lol I read your just doesn't make any sense. You can't discount record sales because it defeats your argument.You see...U telling on yourself that u not paying attention to thsi convo. I already excplained why we cant use record sales in the first post. I already explained about how the rebirths have altered sales....eq SOC the movie pushed SOCs album sales. PE never had such rebirths so current sales wouldnt tell us what was what by 1991.
I find it quite odd that you claimed u watched Yo MTV and we all know NWA videos were banned on MTV while PE was getting all the spotlight on MTV. The only place u could find NWA videos was on The Box and Video Music Box(the ny tv show not the call in channel).
And of course your older brothers were raving about NWA....I said it myself thats who I was more attracted to myself...But I also came out of my own feelings of who I liked more (NWA) and had to be objective about who was bigger and it was PE.
From what I've noticed you've basically discounted anything that doesn't fall in PE's favor lol.
NWA's legacy is not just in the late 80s, but it's in the momentum it created for the West Coast popularity of the late 80s and early 90s. Eazy E, DOC, Dr Dre, Snoop, the Dogg Pound, anyone else on Ruthless and Death Row owned both coasts during that time.
You can't just negate that lol. It created a culture of entertainment...NOT just music. It created a forum of discussion about gang violence in the streets AND in popular media and it created a 1st amendment discussion within rap music too. Those were epic changes in music and entertainment that have brought rap music to where it is today. They even created a fashion trend with a sports team. And people not only wore those teams logos, but they also became fans of those teams as well lol.
And I remember those times VERY WELL...and from instant memory...I remember Straight Outta Compton being HUGE in Philly...and everyone having Raiders, and Kings hats and starter jackets.
Hey I might have amnesia...but I don't remember those HUGE flavor Flav clocks being rocked by everyone like the Raiders gear was

Ask ANYONE who listens to rap or not. ANYWHERE in the country, no matter the state, county or city.....AND I can grantee you they've heard of Compton.
Do you think they ever heard of that place before NWA? nope. That's how deep and far their reach was and is today.
Heck they just put out a movie 2 years ago because of how popular they were back then (which was a hit BTW)
Where's the PE movie at?
And by no means am I saying that PE was not influential....but you're the only person I've ever heard say that it was more influential than NWA. Before this discussion, IMO they weren't any bigger than BDP, Salt n peppa, and other groups and solo artists back then...they just don't stand out as THE group to me from those times. NWA does. Beastie Boys do (although I wasn't a fan) and RUN DMC does (a few years earlier then).
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