreed with


You funny.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
lol I read your just doesn't make any sense. You can't discount record sales because it defeats your argumen. From what I've noticed you've basically discounted anything that doesn't fall in PE's favor lol.

NWA's legacy is not just in the late 80s, but it's in the momentum it created for the West Coast popularity of the late 80s and early 90s. Eazy E, DOC, Dr Dre, Snoop, the Dogg Pound, anyone else on Ruthless and Death Row owned both coasts during that time.

You can't just negate that lol. It created a culture of entertainment...NOT just music. It created a forum of discussion about gang violence in the streets AND in popular media and it created a 1st amendment discussion within rap music too. Those were epic changes in music and entertainment that have brought rap music to where it is today.

Heck they just put out a movie 2 years ago because of how popular they were back then (which was a hit BTW)

Where's the PE movie at?

And by no means am I saying that PE was not influential....but you're the only person I've ever heard say that it was more influential than NWA. Before this discussion, IMO they weren't any bigger than BDP, Salt n peppa, and other groups and solo artists back then...they just don't stand out as THE group to me from those times. NWA does. Beastie Boys do (although I wasn't a fan) and RUN DMC does (a few years earlier then).

Dude...I agee with everything u just said.

But I didnt say anything about PE being "more influential"..I said that PE was bigger then NWA during their prime. U obviously haven't read what I posted cuz I been said NWA were more influential......Trap musik is the grandson of Gangster rap, yet there is no conscious hip hop on that PE level unless its deep in the underground. I do find it odd that u keep bigging up Beastie Boys as if the hood was bumping them...Nobody in the hood was fukking with that Pauls Boutiqe like that yet u bigging them up over PE. I also find it odd that u acknowledge Run DMC when they were falling off right when PE and NWA was making noise.

I mean I agree with everything u said about NWA (except u misquoting me about them being more influential) but for you to say PE were just a lil bigger then EPMD makes u look suspect at u actually knowing their impact. Had u said DJ Jazzy Jeff and the fresh prince maybe...but Not EPMD. I honestly think u just weren't up on PE like that for u to say they were a 'lil bigger' then EPMD. That stands out. And I loved 88-92 EPMD to death but would never say that.

And props on being cordial and not being childish with the disagreements like previous posters :ehh:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
NWA is the Greatest Hip Hop Group in Hip Hop History, Period.

Questlove said Hip Hop have to halves, Before NWA and After NWA...Nuff Said


Where the dice game at?
May 26, 2012
Whoever was more popular at that time it don't matter to me I accepted both


Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Whoever was more popular at that time it don't matter to me I accepted both

NWA is the Greatest Hip Hop Group in Hip Hop History, Period.

Questlove said Hip Hop have to halves, Before NWA and After NWA...Nuff Said

The irony of these 2 last posts

I posters name is Flav
the other poster has Do The Right Thing all up in his avi. :obama:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I'd give that title to Wu Tang Clan. As a group they surpassed NWA, Run DMC and everyone else not named Outkast. NWA died in 1991 and was buried when Eazy passed.

Yeah, you one of them won't admit when you completely wrong face ass nikkaz.

You a phoney wanna argue type cat.
You don't know this shyt like that at all.
Wu tang would not even exist wit covert rhyming if NWA did not exist.
Wu tang could never have come out and made an argument for cultural cred given the sellout past of Raheem before he became rza. If rza had not of gone into covert rhyming and the argument of how much to bend the cowboy edict that still existed in tact at that point in time culturally. That allowed cultural Mecca based groups to have more wiggle room in the argument of content around the cowboy edict in that time to also not get left behind from the sheer brazen in your face HARDEST OF ALL TIME PACKAGED content of NWA.

like you ate fukk'n tweak'n.
I sat there civil as fukk and just laid the beginning of this shyt down for other posters to fill included and add on.
As just a gracious courtesy I show posters over these twenty years that has made me into good ol papa Barr in this neck of my fukk'n cavern which is all of the fukk'n coli.
Yet I will be cot damned't.
If I sets here one mo...
Motherfukk'n minute through hour complete assinine from the Mecca but do not really know this shyt headfake shyt.
nikka pub-fukk'n lease.

Look breh-foo,..
You wrong as fukk and on this Wu tang and all this other shyt you posted you tweak'n than a motherfukker on too.

Look you wrong breh-foo...

Calm down stfu admit you were wrong.
Give the other posters who definitely could easily handle this handle it. As this is a simple casual general fan with a little knowledge known answer. That a child into rap would know that you evidently don't and no level of I am from the Mecca blinders head fake bullshyt is gonna help you either.

Look breh-foo NWA terraformd a whole region that includes all the states not ny, jers, VA. Like for real, I am a bboy.
Yet in general outside the culture ther is NWA and then there is hiphop and it just is.
To sit and deny it is just a bold face lie.
Rap right and all of life is what ruthless records was in basic scope to include all the artist ever affiliated with ruthless and its family tree of artist even down to auto tune evolving from Roger Troutman and just the fact dre comes from ruthless, breh-foo.
When rap was segregated from hiphop by puff. After puff 2ooo flopped you know in legacy what the scope in th industry went to. All NWA shyt in basic scope. So just stop playing and admit you were wrong.
I dunno who you are.
this is America and they got a place for everybody at the table, tho.

Art Barr

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Yeah, you one of them won't admit when you completely wrong face ass nikkaz.

Art Barr


Art Bar u are hilarious

You been going on and on about me not admitting I'm wrong yet u said nothing to the weirdo who said I was white that u co signed. Come on guy, how can I take u serious after that? Never once did u tell that weirdo to admit he was wrong....And he disrespected me as a person. Yet you closed your eyes to that and wanna go on and on about admiting wrong concerning a disagreement about music which is less important.
