"the universe is listening; be careful what you say in it"

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
I discovered that physical exercise speeds up manifestations:banderas:

It's a wrap now, I got this world figured out
This is something I know intuitively seeing you say that and I know I’ve done it in the past :wow:


Drop the story of how you’ve done it and come to this realization breh

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
:mindblown: gotta break out of this loop breh :steviej:

i was just readin my posts about 12/21 and pocket realities/backdoors in the coding again 2 days ago. i put in some work on that since then :sas2:

75% of the posters in this thread werent here at the time

im taking credit for the seahawks miracle and perhaps hall's recovery :youngsabo::mjpls:
Can you link up those posts breh


Nov 19, 2016
Naija / DMV
By beast chip, do you mean like the biblical mark of the beast?

I'm not saying this idea is either right or wrong, but why do people today consider chip implantation synonymous with it? It feels like the chip theory really gained traction in the 90's when computers and the internet really started taking off, but since then people have kind of taken that theory as gospel.

The chip seems to be another wave of trendiness. People are saying how cool it is to go to work and use their chips to open doors or access computers. In some countries, people enter clubs with their chips and pay for drinks with their chips. It seems more like a trendy, high-society thing of people merging with liveable technology. In the name of convenience, it is being pushed as cool. The cult of coolness is a funny thing.

I'm not sure it is the mark of the beast. But people should question why they want it and whether they only want it because of the flashy marketing.

Word. It is incredibly invasive for it to just be a trend to do just for the sake of being the "next thing".

This chip this is pretty much synonymous with the mark of the beast. Biblically, in Revelations, those who don't have the mark of the beast will be excluded from the marketplace.

If you really put on your thinking caps, you'll see that society is already headed towards this sort of trajectory.

Right now, in the developed world at least, we process more and more transactions without cash. We have apps like Apple Pay and G-Pay that use your fingerprint or face for verification. You got Apple Watches with heart rate monitors and the like. The whole IoT (internet of things) is based on a platform of essentially putting a chip in everything to gather and analyze data for the sake of making a "smarter" world.

There are already some stores in the US that do not take cash and only take CC. What's saying some years from now companies will only take people that have been chipped?
May 28, 2012
Just got put onto this thread and only read the first post, had to drop my 2 cents.

Consciousness DOES in fact create reality, "the secret" and other manifestation techniques DO work, this has always been known to the initiates of the mystery schools. HOWEVER, using this power only for the service of self is considered black magic and should never be used for such purposes, lest the perpetrator incur negative karma and attract negative energies/entities to themselves.

Using these abilities/powers for the service of others however is a noble use and looked upon favorably by the spiritual worlds. The prolific Christian initiate Rudolf Steiner, who is the greatest clairavoyant/spiritual initiate in recorded history died from being poisoined. Prior to this there reportedly was another assasination attempt which he foresaw, using his supersensible faculties but refused to do anything to avoid it, claiming it would be using his abilities to benefit himself, which he said was black magic. Apparently associates of his became aware of the plot and came to his aid but he was willing to die rather than use his clairavoyant abilities to benefit himself.

Brothers, please consider what using manifestation techniques to satisfy your selfish desires and egoistic inclinations is doing to better yourself/the world. If it is not aiding in your spiritual growth and/or serving others continue at your own peril, you will incur karmic debts you likely are not prepared to pay.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Just got put onto this thread and only read the first post, had to drop my 2 cents.

Consciousness DOES in fact create reality, "the secret" and other manifestation techniques DO work, this has always been known to the initiates of the mystery schools. HOWEVER, using this power only for the service of self is considered black magic and should never be used for such purposes, lest the perpetrator incur negative karma and attract negative energies/entities to themselves.

Using these abilities/powers for the service of others however is a noble use and looked upon favorably by the spiritual worlds. The prolific Christian initiate Rudolf Steiner, who is the greatest clairavoyant/spiritual initiate in recorded history died from being poisoined. Prior to this there reportedly was another assasination attempt which he foresaw, using his supersensible faculties but refused to do anything to avoid it, claiming it would be using his abilities to benefit himself, which he said was black magic. Apparently associates of his became aware of the plot and came to his aid but he was willing to die rather than use his clairavoyant abilities to benefit himself.

Brothers, please consider what using manifestation techniques to satisfy your selfish desires and egoistic inclinations is doing to better yourself/the world. If it is not aiding in your spiritual growth and/or serving others continue at your own peril, you will incur karmic debts you likely are not prepared to pay.

The using the powers for the greater Good rather than for self/ego is a gem that clears a lot of things up for me. Because whether you're looking into ancient African practices, esoteric views of the bible, fraternal organizations, Eastern philosophy, quantum physics, etc, there is a lot of intersectionality. And a lot of the conspiracy and philosophical practices and rituals that are used for evil seem to also have plenty of similarities with esoteric science, spirituality, and religion -- only used differently.

I guess intention is everything. Like how in Star Wars, the Force is the Force, but you can choose the Jedi path or the dark side.

I'm up on guys like Neville Goddard and Reverend Ike, but never heard of Rudolf before, so I'll be sure to check out his interpretation of Christian belief.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Funny, I began listening to lectures by Neville Goddard before I heard of Rev. Ike (which is odd apparently for an AfAm from Harlem).

Anyway, in one of his lectures he mentions how his second favorite book to the Bible is Neville Goddard's book "Resurrection". I have both that and the "Law and the Promise", but you can find all of Neville's books and lectures online and on YouTube.

Another interesting thing is that Neville and Joseph Murphy had the same teacher, an Ethiopian Jew named Abdullah who taught them "the Law". It sounds easy until you get down to actually focusing and honing your imagination/subconscious or whatever you want to call it, and having complete faith. These men knew what they were doing.

eta: spoke to my grandma the day after posting this about the rev and she told me that years ago she went to his church uptown before and there were literally bags of money being taken in. When I mentioned him to her first thing she said was Reverend Ike had "lots of money and lots of cars" :ohlawd:
Brother Ike and Neville Goddard have been my guys for a while. I knew that Goddard and others came up under Abdullah the mystic, but just the other day, I finally decided to read up on Abdullah and the info I found blew my crown chakra off :wow:

All this time, I pictured Abdullah as a fat, old Ethiopian breh with gray dreads who didn't speak English who gave Neville the game on his death bed.

Turns out, "Abdullah" was born Arnold Josiah Ford, and is a cat who grew up in Barbados and moved to Harlem during the Renaissance. He got down with Marcus Garvey and was part of that movement, and refused to snitch on Garvey when the feds started investigating :wow:

It wasn't until the last years of his life that he and 100 other black jews moved to Ethiopia, where Haile Selassie broke them off with hundreds of acres of land.

The reason this is so amazing to me is guys like Goddard and Murphy's teachings are so prolific and widespread that in my imagination I pictured them learning from some ancient-looking brother who has never been photographed and may not have even existed. To find out that it was a Caribbean/New York dude that put in work and was with the shyts before retiring to the Mother Land makes Abdullah so much more relatable to me and a point of pride.

It also adds to the mystique of the spiritual elevation that came out of New York, between the NOI, 5 percenters, black Jews, etc. Cool to know that we were instrumental in spreading and furthering Christian mysticism also.

Biography of Rabbi Arnold Josiah Ford

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Just got put onto this thread and only read the first post, had to drop my 2 cents.

Consciousness DOES in fact create reality, "the secret" and other manifestation techniques DO work, this has always been known to the initiates of the mystery schools. HOWEVER, using this power only for the service of self is considered black magic and should never be used for such purposes, lest the perpetrator incur negative karma and attract negative energies/entities to themselves.

Using these abilities/powers for the service of others however is a noble use and looked upon favorably by the spiritual worlds. The prolific Christian initiate Rudolf Steiner, who is the greatest clairavoyant/spiritual initiate in recorded history died from being poisoined. Prior to this there reportedly was another assasination attempt which he foresaw, using his supersensible faculties but refused to do anything to avoid it, claiming it would be using his abilities to benefit himself, which he said was black magic. Apparently associates of his became aware of the plot and came to his aid but he was willing to die rather than use his clairavoyant abilities to benefit himself.

Brothers, please consider what using manifestation techniques to satisfy your selfish desires and egoistic inclinations is doing to better yourself/the world. If it is not aiding in your spiritual growth and/or serving others continue at your own peril, you will incur karmic debts you likely are not prepared to pay.

Interesting post to username correlation.